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Rent-a-Goat in Action! Clearing Brush the Way Nature Intended It. Photo: Rent-a-Ruminent LLC We've written many times about goats being used to replace lawnmowers and to clear brush (for example, in Arizona, in North-Carolina, and even at Google's Mountainview HQ). Well, we can now add to that list the Seattle-based Rent-a-Ruminant company. More before & after pics below.

Why Goats? Goats have many advantages:They have a low impact on the environment due to their cloven hooves.They are natural climbers and love steep slopes and uneven terrain.They can go where machinery and other modes of brush removal are not allowed to go.They are cost effective in many situations.They are walking fertilizer factories.People love the goats!

Also, "Goats are becoming very popular with construction companies. See also: What is Yahoo! Professional Athletes: 351, Nerds: 1…… HAH! - Up Next In Sports - Funny Sports Pictures, Tiger Woods Fails. Dreamlines. The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments. Psychology is the study of the human mind and mental processes in relation to human behaviors - human nature. Due to its subject matter, psychology is not considered a 'hard' science, even though psychologists do experiment and publish their findings in respected journals. Some of the experiments psychologists have conducted over the years reveal things about the way we humans think and behave that we might not want to embrace, but which can at least help keep us humble. That's something. 1. 'Lord of the Flies': Social Identity Theory The Robbers Cave Experiment is a classic social psychology experiment conducted with two groups of 11-year old boys at a state park in Oklahoma, and demonstrates just how easily an exclusive group identity is adopted and how quickly the group can degenerate into prejudice and antagonism toward outsiders.

Researcher Muzafer Sherif actually conducted a series of 3 experiments. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Turns out that it's all about framing. 6731991if7.jpg from 118.jpg from ArtPad.