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Important ideas of our time

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Lecture-4-the-many-worlds-of-quantum-physics. Time Reborn: a new theory of time - a new view of the world. RSA Animate - Changing Paradigms. 11 of the Best TED Talks Every Human Should Watch - Travis Wright. TED stands for Technology, Education and Design and if you’re not familiar with them, by now… LOL, you sux0rs at the interwebs. [OK, it’s actually Technology, Entertainment, and Design. But, it should totally be Education, instead] This is only the greatest repository of speeches and presentations by the most brilliant minds, most fascinating people, education radicals, tech geniuses, medical mavericks, business gurus, and music legends of our time.

Awhile back, I made a goal to watch every TED Talk. So, I watch at least one daily. The more good shit that goes into your mind, the more good shit comes out. Brené Brown – The Power of Vulnerability – Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. Steve Jobs – How to Live Before you Die – No list of inspiring talks would be complete without Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement address at Stanford University.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. TED Playlists | Climate change: Oh, it's real. TED Playlists | The global power shift. What's wrong with what we eat? | TED Playlists. Geoffrey Canada: 7 talks on social change | TED Playlists. Ramsey Musallam: 6 talks that blew me away | TED Playlists. Brian Greene: Making sense of string theory. RSA Animate.