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I'm Nardi Freeman, the founder, and editor-in-chief of STARTINGSTREAM. With over 5 years of web building, I know how complicated and tiresome this task can be for a non-IT person. My goal is to help and solve people's internet problems. So my website includes give away content, training, and tutorials for free.

How To Get All StudioPress Premium Themes For Free. StudioPress is very popular in the theme industry thanks to their beautiful and responsive themes but most of it due to their WordPress Genesis Framework with many themes built on it.

How To Get All StudioPress Premium Themes For Free

Genesis is more of a parent theme on which you can build your WordPress website. Along with the Genesis Framework, it provides more than 35 StudiPress child themes that are beautiful, stylish, easily customizable, highly responsive which are suitable for every niche. The prices if you purchase them individually would be between $100 – $130. So their total value would be around $2000. It has a special one-time payment offer to get them all for $500. Some websites claim you can download StudioPress themes from them, but it’s not recommendable to even try to click these files, because these files contain viruses/malware and will just mess up your site. There is another official way to get all 35+ premium StdioPress themes for free, it may sound scammy, but it’s not.

Some of the StudioPress theme features: Best Domain Name Generators (2020) Choosing a domain name isn’t as important as most people think or as it was decades ago.

Best Domain Name Generators (2020)

Unless you want to build a big authority or a big brand website like Facebook, YouTube, etc… In this case, choosing a domain name isn’t easy. Because the name should be both memorable and meaningful and should describe what the brand is all about. If this isn’t your case don’t spend much time choosing the name and don’t overthink it. Try to find a name not very long, keep it at maximum with two or three words. Best Web Hosting Free Domain Name. GoDaddy was founded in 1997 in Baltimore, Maryland by Bob Parsons.

Best Web Hosting Free Domain Name

Since then it has been grown quickly and now is one of the most popular hosting companies. As of March 2019, GoDaddy has approximately 20 million customers and over 9000 employees worldwide. Best Web Hosting For WordPress Users. Best Web Hosting For Bloggers. Hostinger is a web hosting provider and an internet domain registrar that was launched in 2004 in the city of Kaunas, Lithuania as a 000webhost free hosting service with no advertising.

Best Web Hosting For Bloggers

The company first was called “Hosting Media”. After 6 years they reached 1 million users and changed the name to Hostinger. Since then, it hasn’t stopped and now they have more than 29 million users and have 6 data centers established around the world. The company uses cloud hosting technology and provides the hosting service with PHP, MySQL, and FTP. Hostinger aims to help their client to learn and grow and it’s one of the best options to start with making websites. But is not perfect though, we are going to take a look at the pros and cons of this hosting provider starting with their plans and prices. Get Help With the Domain Name As mentioned before Hostinger offers very affordable prices in its shared hosting plans with a free domain name for the first year.

Best Web Hosting For Ecommerce. SiteGround was launched in 2004 in Sofia, Bulgaria by university students.

Best Web Hosting For Ecommerce

It has grown quickly since then and has become a very popular hosting company. What Web hosting Service To Use. Building a website from scratch nowadays is really easy.

What Web hosting Service To Use

You need only two things to start with. An appropriate domain name and a hosting service company to host your website files. The domain name is what people see in their browser URL. If you don’t have a clear idea of what your site name should be, kindly click this article, you will get some help here with that. What To Choose In This Massive Theme Marketplace. Is a well-known fact that choosing the right theme when building a website is a very important step.

What To Choose In This Massive Theme Marketplace

So, how do we do that? Well, the website theme is responsible for how beautiful and professional the site will look, and the functionality of it as well. These should be compared to the price, what kind of support the company offers, and how well coded is it. Best WordPress Theme For Blog. Choosing the right theme is very, very important.

Best WordPress Theme For Blog

A good theme should make your content look good, and keep it responsive across all devices while loading at lightning speed. Since there are countless themes out there the choice might not be so easy. GenereatePress is a lightweight WordPress theme that comes in a combination of a free and a premium version. It is one of the most popular WordPress themes at the moment, and one of the highest 5-star ratings in the WordPress repository. GeneratePress WordPress theme was created by Tom Usborne, a known developer from Canada. The most common place people a WordPress theme is used is a shared hosting environment. The first impression you get when you install GeneratePress is the lightweight, and if you activate it, how fast it loads the page. These are the results of our test. How To Get All StudioPress Premium Themes For Free.

How To Make Money Online For Free With Shareasale. Affiliate marketing is now one of the best ways to make money from home and to secure passive incomes in the long term.

How To Make Money Online For Free With Shareasale

And some of the methods that they use are writing guides, review articles, using banners, widgets, links, email marketing, and many more. Best Web Hosting For Small Business Ecommerce. Wp Engine is a web hosting company WordPress-specific.

Best Web Hosting For Small Business Ecommerce

It was launched in 2010 by Jason Cohen, Ben Metcalfe, and Cullen Wilson in Austin, Texas. Since then, now they count more than 300 employees, 40,000 customers, offices in San Francisco, San Antonio, and London. They are known for excellent customer service. Ready to help you set up your website and solve different issues. They have a world-class network infrastructure with three WP Engine data centers (London, Tokyo, and Midwest US).

WP Engine offers specific features that automatically optimize elements of your website. But it isn’t the cheapest option you can find on the market and they aren’t for everyone. WP Engine offers three shared hosting plans. In the following table are the prices for all the shared plans. Best Wordpress Theme For Ecommerce. Choosing the right theme is crucial for any website. And failing to do so inevitably will limit the growth of it. So making the right choice might not be an easy task as there are countless themes out there. How To Make A Website On WordPress With Hostinger (2020) No matter if you have a business, an organization, or a personal project, websites are becoming a must in almost all kinds of activities. Since most people don’t know where to start and how to proceed, we decided to make a full tutorial to learn how to make a website with WordPress from scratch using one of the top-rated cheapest web hosting providers.

Before we start creating the new website there are a few things you must decide. You must have a clear idea of what your website will be about.