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Supcomresearch. Youtube League of Legends Channels. Counter Logic Gaming on Justin. Fortifying the Fortress (an extensive TF2 improvement list) [Chart]List of Max Champion Nukes. I wondered what each champion's base burst is (QWER) and how much that total damage increases per 1 point of AP. Since I have that kind of spare time, I decided to research it. This may help refute any OP claims that anyone may have or reinforce them.

It may also help you decide which way is better to play a champ (AP vs AD). I don't really care, I was just curious. Enjoy the information. EDIT: Due to some complaints, I'm adding how much their damage increases per point of attack damage as well. I've also updated each champion to include their base attack damage should they be right-click champions. Champion Name / Base Burst / Increase from AP / Increase from AD Highest Base Damage 1. Highest AP Ratio 1. Highest AD Ratio 1. Assumptions Made All percentage abilities are calculated off of a champ at 2k health and each champ has 3 seconds to deal damage with their skills before possibly dieing. Leaguecraft :: I knew I should have checked that showboating Glo.

League of Legends Index. Team Fortress 2 Lobby.