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Draw a Stickman. 30 Day Drawing Challenge. Figures by Jeremy Mann — The Tree mag. Makani on deviantART. Cool gadgets for creative offices. The Psychology of Color [Infographic] Download the infographic as a PDF Embed this image on your site:

The Psychology of Color [Infographic]

Most gawked all-time. Snark handbook, snide book, funny book. Wildly Witty Snark: biting wit, a smart remark or a sly and disparaging comment.

snark handbook, snide book, funny book

It's impossible to go a full day without using the art of snark, so why fight it when you can embrace it and have fun! This lively collection, including such chapters as "Snark Hall of Fame" and "The Best Snarky Responses to Everyday Dumbassness", will provide hours of entertainment and great training for the not-so-sassy individuals out there. Guaranteed to make you laugh and possibly make someone else cry. Society6 - StumbleUpon. Photography & Design & Inspiration - StumbleUpon.