NatureNurture provides Complete School Solutions &Turnkey Solutions for new and existing school projects by providing customized curriculums.
Digital School Solutions India - Classroom Solution. Get The Curriculum and Books for Preschool. Sending child to a preschool has become an essential part of early education.
In India, kids of age more than two and around three starts their pre-school and finish it at the age of four or five. At these learning centers, teachers focus on improving the gross-motor skills, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, color/letters/shapes/numbers recognition, and many more skills of the young ones. But, how do teachers assess that the child has learned what a normal kid of his/her age must know during pre-school years?
Let’s look into the different ways of assessment of preschool kids. Internal assessmentsSome preschools conduct internal assessments on bi-annual or annual basis. Activities and competitionsYou must have seen preschools conducting a lot of activities for the little ones almost every month. Informal assessmentsIn some preschools, teachers do informal assessment instead of a personal interaction with the child. Montessori Curriculum for Preschool - Start a New School. Contact NatureNurture for Smart Education Management Solutions in India. With many digital platforms, booking tickets, shopping, banking, and many other jobs have become hassle-free.
Schooling is one area, where digitalisation has helped tremendously, especially during COVID-19. The education management solutions in India have made it easier for education institutions and students to exchange learning in a more convenient way. There are many e-learning solutions available to cater to the changing needs to schools and colleges. Let’s learn more about these solutions. Activity Classes for Children - Enhance Critical Thinking. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Mahatma Gandhi IntroductionActivity-based learning evidently has two major components, activities and learning. It is seen as a process where activities play a key role in learning. Activity is defined as an exposure to a situation involving actions and movements. As Richard E. NatureNurture - Learning Process and Programmes for Schools. Daily planning for the classroom is an important part of the teaching and learning process.
It is an effective way to hold our classrooms in a systematic and effective manner that will contribute extensively to our learner’s knowledge and in her holistic development. Daily planning helps educators be more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow during the class. Proper planning also helps us as educators to achieve our set learning outcomes and helps us to design our learning objectives with more clarity and precision. Not only daily planning helps us to achieve our learning outcomes, it rather helps us to adopt the most suitable and effective techniques in our classroom, as it gives the educator more clarity of the concept/theme being done in the classroom. In today’s time when the brick and mortar classrooms have turned into zoom or google meet classrooms, it becomes more important to plan on a daily basis.
Opening New School - Montessori Curriculum for Preschool in India. Education Marketing Tactics New Schools can Leverage in 2020 Author : Nature Nurture | Published On : 28 Jan 2021 Opening new school in India is not less than an exhausting and long work.
With many competitors around, making a mark for your new establishment could be overwhelming. Having right marketing strategy in place can turn out to be a real game changer. So here we are, with the top three education marketing tactics to make it work for you. Digital Education Transformation - Best Indian Education System. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we look at the situations.
It has taught us that change is the only constant, and with future being unpredictable, we should be prepared for the adversities. While all the sectors have undergone an overhaul due to the pandemic, education is one of the most impacted domains. With schools completely shut down for months, there are no options other than to embrace technology and use it for betterment of students.
While private schools have already been under digital transformation in education industry, and were the first ones to go digital, public education sector has suffered unexpectedly. If we go by the numbers, India has not been a real performer in terms of elementary and secondary education. Contact NatureNurture for Smart School Solutions. Smart boards have transformed the learning process in classrooms.
These interactive, smart school solutions have replaced the overhead projector that most of the classes were equipped with. It won’t be wrong to say that smart boards can enrich the curriculum as they make learning more fun and interactive. If you don’t believe us, here are a few points explaining how smart boards are adding value to classroom learning. InteractiveSmart boards get an edge over traditional ways of teaching because they are interactive. The videos and slides shown via these boards get the attention of children and keep them engaged. Get Activity Based Learning for Kindergarten - Education Solution. Online learning is no longer a not-so-practical approach, especially for schools and educational institutions that are utilising the technology optimally to ensure learning doesn’t suffer.
But, we all do agree that distance learning has terribly failed at removing the feeling of being distant from the teachers. Don’t lose hope because there are ways teachers can try to minimise the distance between them and kids through distance learning. 1. Connect with students Many students, especially the little ones might not have even met their classroom teachers in-person because it’s going to be one year that pandemic brought everything to a standstill. Educational Company for School Management Services in India.
