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26 Best Adobe Illustrator Portrait Tutorials. Illustrator is the best design,modify and editing vector graphics program which is powered by Adobe and over the years Adobe Illustrator has become the standart software among graphic designers.It is flexible and lets you create high resolution artworks. We have showcased very detailed and high quality Adobe Illustrator tutorials in the past and in today’s post we are featuring portrait tutorials created using Adobe Illustrator.Thanks to all graphic designers for these beautiful portrait tutorials. You may also take a look at our past illustrtor tutorial collections; Make Watercolor and Marker Style Portraits with Illustrator With this tutorial, we are going to work through ways of creating digital portrait illustrations that have a unique and somewhat tactile feel of marker and watercolor.

This tutorial will focus on using a drawing tablet and Adobe Illustrator.View Tutorial Modeling the Human Face in Illustrator Changing Hair and Makeup to Create a Retro Style in Vector Portraits. Typographic Portrait | Semtax's Blog. Our Visual Language module is nearly over and we are on to our final assignment :( This is the base sketch i drew of myself.

Tomorrow ill have a go at photo shopping it and see what i can come up with. … and here it is. My Face In Words I created this portrait using photoshop in the Mac labs. It involved a lot of free transforming text and over 130 layers :O . Like this: Like Loading... 45 Amazing Type Faces - Typographic Portraits. 100+ Examples Of Typography Portraits & Tutorials. Creative typography has become a great design trend for today. Hundreds of mind-blowing examples of typographic portraits are to be found around the web. This mix of typography and portrait gives a vast ground for imagination of designers and they create real masterpieces. The artists select certain size, weight and type of font and arrange them on the page in some original way. Typography is not just about choosing a nice typeface, actually it's much more than that, it's how we arrange the types in the layout choosing the right size, weight and type of font to transmit the message in the easiest and more understandable way.

Now, imagine some designers take that to a next step, mixing typography with portraits. A great design trend of seen appearing more and more often around the web is using typography to create portraits. I’m sure most of us heard of these memorable saying that goes like "A good sketch is better than a long speech" or "A picture is worth a thousand words". Typography-by-le0arts.jpg (600×797) The Art of Text. 25 Stunning Typographic Portraits. February 24th, 2010 Creative typography has become a great design trend for today. Hundreds of mind-blowing examples of typographic portraits are to be found around the web. This mix of typography and portrait gives a vast ground for imagination of designers and they create real masterpieces. The artists select certain size, weight and type of font and arrange them on the page in some original way. Creativity plays an important role here, ‘cause it helps to translate the main idea and the message of the artwork in expressive and comprehensible way.

The more interesting the idea is, the more effective typographic portrait is. The art of text is really powerful and it doesn’t matter in what way you present it. Here you will find fresh creative typographic portraits from various designers. Title: The Face Author: drfrankenPortfolio here. Title: Typography Portrait Author: designsofakhterPortfolio here. Title: I Give You Desire Author: lupuscrystalusPortfolio here.