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Animated Content Menu with jQuery. Today we will create a slick animated content menu with jQuery for a restaurant theme. The menu items will be animated and when clicked, a content area with more information will appear. Also, he background image is going to change according to which menu item was clicked. The main idea is to […] View demoDownload source Today we will create a slick animated content menu with jQuery for a restaurant theme. The menu items will be animated and when clicked, a content area with more information will appear.

The main idea is to have a restaurant menu with the different menu categories displayed. So, let’s get started. The Markup The HTML structure is going to contain some elements for the background image, the grid overlay, the loading icon and the main menu. As a default background image when the page loads, we will have the image Default.jpg. The menu content will be wrapped by a div with the class “ac_content”. Let’s take a look at the style. The CSS @import url('reset.css'); The JavaScript. How to create animated tooltips with CSS3. How to create some simple, animated tooltips using CSS transitions and the pseudo-classes :before and :after View demo Download source In today’s tip we’ll show you how to create some simple, animated tooltips using CSS transitions and the pseudo-classes :before and :after. The idea is to have a list with links or in our case, social icons, that reveal a little tooltip on hover.

The unordered list will look like this: <ul class="tt-wrapper"><li><a class="tt-gplus" href="#"><span>Google Plus</span></a></li><li><a class="tt-twitter" href="#"><span>Twitter</span></a></li><li><a class="tt-dribbble" href="#"><span>Dribbble</span></a></li><li><a class="tt-facebook" href="#"><span>Facebook</span></a></li><li><a class="tt-linkedin" href="#"><span>LinkedIn</span></a></li><li><a class="tt-forrst" href="#"><span>Forrst</span></a></li></ul> The list elements will be floating left and the anchors will have the following style: Each anchor will have a different background position for the background image:

Fullscreen Slit Slider with jQuery and CSS3. A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements. View demo Download source In this tutorial we’ll create a fullscreen slideshow with a twist: we’ll slice the current slide open in order to reveal the next or previous slide.

Using different data-attributes, we’ll define the type, rotation angle and scale of a slide’s parts, giving us the possibility to create unique effects of each slide transition. We’ll be using jQuery cond, jQuery plugin by Ben Alman for chainable “if-then-else” statements. The animal icon font that we’ll be using is by Alan Carr and you can find it here. The images in the second demo are by Majownik and they are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Let’s start with the HTML. The Markup So, our first slide will have something like this: Now, let’s style it! Simple Multi-Item Slider with CSS Animations and jQuery. Little Boxes Menu with jQuery. Today we will create a menu out of little boxes that animate randomly when a menu item is clicked. The clicked menu item expands and reveals a content area for some description or links. When the item is clicked again, the boxes will come back, reconstructing the initial background image.

Let’s get […] View demoDownload source Today we will create a menu out of little boxes that animate randomly when a menu item is clicked. Let’s get started! The Markup The HTML will be made up of a main container with div elements inside. <div id="littleBoxes" class="littleBoxes"><div class="boxlink bg1" style="top:0px;left:0px;"><a href="">About</a><div class="boxcontent"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The positioning values are calculated from the width and height of the boxes which is 90px plus its border (2px) and some margin (1px).

Let’s have a look at the style. The CSS Now, let’s add the magic: Slide Down Box Menu with jQuery and CSS3. In this tutorial we will create a unique sliding box navigation. The idea is to make a box with the menu item slide out, while a thumbnail pops up. We will also include a submenu box with further links for some of the menu items.

The submenu will slide to the left […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we will create a unique sliding box navigation. We will be using the jQuery Easing Plugin and some beautiful photos by tibchris. The Markup For the HTML structure we will be using an unordered list where each menu item will contain the main link item and a div element for the submenu: <ul id="sdt_menu" class="sdt_menu"><li><a href="#"><img src="images/1.jpg" alt=""/><span class="sdt_active"></span><span class="sdt_wrap"><span class="sdt_link">Portfolio</span><span class="sdt_descr">My work</span></span></a><div class="sdt_box"><a href="#">Websites</a><a href="#">Illustrations</a><a href="#">Photography</a></div></li> ...

