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Nao Group

Nao is a commercial property developer focused on creating coworking and co-living spaces and building communities around the globe. At our core, we are property developers who provide investment opportunities to retail and institutional investors looking for high growth and yields from 8.25% per year. We want to enable you to share in the new economy. Website:

Europe’s Cities are Embracing Flexible Workspaces. Updated December 19, 2018 JLL’s Flexible Space: Transforming Real Estate report delves into the state of the coworking sector in the European market.

Europe’s Cities are Embracing Flexible Workspaces

It outlines how Europe’s flex space footprint has doubled since the beginning of 2015 and how, in 2017 alone, flexible workspaces grew by 29%. Coworking set-ups are fast becoming part of normal office life in Europe, and a small but increasingly significant part of the office markets. Thriving startup scenes are a major contributor to the growth of flexible workspaces in places such as Amsterdam, Berlin and London. Amsterdam now has the highest flex space concentration globally, accounting for 5.6 percent of its total office stock, which puts it ahead of most mature office markets. APAC - Haven for Workspace Investors. Updated December 20, 2018 Instant Group’s latest report on APAC shows how the flexible workspace market in Asia-Pacific has grown at a faster rate than any other location in the world, in recent years.

APAC - Haven for Workspace Investors

The report illustrates how the supply of flexible workspaces has increased by over 50% over the past 12 months. The Asia-Pacific region was late to the game for coworking (later than the US, UK and, Europe) however it has definitely caught up with its counterparts and is now up to date with global industry trends. Face-to-Face Interaction Brings People Back to the Office. Updated December 21, 2018 A new report from architect and design firm Gensler indicates how the next generation of office buildings will draw employees back to the workplace.

Face-to-Face Interaction Brings People Back to the Office

This is due to the increased importance and power of face-to-face interaction, and because modern office design increasingly caters towards this, particularly with the influx of flexible and coworking spaces. This year’s 2018 Design Forecast report, Shaping the Future of Cities, predicts that design will “put people back at the centre.” The workspace mindset has definitely changed, with the ‘one size fits all’ prefix no longer at the forefront. Multipurpose buildings will become default, making single-use spaces obsolete. In a survey conducted by CMS, respondents stated that they want their workspace to feel more like a community and that they expect landlords will participate in providing this experience. Introducing Nao Group.

Real Estate Investment in London - The Biggest Market in the World. Workplace Trends that will Dominate in 2019. There is no denying that 2018 has been an excellent year for coworking spaces. Freelancers, SMEs and large enterprises – businesses from big to small and everything in between, are seeing the benefits of using shared workspaces. With more people than ever before opting for a flexible approach to business, 2019 is set to be an even bigger year for coworking, so we took a look at the top predictions for the sector this year.

The Real Estate Market The real estate industry has finally realised that coworking is not a fad or trend. Coworking is significantly impacting the real estate industry (as we’ve previously explored before). Creative Spaces Differentiation is vital when operating in such a competitive space, and 2019 will be no different for the coworking industry. Consolidation We will continue to see brands grow and expand internationally in 2019. Health & Wellness. Why Is Investing in Real Estate A Good Idea? Demand for flexible workspace is set to expand outside of the primary global city-based markets, with over 70% of this space available in smaller secondary cities, according to research by Instant Offices.

Why Is Investing in Real Estate A Good Idea?

In 2018, the flexible workspace market showed significant movement, with an increased number of corporate clients looking for flexible space. In 2018 alone, corporate demand increased by 21%. Landlords are also taking a greater interest in the sector in the wake of this increased demand, that is why investing in real estate is a good idea. In the face of increased living costs, many companies are looking towards secondary cities to reduce costs and increase affordability for their employees.

Forbes announced that in Europe, Manchester and Toulouse were the fastest growing markets thanks to increasing investment and a growing corporate focus. The Coworking Sector Continues to Grow Across Europe. Coworking is not a new concept, but its fast growth in recent years has quickly disrupted global office markets.