It is true that if a young mind continues listening to what it cannot do, it will lower the self-confidence and became a hurdle in their overall growth.
Thus, many school management services providers, especially those dealing with creating customised curriculums can’t stress enough on the importance of asset-based approach. In simple words, the approach focuses on the strengths of the student so that teachers can plan how to work with the child to promote growth mindset. How to adopt the approach? Get The Primary School Curriculum in India for Your Little One. This, however, isn’t as easy as it seems.
A preschool lays the foundation of your child, so make sure you settle for nothing less than the best for the little one. The preschool curriculum India is one important factor that parents need to keep in mind, when choosing a school for their little one. Having said, let’s look at what all is covered in a preschool curriculum. What’s there in the curriculum? Educational Company - Best Education Solution Providers in India. Technology in education has brought new life to the process of teaching and learning. Gone are the days when resources like good teachers and the course material were available at limited places. Technology had profoundly altered the entire ecosystem of teaching and learning. Now, learners from a very remote location have access to the best teacher and content available from any part of the world, as a result learning can happen Anytime and from Anywhere. Having said, let’s look at the ways education solution providers in India are bringing a paradigm shift in the system through digitalization.
Nursery School Curriculum in India - Activity Based Learning for Kindergarten Students. The Art of Making Kids Good Listeners Author : Nature Nurture | Published On : 22 Dec 2020 Children, especially the pre-scholars and kindergarteners have little attention span. Teachers and parents often have a tough time making these early learners listen. The reason being that listening is not just about hearing. One has to process and understand the what has been said. But, how do we do it?
Get Primary School Curriculum in India for Pre-Primary Education. Running a pre-school is altogether a different ball game. Though the number of preschools is increasing significantly, the competition is getting stiffer. It is not difficult to find a pre-school in even a small community. So, how will you ensure that your primary school stands out in the game? The behaviour of modern day students and parents is changing, which is again forcing the educators to tweak their offerings. The conventional method of teaching is not preferred, and so are the schools that have stick to the same old format.
What do we need? There’s a dire need of out-of-the-box concepts that meet the expectations of parents and benefit the students. . • Indian parents prefer experiential learning. . • Having a customised curriculum for pre primary education can also bring a positive change. Opening a Private School in India for Kids Study. In this market, India has a big share. It is one of the largest education systems with more than 2 million schools. If we talk about recent numbers, around 35.7 million students enrolled in higher education and India will have largest higher education market by the end of 2025. So, if you are planning of opening new school in India, it could mean a world of opportunities.
Opening a private school in India is, however, easier said than done. The competition is stiff and expectations are high. Understand the market Conducting a market survey is the best way to understand the feasibility of opening a school in a specific area. Marketing. Complete Kindergarten Syllabus and Curriculum. “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~ Stacia Tauscher We talk about education incessantly. We discuss and we debate about the state of the education system in our country and the need for better and more universities. I often wonder whether we are headed in the right direction. Should we focus our attention elsewhere, instead of higher education? What will ensure the best education for the citizens of tomorrow?
We must begin by understanding the meaning of this word “education”. Everyone accepts that education is a big challenge now. Universities like Harvard conduct empirical studies that track children’s performance through nursery to university. Investment in education begins with the parents’ decision to bring another life into this world. 21st Century Skills for Students - Digital Transformation. “As leaders in education, our job is not to control those whom we serve, but to unleash their talent. Get Innovative Learning Solutions to Kids Learn New Things. Why Extracurricular Activities Can’t Be Ignored at Schools? Author : Nature Nurture | Published On : 25 Nov 2020 Believe it or not, extracurricular activities can bring a lot of positive change in personalities of students.
Not every student needs to be equally good in academics. Get Primary School Curriculum and Upgrade New Concepts. Schools have an important role in defining the shape of society. Math Lab for Schools - Language Lab in School. Digital Learning Solutions - Digital School Solutions. Digitalization has entered everywhere, be it our home, office or schools. If we specifically talk about schools, students are being taught with the help of videos, smart boards and other digital methods. Dynamic and Integrated Curriculum - NatureNurture. As the world around us is changing rapidly, there is a great need for us to change the way we teach. Smart Learning Technology - Digital Classroom Solution.
