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Fonts & typography

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CSS3 @font-face Design Guide. Although CSS3 @font-face is supported by most major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), but not all. When it doesn't, your custom fonts might break the layout or come out with undesired results. In this article, I will explain the common issues with using custom fonts, picking the matching fallback web safe fonts, and how to create a perfect fallback font style with Modernizr. Common Mistake One common mistake that most people make when implementing custom fonts is not specifying the fallback fonts or picking the wrong fallback fonts. Web Safe Fallback Fonts When using custom fonts, it is important to include the web safe fonts as fallback. Layout Issues Because every font face has its own width, height, weight, kerning (letter-spacing), etc., some fonts are not substitutable with the web safe fonts. This might causes layout issues as shown in the image below where the fallback font extends off the boundary. Modernizr Fallback Font Styles With Modernizr (demo) Including Modernizr.

15 Excellent Examples of Web Typography. Part 1. Part I: Showcase I have spent the last month searching, stumbling, noting, bookmarking and analysing in a quest to find 15 Excellent examples of Web Typography. I’ve chosen them because they make excellent use of type. Some of the examples mimic the typography of print, while others actually leverage web technology, smart CSS and delicious HTML to make their pages not only aesthetically pleasing, but legible, user-friendly and easily navigable. In a few days, I will be taking an in-depth look at all these sites, delving into their grids, sifting through their CSS and dissecting their HTML, to discover what makes them tick — and what makes them excellent examples of typography for the Web.

Prepare yourself a drink, sip, sit back, scroll, click and — above all else — enjoy. 01: A List Apart — for people who make websites 02: Shaun Inman — professional designer and developer 03: FontShop — as its name suggests 04: Jesús Rodríguez Velasco — blog of UC Berkeley professor. 1001 Free Fonts - Download Free Fonts for Windows and Macintosh.

Google Web Fonts v2 Released. Web Fonts.