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Nathalie L.

fan de prezi depuis plusieurs mois, je souhaite aider à le faire connaître aux francophones :)

Business Crowd Silhouettes. We all know how good it is to have correct clipart in a times of tight deadlines and creative block which, sooner or later, happens to all of us. And It's much more better to have them for free. That's what we doing here - sharing tons of design tools for free. Most of them even free for commercial purposes: web-design and prints, brochures and b-cards, posters and flyers, creative illustrations t-shirt design, book/CD/DVD covers or logotypes.

Multi media

Société. Loisir. Voyages. Category Archive. Bureautique online. Logiciels/appli graphisme. Avoir l'info. Développement web. Éducation. Prezi. Vidéos Pearltrees.