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How to Solo Travel the World Fearlessly - Be My Travel Muse. How to Solo Travel the World Fearlessly - Be My Travel Muse. 7 Tips to travel like a local and avoid tourist traps - Tourist attractions are obviously something you want to visit when planning your travels.

7 Tips to travel like a local and avoid tourist traps -

You can’t go to Peru without visiting Machu Picchu or Paris without the Eiffel Tower. However, your travel time is as valuable and there’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a tourist trap. Sometimes fighting off crowds or forking out half your spending money to see a sight just isn’t worth the hype, but with these 7 top tips, you may be able to still see the sights just minus the tourists, or get some better ideas on alternatives. 1.

Be Wise About the Hour Research when the best time to go is – and don’t go during those times. 2. Similar to the first one, see when is busiest in the city/country you want to go and book outside of those dates. 3. Take yourself on a wander and pick a cute coffee shop to rest in for a few hours, watch the world go by, interact with locals or just watch their behaviours. 4. 5. ¿Monzones en el sudeste asiático? ¡que no te amarguen la fiesta! - Worlding the World. Monzón en el sudeste asiático. *haz más grande la tabla pinchando sobre ella ;)- La parte del mundo que más me llama la atención ahora mismo es el sudeste asiático.

Monzón en el sudeste asiático

No sé si por sus gentes, por sus playas, por su naturaleza y fauna, por sus precios o por su comida, pero hay varios países que los tengo entre ceja y ceja. Y pasa como siempre, lo caro es llegar hasta allí. Esta entrada fue escrita antes de haber ido de viaje al Sudeste asiático, y obviamente después del viaje a Nueva Zelanda, y del viaje por Australia.

Sudeste Asiático Mapa. Guía para viajar al Sudeste asiático: itinerarios, visas, consejos. Cuando hicimos nuestro primer viaje por el Sudeste asiático, allá por el 2009, creímos que un poco más de dos meses había sido suficiente para ver “todo”.

Guía para viajar al Sudeste asiático: itinerarios, visas, consejos

Un tiempo más tarde nos dimos cuenta lo equivocados que habíamos estado, y que necesitábamos volver. No nos impusimos una fecha de regreso, sino que nos dejamos fluir. Esta vez estuvimos un poquito más: un año y tres meses recorriendo esta zona que tiene tantas personalidades como imágenes de Buda. Llegó la hora de transmitir todo lo que estuvimos viviendo, y ayudarte –desde nuestra humilde experiencia- a concretar ese viaje que tanto esperaste. De mochilero a mochilero… Última actualización: Agosto 2014 Visas Para viajar al Sudeste asiático vas a necesitar chequear los requisitos de cada país en cuanto a los visados según tu nacionalidad. Tailandia. Weather. The VERY Best Times to Visit South and Southeast Asia! Best time to visit Delhi, India Extremely hot in May, June & July.

The VERY Best Times to Visit South and Southeast Asia!

Hotels in Delhi we can personally recommend: High end: The Oberoi New Delhi Hotel (from $200) [We stay here often. Luxury and incredible service. They allow late check-outs if you have a late flight. Tips & notes: Visit Dilli Haat outdoor shopping complex–it’s like shopping all of India in one place. Best time to visit Agra, India Extremely hot in May, June & July. Tips & notes: There are many sites to see in and around Agra, but it is otherwise not a city which is worth spending much time. The Broke Backpacker - Adventure Travel Blog.

11 Tips For Backpacking Southeast Asia. Taken from the Rough Guide to Southeast Asia on a Budget, these are our top 11 tips for backpacking Southeast Asia.

11 Tips For Backpacking Southeast Asia

With its tempting mix of volcanoes, rainforest, rice fields, beaches and coral reefs, Southeast Asia is one of the most stimulating and accessible regions for independent travel in the world. You can spend the day exploring thousand-year-old Hindu ruins and the night at a rave on the beach; attend a Buddhist alms-giving ceremony at dawn and go whitewater rafting in the afternoon; chill out in a bamboo beach hut one week and hike through the jungle looking for orang-utans the next. In short, there is enough here to keep anyone hooked for months. Here’s our advice for getting the most out of backpacking Southeast Asia for the first time. 1. Southeast Asia sits entirely within the tropics and so is broadly characterized by a hot and humid climate that varies little throughout the year, except during the two annual monsoons. 2. 3. Southeast Asia Travel Guide. ¿CUANTO CUESTA UN VIAJE DE 9 MESES EN ASIA? The Real Cost of Travel in Thailand.

I spent two months traveling in Thailand, making it my longest-traveled country on my Southeast Asian itinerary.

The Real Cost of Travel in Thailand

During my three weeks in Laos and month in Cambodia, I found it possible to travel on an average of just USD$30 per day. Once I got to Thailand, however, keeping costs low became difficult. For some reason, I started spending Baht like it was monopoly money, especially in the islands. I had heard previously, and can now confirm, that the north of Thailand is easy on a tight budget.