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Red/Yellow Card project. Here is everything you ever needed to know about my Red/Yellow Card project! Background This project has its roots in Defcon 2011. Defcon, if you’re not aware, is the worlds largest hacker conference. It takes place every summer in Las Vegas. It is a place for hackers of all types to come together for a bit of fun, learning, and partying. While I don’t think Defcon itself is “broken,” it seemed like there needed to be a better way of engaging with harassment at this specific conference. The cards Here are the resulting cards: They are slightly bigger than a business card and carry the same message on each side. Use of the cards While you can use these cards however you see fit, I feel like I must point out that these were meant to be a non-confrontational way of engaging with harassment. The text of the cards is licensed CC Zero. Where can I get these cards?

The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming. One of the things I hear whenever I write about misogyny in video games is that there’s a silent majority of male gamers who are uncomfortable with the vicious sexism some of their counterparts deploy against women (and frankly, against men, too).

The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming

Women aren’t alone in feeling hopeless, or like there’s no effective way to change either the behavior of individuals or the culture that leaves space for the harassment of women. So I hopped on Twitter yesterday and asked men who play video games, and who push back against sexist behavior when they see it, what kinds of arguments they’ve found to be effective. Dozens of you responded, with a lot of terrific advice. So if you’ve ever wanted to call out sexism in video games but weren’t sure how to start the conversation or how to make sure it would be productive, here’s the collective wisdom of the internet. Boundaries and The Penis Incident. Edit 2 3/31/13: I also attended the .party() | gdc and I had an amazing time (and brought my boyfriend AND didn't drink).

Boundaries and The Penis Incident

I don't remember seeing any "escorts" like I keep seeing stories saying there were. Wargaming had go-go dancers, why didn't they get any shit for it? What happened to me wasn't caused by there being women hired to work the party, that guy probably would've done it anyway. Edit: I'm seeing a lot of comments on twitter and elsewhere blaming PAX for this incident and the security guard's reaction. This party was NOT held by PAX, it was not even in the same venue, hell it wasn't even on the same street. So before I write up my official PAX Prime blogpost I wanted to touch on this, because it happened and I want to talk about it but I don't want the bad feels tainting the rest of the awesomeness that was PAX. I don't exactly know what it is about a girl sitting alone, at a party that just screams "YES I TOTALLY WANT TO BE BOTHERED BY YOU, RANDOM GUY" but it does.

I Can Be Just As Capable. Let Me. When I sit down at a computer, my left hand falls automatically into the inverted-V shape known well by all of you; middle three fingers arched across W, A, S and D.

I Can Be Just As Capable. Let Me.

Pinky hovering over left-shift, my thumb resting lightly on the space bar. There’s a poetic comfort in this for me. I do it without thinking. These letters are the ones I always come home to. [ Trigger warning ] Tu seras violée meuf. D’abord, il y a eu les coups et les humiliations.

[ Trigger warning ] Tu seras violée meuf.

Ça a duré longtemps, ce fut très long. Il y a eu les tribunaux et la première fois : la peur de mourir après l’étranglement. Les étoiles qui dansent et le ciel qui devient jaune. Il a fallut plusieurs années pour que je me révolte. Il me disait qu’il allait me frapper, je me révoltais et lui rétorquais de le faire. En tant que féministe, on parle beaucoup du viol, du harcèlement, des agressions. Ce soir là, je devais partir en voyage scolaire. Level 27 S02E13. Cette semaine, Level 27 est vénère et dézingue du geek sexiste (même si, rappelons-le, tous les geeks ne sont pas sexistes, tous les sexistes ne sont pas geeks, tous les sexistes ne sont pas des meufs, tous les geeks ne sont pas des mecs, on peut tromper une personne mille fois mais… non c’est pas ça, mille personnes une f… non toujours pas).

On vous parle donc de fake geek girl, de cosplay, et de slut-shaming, dans la joie et la bonne humeur comme d’habitude. Après un interlude musical qui devrait réveiller en vous le souvenir de longues soirées passées devant la télé (ah… la Trilogie du Samedi !) , on causera bouquins avec l’Assassin Royal puis site web avec Cyborgology (dites le plein de fois très vite, Level 27, l’émission orthoponiste). Geek Feminism Wiki. The Mary Sue - A Guide To Girl Geek Culture.


Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is.