If there is no submenu, the div can simply be left out. The CSS. Image map with CSS3 & jQuery tooltips. Tooltips can play a big role in your web designs and that isn't new anymore. Just use them correctly and they will help you improve user experience. We have seen before how to create some good looking CSS3 tooltips and today you'll learn how to create an image map with pins and tooltips. View demo The idea A while ago, I had to create an image map with tooltips and, being inspired by some cool tooltips I noticed on Firefox's website, I decided to create these ones. The principal purpose was to have something that is easy to use and update, without needing any developing knowledge. As you will see further, you won't need any developer skills to add pins with tooltips to an image. HTML5 data attributes and jQuery HTML5 has a cool feature named "custom data attributes", which can help you store arbitrary snippets of metadata for the purpose of making your Javascript code simpler.

Here's how the syntax looks: ... and this is how you can get the above value with jQuery: The HTML The CSS The jQuery. Webdesign.tutsplus. There's no better way to learn CSS3 than to get your hands dirty on an actual project and that's exactly what we're going to do. I'm going to teach you how to create an awesome, layered CSS3 wheel menu using a few beginner to advanced CSS techniques. So break out your favorite text editor or IDE and let's get started on some CSS3 magic!

Today you'll be learning how to create the candy cane teardrop out of the many different styles and color variations available. You will receive all variations in the source files. Also as an added bonus I've added a little bit of optional Javascript so that you can rotate your images depending on the hovered menu item. The source file even comes with its own documentation! Note: Support for IE is limited at the moment. The Video Tutorial We're offering this tutorial in two different formats today: A video as well as a full written tutorial below.

The Written Tutorial The step by step written tutorial is below. Step 1: The Layers The Code: #menu-wrap: .wrap1: CSS3 with jQuery / Reverse Animation. Hello guys, this time I wanted to bump into another interesting experiment, create a reverse animation. I helped with jQuery to assign the specific class at the click of the button. In my opinion an interesting experiment, I hope you will like and find alternative paths in the realization of the same experiment with different techniques.

I remember this animations are only visible in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Let’s start! The Markup The markup is not difficult, we used two unordered lists, the first list follow insert all graphics (via CSS3) and animations, while the second list social will have links to social networks always with a nice animation. As you will see the first list is composed of lines, points and special effect, the latter two are accompanied by an control layer to adjust the delay of the animation.

This first part of the CSS will make you understand how all the elements are positioned in the scene, and how to apply the animations. CSS – Normal Animation jQuery Conclusion. CSS3 Loading Animation. Hello guys, this time i wanted to create 3 simple CSS3 Loading Animations. I remember that CSS3 Loading Animations are only visible in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

What do you wait, start reading! First Example CSS3 Loading Animation In this first example, the markup is very simple, where we will create an unordered list and we will create inside the div to create the effect and to control the total animation. Nothing difficult, just create the graphics for the unordered list, take special care to animation, thanks to the delay and control layers we can create this effects! Second Example CSS3 Loading Animation In this second example, we will see how to create a loading bar that fits any resolution. It looks like the style, much simpler than the previous, this is the basic setting, you can modify at your convenience. Third Example CSS3 Loading Animation As you can see the process is the same as the first example, you just know a little CSS to create wonderful effects. Conclusion. Sliding Image Panels with CSS3.

Today we'll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The idea is to use background images for the panels and animate them when clicking on a label. We'll use radio buttons with labels and target the respective panels with the general sibling selector. View demo Download source Today we’ll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The beautiful images are by Joanna Kustra and they are licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License. You might as well be interested in Filter Functionality with CSS3 where we have used a similar technique for filtering elements based on their type.

Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support CSS transitions and animations. The Markup The HTML will consist of three major parts: the radio buttons and the labels, the container with the panels and their “slices” for each image, and the titles. Let’s style this baby. The CSS Demos. Multi-purpose Slider Plugin for Wordpress - xSlider by Develvet. Fluid CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect. In this tutorial we will create a slideshow with a parallax effect using several CSS3 properties. The idea is to move the background positions of two backgrounds while sliding the container of the slides.

