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DIY: Wine Glass Candle Lampshades. Glowing Cups and Candlesticks - Martha Stewart Holidays. Fourth of July Citronella Candles. Jun24 by Brenda Ponnay It turns out citronella candles are pretty easy to make! They are a bit fussy and require a lot of microwaving and some pouring of hot wax but the end result is fun and pretty. This craft is not especially toddler-friendly but I think it would be great for older kids who can be trusted in the kitchen, or for younger kids who have a lot of help from an adult. Here is what you’ll need to to make patriotic tea lights like you see above: • six 1/2-pint regular canning jars (found in grocery stores)• 1 lb. microwaveable soy wax (found in craft stores)• a glass measuring cup for melting and pouring• a spoon for stirring• several old crayons in red and blue• a cutting board and knife• citronella oil (found in health food stores)• braided candle wick (found in craft stores)• scissors• six pencils or dowels• a hot glue gun• a microwave There are a lot of variations you can do with these candles.

Now lets get started! First you’ll need to prepare your jars. Birthday Candles. Candles in Seashells.