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Tips, tricks and resources to make your own gorgeous infographics. Infographics (or Information Graphics) are graphic visual representations of data or information, presented in a way to make it easier to consume information.

Tips, tricks and resources to make your own gorgeous infographics

Infographics gained popularity in the mid-2000′s with the advent of sites like Digg and Reddit, and have quickly become one of the most popular methods to display researched data. There are three main types of infographics – where data is presented in a timeline, where statistical data is presented in graphs or with icons, or where data is presented on a map.

In order to create an infographic which will be widely shared, think about your typography, colours, and layout. Make it easy for people to understand the information that’s being provided. Sometimes it’s best to keep things simple. You can also get very creative with how you display your information, and do something completely unconventional. Infographics are among the most popular modern methods of sharing information with an audience. The secret of Apple's design success: the humane interface. A key to Apple’s success is the company’s insistence on reducing options in the name of reducing complexity.

The secret of Apple's design success: the humane interface

Those who decry Apple customers as fanboys attack us and the company alike, saying that because Apple chooses to focus on simplicity, we and it must also be simple. That’s the wrong interpretation of the facts. Instead, Apple’s focus on simplicity isn’t about reducing choices to make computing idiot-proof; it’s about focusing on the important bits instead. In the 1990s, Macs were for old people and hipsters (back when “hipster” wasn’t a catch-all term for anyone under thirty). They were fine if you were the artsy type, or if you couldn’t use a real computer, but for folks who needed to get real work done, Windows was the only real solution. Unless, of course, you wanted to control your computer instead of letting it control you.

Meanwhile, the Mac had its own devoted following, but most outside of it refused to take Apple seriously. Music to our eyes. 5 Product Design Principles from Apple. When you think about your iPad, iPhone, or Mac Book, you think about sleek design and workability.

5 Product Design Principles from Apple

Focus, simplicity, and the ability to adapt are crucial. The late Steve Jobs is an inspiration to many, and Apple’s design philosophy over time is part of Jobs’ fantastic legacy. Complete commitment to user-focused design is one of the guiding forces for the technology behemoth, and the results speak for themselves.

From inside to outside, Apple’s products are designed to be efficient, aesthetic, useful, and adaptable.

Icones set guide gratuit

Pourquoi le site apple est-il parfait ? Inside the Entrepreneur's Brain. Braun or Apple? Apple rumors explained. Smartphone Trends. Comment apprendre l’anglais (How to Learn English) 374 Years of Higher Education. You're Graduating... Now What? Apple University. 7 Creative and Interesting Infographics about Twitter. With over 54 million users worldwide and close to 7 billion tweets being posted, Twitter is the world’s most popular micro-blogging platform, fueled by smartphones and online bursts of 140 characters. 2009 is the year of Twitter. It soared to lofty heights over the past year, all thanks to the active presence of celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Oprah Winfrey. The San Francisco-based Internet company isn’t a social networking website like Facebook or MySpace. Instead, the main focus of Twitter is about real-time information of the things you care about — work, industry, company, news. 2010 will be the revenue year of Twitter.

The micro-blogging juggernaut will focus on generating revenue in the year ahead, and may explore options including an initial public offering. “2010 is really going to be the revenue year. Infographie sur l’histoire des médias sociaux. Le Guide Essentiel Pour Faire Des Infographies. Les infographies sont de nos jours très populaires.

Le Guide Essentiel Pour Faire Des Infographies

Elles permettent de proposer des informations de façon visuelle et synthétique. Leur présentation esthétique attrayante et leur caractère unique font qu’elles sont très appréciées des internautes qui en échange sont plus disposés à les partager avec leurs contacts, à créer des liens pointant vers ces ressources ou encore à les sauvegarder en ligne. Les avantages des infographies pour les entreprises qui les éditent concernent la génération de trafic, le référencement et le branding. Voltier Creative vient d’éditer une infographie présentant un guide pour réaliser vous-même vos infographies.

The Art of Information. So is no longer my current home on the web. For all the latest infographics and everything Jess Bachman, head over to If you are wondering why this blog looks messed up right now… well… a funny thing happened on the migration to a new host. That is all, Jess, over an out. Continue Reading Just finished this one. Tutoriel PhotoFiltre : Traitement d'images et de photos. Liens Tutoriels Photofiltre et Photofiltre Studio. Tutoriels-pf.pdf (Objet application/pdf) L’infographie à portée de tous grâce à

Cet article a été posté par Lionel Damm le 15 juillet 2011 à 9:52 L’infographie est LE format de présentation en vogue sur la Toile. Mettant le visuel au service des chiffres de manière très efficace, ce format offre une grande liberté de visualisation et d’agencement des données, tout en restant structuré. Il est en quelques sortes le juste milieu entre une vidéo et un article rédigé. [Collège Jean Racine - Alençon] INFOGRAPHIE : quelques outils pour commencer avec PHOTOFILTRE. Le Guide Essentiel Pour Faire Des Infographies. Image Chart Editor. Créer des infographies en ligne facilement. Pages Analyser l’outil pour créer des infographies de vos pages Facebook. Déguisez votre iPhone en Jedi !

Pages Analyser l’outil pour créer des infographies de vos pages Facebook

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