View demo Download source In this tutorial, we are going to create a slideshow with a parallax effect with the help of some CSS3 properties. We’ll use radio buttons and sibling combinators for controlling which slide is shown. There will be two backgrounds and the idea is to change the background positions and the position of the slider with transitions in order to create a slight parallax effect.

The graphics used in the demo are by: 5Milli (Global Vector Map) and by WeGraphics (Free Vector Infographic Kit). Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. The Markup We will “connect” the input elements to the division with the class sp-content by using the general sibling combinator.

The CSS. Portfolio Zoom Slider with jQuery. In this tutorial we are going to create some nice effects for a portfolio or similar website with jQuery. We will create a tiny slider and integrate it with the amazing Cloud Zoom plugin and the elegant Fancybox plugin. The idea is to give the user the option to view details of […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we are going to create some nice effects for a portfolio or similar website with jQuery. We will create a tiny slider and integrate it with the amazing Cloud Zoom plugin and the elegant Fancybox plugin. The idea is to give the user the option to view details of a portfolio item by zooming it on hover, and to allow a full view by clicking. When integrating jQuery scripts, it sometimes happens that there are conflicts, be it because of some shared attribute or because of some specific structure that is needed by each jQuery plugin. So, let’s start with the markup!

The Markup For each item we will have a div element. Let’s look at the styling. The CSS The JavaScript. Animated Form Switching with jQuery. In this tutorial we will create a simple animated form switch with three very common forms. The idea is not to leave the page when the user goes to another form but instead make the new form appear within the same container, expanding or contracting to the dimensions of the new form. […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we will create a simple animated form switch with three very common forms.

The idea is not to leave the page when the user goes to another form but instead make the new form appear within the same container, expanding or contracting to the dimensions of the new form. We will ensure that the form switch works as well when JavaScript is disabled in which case we will simply jump to the other’s form page. So, let’s begin by creating and styling the three forms. The Markup We will create three different forms, a login form, a registration form and a password reminder form with just one input field. First, we will create a wrapper for all three forms. The CSS The JavaScript. Login and Registration Form with HTML5 and CSS3. A tutorial on how to create a switching login and registration form with HTML5 and CSS3. View demo Download source In this tutorial we are going to create two HTML5 forms that will switch between login and registration using the CSS3 pseudo class :target. We will style it using CSS3 and an icon font.

The idea behind this demo is to show the user the login form and provide a link to “switch” to the registration form. Note that this is for demo purpose only, it will only work in browser supporting the :target pseudo class, and you should not use this code on a live website without providing solid fallback. In the following, we will be going through Demo 1. The HTML In the HTML, we will put both forms, hiding the second one with CSS. We’ve added some HTML5 goodness here and used some of the new inputs. Now the two tricky parts. The second little trick is related to the use of the icon font. The CSS Styling both forms using CSS3 Now let’s style our inputs and give them a nicer look.

Demos. Fullscreen Slideshow with HTML5 Audio and jQuery. In today’s tutorial we'll create a fullscreen photo slideshow to illustrate a New York picture series. We will add sounds with the HTML5 audio element in order to give life to the gallery and try to recreate the ambient of this vibrant city. View demo Download source In today’s tutorial we’ll create a fullscreen photo slideshow to illustrate a New York picture series. We will add sounds with the HTML5 audio element in order to give life to the gallery and try to recreate the ambient of this vibrant city. To create the slideshow and the fullscreen picture display, we’ll use the Vegas jQuery plugin that compiles many ideas previously shared in Codrops articles in one plugin.

The audio elements will be controlled with Buzz, a JavaScript audio library. The thumbnails navigation will be spiced up with a custom scrollbar using jScrollPane by Kelvin Luck and some easing effects provided by the jQuery easing plugin by George McGinley Smith. The Markup Let’s set the stage! The CSS The JavaScript.