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Tetradia. Aubreylstallard:Samplerman(Source: samplerman) for-the-duke-of-paris:monsieurlabette: The picture of phalluses painted on the walls of a house is quite a common sight in Bhutan. The phalluses are that of Drukpa Kunley, the Divine Madman, and recall his legendary sexual exploits, thereby serving as a symbol of fertility. The phallus is not considered objectionable in Bhutan. Indeed, the phallus may date to Bhutan’s ancient Bon religion, adopted from Tibet long before Buddhism. the-duke-of-paris-archive(Source: yourdaddyd, via lostandfound) (Source: faith-in-humanity, via pantycrust) pieffysessanta:Tim Walker for Aquascutum(via pieffysessanta) magictransistor:Joseph Martin Kronheim, There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, c. 1875. (via aleatoryalarmalligator) muirgilsdream:Radish Virgin. (Click.) Loading the next set of posts... (Source:, via enivree) ukulele-ikes:Marie Lloyd, c.1890. Retrospace Zeta. Dads are the Original Hipsters.

Killerbeesting* RETrOZONe. Retrogasm. Cool Chicks from History. YIMMY YAYO. Endless me. Wednesday 12/2/2015 8:40pm (477 notes) Crashing on the LA-Barstow-Las Vegas ride. My friend Michael Schmidt dropped his front wheel in a dry stream and went down hard - I tried to avoid it but lost control. Neither of us were injured and our faithful XT500s kept on going! Tuesday 12/1/2015 11:36pm (28 notes) So I achieved one of my dreams and rode the 1976 Yamaha XT500 that I built in the LA-Barstow-Las Vegas event. Sloth unleashed. No You Shut Up.