“What you sow is what you reap”. This adage is as true as ‘Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders”. The Preschool Curriculum in India - Pre-primary Learning Curriculum. School Book Publishers in India - Education Publishers. Our society has given teachers the utmost place and respect. They are an integral part of the education system, but the future of our children depends on them. International Curriculum - Learning Management System. Understanding the Difference Between CBSE, ISCE and IB Board Author : Nature Nurture | Published On : 29 Oct 2020 India is a vast country with different religions, climates and food habits. The difference is, however, not restricted to these three criteria, even the education system is versatile.
Over the years, CBSE and ICSE were the two main education boards in the country, but IB and IGCSE have recently made their presence felt. Technology and Digital Transformation in Schools. Posted by Nature Nurture on October 29th, 2020 COVID-19 has taken over the world. Curriculum Consultants in India - Curriculum Company. With education becoming easily accessible through online learning as well as institutions opening rapidly everywhere, getting students’ admissions isn’t easy. Student enrolment is one of the biggest challenges, especially when it is a new school. So, here are a few aspects you need to consider that might impact the admissions positively. Marketing & Communication. NatureNurture - Design the Customized Curriculum. 21st Century Skills for Students : NatureNurture. NatureNurture : Nursery School Curriculum in Delhi. NatureNurture : Pre-primary Curriculum for Learning in School. NatureNurture - Digital Transformation In Education For 2020. Smart Learning Technology - NatureNurture.
Top Merits of Digital Transformation in Education of the Kindergartner – NatureNurture Eduserv Pvt. Ltd. Important Things to Check in an International Curriculum. Key Benefits of Smart Learning Technology - NatureNurture's soup. Top Things Children Should Learn in Kindergarten - NatureNurture's soup. NatureNurture — Everything Teachers Must Know to Foster Positive... Major Challenges of Online learning in India After COVID-19. Naturenurture [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Rebooting Education With E-learning.
How to Develop Culturally Responsive Teaching During COVID-19 Outbreak? - NatureNurture's soup. NatureNurture — How to Prepare Yourself for Leading an... 5 Excellent Qualities of an Ideal Textbook – NatureNurture Eduserv Pvt. Ltd. Naturenurture [licensed for non-commercial use only] / What All to Consider While Selecting the Best Syllabus for Kindergarten Kids. The Importance of Incorporating Experiential Learning in the Curriculum - NatureNurture's soup. NatureNurture — Top 5 Activity-based Learning Can Help Your Kids... What are the Benefits of Using Smart School Solutions? Naturenurture [licensed for non-commercial use only] / 12 Amazing Tips to Make Your Kid Smart and a School Champ. Why You Should Make Smart Learning Techniques an Integral Part of Your School’s Culture? - NatureNurture's soup.
How to Support Your Student’s Education Remotely During Covid 19 Outbreak? Benefits of Digital Learning Management System. Digital Language & Math Labs for School. Choose the Right Learning Solutions for Schools. Top Play Based Learning Activities for Preschoolers. Play-Based Learning Solutions & Book for School. Smart & Effective Learning Management System. Choose the Best School Curriculum for Your Teens. CBSE & International Curriculum in India. India's Leading Education Management Companies in India. Digital Learning Products & Solutions for Schools. Creativity and Innovation Primary School Curriculum in India. Innovative Learning Management Solution. Well Established School Book Publishers in India. Essential Books for School - NatureNurture. Integrated Learning Solutions for Schools. NatureNurture: Largest School Book Publisher in India. Smart School Solutions with Advanced Technology. Digital Learning Products for Primary School in India.
Choose Your Best Curriculum Consultants in India. Activity Based Learning Solution for Children. Incorporate Innovative Learning Solution for Education. Benefits of Innovation Labs for School. Advantages Smart School Solutions and Activity Classes. NatureNurture: School Book Publishers in India. NatureNurture: School Book Publisher in India. NatureNurture: Benefits of Math Lab for School. Effective Language Labs for Schools India. NatureNurture: Play-based Learning for Children. Best Digital Learning Products & Services in India. Nature Nurture: Innovative & Integrated Learning Solution. NatureNurture: Best Book for School in India.