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12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards. When I first encountered Cascading Style Sheets in the autumn of 1998, I was trying to do cool stuff—make this stuff over here move, make that stuff over there change color—and it took another six months before I started using CSS to control presentation rather than behavior.

12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards

It took me two years to break out of the comfortable prison of layout tables, and another two years before I could use CSS to produce layouts that were originally intended for tables. Even though I was forced during that time to deal with such anachronistic works of art as Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows, the moral of the story should be clear: it took me a long while to achieve genuine mastery of CSS. There are plenty of excellent books and articles out there, including many written by the contributors to this publication. The cries of frustration I hear from other developers about CSS are only an echo of the ones I made for years. The Essential Website Usability Checklist. Give me almost any website and I will point out at least one common usability mistake.

The Essential Website Usability Checklist

Chances are your website is included in that group. You could be missing out on sales, loyal visitors and links due to a usability oversight that’s easily fixable. Accessibility Color Wheel. The Web Standards Project.