The Coworking Sector Continues to Grow Across Europe

Cushman & Wakefield’s latest European Coworking Hotspot Index examines this rapidly evolving market segment, explores where the sector will expand next and asks, what does it mean for traditional office space? Although coworking has spread into new markets, it’s still concentrated in the world’s largest cities. The flexible workplace sample is little over 1% of global office inventory, however, “coworking has piqued the real estate industry’s interest, not because of its current share of office space, but because of its potential to grow and change how people rent space in the future.” About 40% of all coworking space is in North America and the rest is split evenly between Europe and APAC. Investment in Commercial Property in Central London up 28% Nao Group Sponsors Annual Charity Cricket Day in Aid of the Lillywhite Foundation. Friday, May 17th, Nao headed to the stunning grounds of Wormsley Cricket Club set in Sir Paul Getty’s Estate in Buckinghamshire, for the annual Under the Posts Charity Cricket day.

Nao Group Sponsors Annual Charity Cricket Day in Aid of the Lillywhite Foundation

This year, the Nao Group were proud to be the title sponsor of this fantastic event, in aid of the Lillywhite Foundation. The Lillywhite Foundation aims to give young people, both in the UK and abroad, greater opportunities to participate in sports and social activity. It has been shown that team sports and social activity increase not only the social well being of young people, but aids positive social development, increases confidence and self-esteem, and teaches valuable life skills.

Those living in difficult, and, or troubled social circumstances, and those living in financial hardship often face barriers that prevent them from having the same opportunities that most of us take for granted. Guests were treated to a fantastic day of 8 a side cricket with each team joined by a celebrity guest captain.

Commercial Real Estate Investors: Top Tips to Ensure Your Investment Success. If your goal is to be an astute commercial real estate investor, there is a proven formula for success.

Commercial Real Estate Investors: Top Tips to Ensure Your Investment Success

You may have already made some real estate investments in London or be a financial wizard with an MBA. Or you might be experienced in identifying new market trends such as coworking spaces. Still, the smartest thing to do is work with a company who has a solid track record in real estate investment in commercial properties, globally. So, if you have an opportunity to invest into a commercial property bond issued by an experienced developer with a long track record in London, thereby mitigating your risks and enhancing your returns, doesn’t this make more sense? Nao Group has established its reputation in London investing in commercial properties and successfully transforming them into coworking spaces. But why coworking space? The Coworking Boom is Reshaping the London Office Market. The rapid growth of the flexible office and coworking markets over the last five years is evident, with more than 4 million sq. ft. of space leased to flexible office providers in Central London, according to a new report from Hubble in partnership with JLL.

The Coworking Boom is Reshaping the London Office Market

Although WeWork often dominates the headlines, the London market remains highly fragmented, with more than 150 providers offering some form of flex or coworking space in more than 650 separate locations. At the end of 2018, flexible offices had a 6.3 per cent share of the Central London market (14.7 million sq. ft.) and this figure is set to keep growing. By 2023, flexible offices are projected to grow to an 11 per cent share of overall office stock in London. The report analyses areas which have seen the highest demand, and in turn increases in prices, and where tenants can secure cheaper space. Temple has seen the greatest increase in cost per desk (69 per cent) between 2017 to 2018. Original Source: Workplace Insight. Could Flexible Work Options Prove More Valuable Than Holiday Allowance? While salaries and bonuses used to be the measure of success in the workforce, workplace perks, such as flexibility and location are becoming more important for much of today’s workforce.

Could Flexible Work Options Prove More Valuable Than Holiday Allowance?

The most recent IWG Global Workspace Survey found that when faced with two similar employment offers, 80% of employees would turn down the one without flexible working. In addition, 54% said that the flexibility to choose their own work location was more important than an increased holiday allowance. Similarly, according to research from Powwownow, three-quarters of UK employees said they would be more likely to consider a job with flexible work options, while a third would prioritise it over an increase in pay. These days, with increasing advancements in technology, it’s possible for most workers to work from any place at any time. Flexible working has been found to improve job satisfaction and talent retention.

How the continued growth of coworking spaces is changing the real estate landscape in London; and how you can effectively invest in the sector. Flexible Workspaces are Leading the Way in Commercial Real Estate in the UK. Instant Offices recently published its latest research report “UK Market Summary: Flex Is Leading the Way”.

Flexible Workspaces are Leading the Way in Commercial Real Estate in the UK