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Facebook PHP SDK - Login and Get Name of User. Redirecting... Login for JavaScript. If people using your app aren't logged into your app or not logged into Facebook, you can use the Login dialog to prompt them to do both. Various versions of the dialog are shown below. If they aren't logged into Facebook, they'll first be prompted to log in and then move on to logging in to your app. The JavaScript SDK automatically detects this, so you don't need to do anything extra to enable this behavior. Invoking the Login dialog For apps using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript, the Login dialog is invoked with a simple call to FB.login: FB.login(function(response){}); As noted in the reference docs for this function, it results in a popup window showing the Login dialog, and therefore should only be invoked as a result of someone clicking an HTML button (so that the popup isn't blocked by browsers). There is an optional scope parameter that can be passed along with the function call that is a comma separated list of Permissions to request from the person using the app.

Permissions with Facebook Login. As a general rule, the more permissions an app requests, the less likely it is that people will use Facebook to log into your app. In fact, our research shows that apps that ask for more than four permissions experience a significant drop off in the number of completed logins. Additionally publishing permissions (publish_actions) will prompt a second step in the Login dialog, which can cause fewer people to log in: Here are a few guidelines to use when asking for permissions, both during and after login: Only ask for the permissions that are essential to an app.Ask for permission in the context in which they are required. For example, if your app wants to show places of interest near a person's home, asking for user_location just prior to displaying that information would give the person a greater understanding of why the permission is being requested.Use any available public profile information before asking for a permission.

Publishing Permissions. Mettre en place Facebook Connect sur son site : 3e partie | 255ko. La deuxième partie du tutoriel sur Facebook Connect concernait l'installation et l'initialisation des SDK. Une fois cette étape franchit il s'agit de permettre aux utilisateurs de se connecter et d'autoriser l'application. Il sera alors possible de récupérer certaines données et faire varier le contenu en fonction de leur statut. 1. Mettre en place un bouton de connexion Pour demander à l'utilisateur l'autorisation d'accéder à ses données via votre application (et notamment son ID Facebook), deux possibilités s'offrent à vous, un bouton Javascript ou une URL générée à l'aide du SDK PHP. Avec PHP : Le SDK va vous fournir une URL qui pointera sur une page d'autorisation. Pour obtenir l'URL, vous devez utiliser la fonction membre getLoginUrl() de la classe Facebook précédemment initialisée : Cette fonction nécessite deux paramètres à passer à la fonction dans un tableau associatif.

Avec Javascript : Javascript vous fournira une page d'autorisation via un popup. 2. Conclusion.