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Google teste son réseau social : Google+ Google espère concurrencer Facebook avec Google+, son réseau social "maison" actuellement en phase de test dont l'accès n'est possible que sur invitation. L'interface, elle, rappelle celle de Facebook avec des photos de profil, un fil d'actualités central, mais aussi avec quelques petites particularités comme ces contacts regroupés en "cercles" d'amis. Comme sur Facebook, il est aussi possible de partager des vidéos, des photos et différentes informations avec tout son réseau ou certains cercles seulement (famille, amis proches, contacts pro, etc.), sans oublier la possibilité de tchater en vidéo. Google+ assure forcément que les données confidentielles de ses membres seront mieux protégées que sur Facebook.

Cela reste à voir... Mais comment faire pour déloger les internautes de Facebook ? Co-création d'internautes : succès ou échec ?

Social Analytics

HootSuite Reinvents Social Analytics ~ Custom Reports to Measure Success. From new networks to more mobile, HootSuite has come a long way in just a short while. Thanks to all the Hoot-Fans who fly with us, the dashboard has surpassed a million users, won awards from Mashable and the CNMAs (and more!) And had plenty of feedback to inspire us to push for even better features and more functionality. Today we’re thrilled to celebrate yet another milestone, and this one’s all about you. Get ready to see your world of social in a whole new light… HootSuite Social Analytics are here. Social Results Simplified HootSuite Social Analytics provide you with a better view of your social spaces with new, more powerful analytics tools, more ways to measure, and customizable reports, all of which are designed to track campaign success and help you understand the return on your social media investment.

Now you can: See the HootSuite Social Analytics in action: A special thanks goes to the Salteens for their song – Everything They Know About Us See What’s New Get Started. Social Media SEO - 4 Social Media Marketing & Optimization Tips. The sheer volume of social media marketing and search engine optimization advice posted online can make it difficult for companies to make sense out what direction they should take. There are many models and approaches to leveraging optimized content for discovery through search and how to develop social networks to engage customers and promote content. It comes down to fundamentals and I think the following Four pieces of the Social SEO puzzle can help companies of any size get started in a more meaningful way on their journey towards becoming productive on the social web.

Listening, Content, Socialize and Measure could just as well be represented as a cycle, but I think the forward direction is important because you can’t reach outcomes without action. Any good social media marketing effort needs to begin with some kind of Listening program. That means using social media monitoring tools to collect, sort and manage social content according to topics being monitored. Listening Content. Social Media Optimization: 16 Rules Revisited. Guidelines for marketing with social media aren’t all that new. In 2006 five members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 16 rules for “social media optimization”. Fast forward to nearly 2010 and social media has begun to take a more significant role in the marketing mix. The original “rules” were posted by: Let’s revisit these 16 rules for social media optimization (SMO) and see which are still relevant. 1.

This is the first and most important priority for websites. Is this still relevant? Increasing your linkability is definitely still relevant, and adding a blog is still a great tactic. Will white papers and thought pieces necessarily increase linkability? Check out what Darren Rowse recently created as a great example – he built a workbook that was made up of content already published on his blog, and yet his community still supported him in sharing it even though it’s material that is already public. 2.Make Tagging and Bookmarking Easy Is this still relevant? 3. 6. 7. 8. How Does Social Media Affect Search Marketing? Social media and search engine marketing: Are they two peas in a pod, complementary or two very distinct channels? I think the answer is all of the above, depending on the situation. The growth in attention to social media as a marketing, communication and community building opportunity deserves attention by all sorts of online marketers, especially those in search marketing.How does social media affect search marketing?

Searcher expectations have changed. – Searchers no longer have the sole expectation of searching to find information for a specific outcome. As people spend more and more time connecting, sharing and interacting with the social web, they now often expect to interact with what they find in the search results. Searchers have always been able to save the useful things they find in search results by bookmarking or saving to the favorites in the browser. So, how do searcher expectations in regards to social media affect SEO efforts?