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NaturopathicRx is a naturopathic medical clinic that combines natural medicine with modern science to restore and optimize health.

Menopause Treatment From the Experienced Naturopathic Doctors in Rancho Santa Fe. As your local naturopathic doctors in Rancho Santa Fe, we specialize in modalities that provide significant menopause relief for so many of our female patients in their forties and fifties.

Menopause Treatment From the Experienced Naturopathic Doctors in Rancho Santa Fe

One of the more powerful modalities to treat menopause symptoms is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (b-HRT). Although it is one of the most effective and proven menopause treatments, many of our patients do want to know more about how it works, where the hormones come from, and that it is a safe treatment for them. And we always strive to provide the highest quality, informed care so our patients can feel confident in choosing their treatment plan… so here we go! First off, a couple of basics about our reproductive hormones: Estradiol or E2 is primarily produced by the ovaries and is the “work-horse” estrogen during the reproductive years. Boost Your Body’s Nutrient Stores With IV Therapy & Vitamin Injections. As you may already be aware, nutrient IV therapy and vitamin injections are powerful tools that can be used to quickly boost the body’s nutrient stores and maximize concentrations inside the cell.

Boost Your Body’s Nutrient Stores With IV Therapy & Vitamin Injections.

The benefits of IV therapy and nutrient injections are that they allow for 100 percent absorption as well as optimal nutrient bioavailability because we completely bypass the digestive system. You receive the nutrients in their unaltered and most-active form. Both IV and injection delivery of nutrients can be extremely helpful for patients with low stomach acid, absorption issues, low pancreatic function, IBS, colitis and other digestive tract conditions treated by naturopathic doctors. There are, however, some important differences between these two medical treatments that patients should take into consideration when they are thinking about supplementing their dietary and oral nutrient intake. The biggest difference is the route of delivery (in the vein vs. in the muscle). Treat Your Skin Conditions With Naturopathic Medicines. We love microneedling!

Treat Your Skin Conditions With Naturopathic Medicines

Why do we love it? Because microneedling produces results. And also because it is in-line with the principles of naturopathic medicine in that it is utilizing the body’s own powerful ability to heal, regenerate, and build healthy cells and tissues. Address the symptoms of Menopause with Naturopathic Medicine. News flash… women get hot flashes.

Address the symptoms of Menopause with Naturopathic Medicine

But did you know that approximately 80% of women will experience hot flashes in their peri-menopausal years? Eighty percent! You are not alone. Boost your Immune System to fight Flu Season with Naturopathic Medicine. Ahhh, September is upon us!

Boost your Immune System to fight Flu Season with Naturopathic Medicine

The kids are back to school, summer vacations are behind us and the holiday season is around the corner. Time to start thinking about Naturopathic Medicine for the long winter ahead! Typically at this time of year people knuckle down and get refocused. Moms and Dads get super busy making sure the kids settle into their new class or school, they start to think about what they want to get done before the Holidays and they put a big effort into their jobs and/or businesses.

IV Therapy for Menopause and Its Benefits. It’s simple.

IV Therapy for Menopause and Its Benefits

Nutrient IV therapy is an easy, quick and very safe way to deliver nutrients with 100% absorption. IV = IntraVenous therapy… meaning that during IV therapy we are accessing your venous system to introduce nutrients “intra” / directly inside the vein. Holistic and Naturopathic Medicine: What is the difference? We get asked this A LOT.

Holistic and Naturopathic Medicine: What is the difference?

Is there a difference between Naturopathic Medicine and Holistic Medicine? And the answer is a matter of semantics. Naturopathic medicine indicates care that is provided by a naturopathic medical doctor who has attended a 4-year accredited medical doctoral program and whose patient care is guided by a set of six naturopathic principles.

Where “holistic medicine” is simply the practice of looking at each patient from the stand-point of treating the whole person. That is, complete care that is inclusive of a mind, body and spirit. Enjoy summers and avoid Menstrual and Menopause Blues. Summer is in full swing… and with that are all of the amazing outdoor activities that go with it.

Enjoy summers and avoid Menstrual and Menopause Blues

It’s swimsuit season, as they say! And during swimsuit season, some women find their menstrual cycles can become even more disruptive, leaving them left to sit some activities out. We work with a lot of women who struggle with symptoms associated with perimenopause, menopause and heavy, painful periods that can often interrupt days planned at the beach. Because who wants to wear a swimsuit when you are having hot flashes, cramping, bloating or just feeling blah.