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N-Sight on Empire Avenue - The insights on social media, social gaming and social influence. Empire Avenue. I am excited that Empire Avenue has been nominated for a Mashable Award! This is the blog post from Empire about the nomination and this is a link to a recent article explaining why this is such a big deal. Vote for Empire Avenue here. And thanks! In my quest to fabricate a purpose for my brand new and shiny blog I’ve decided that most of my Empire Avenue musings will be posted there instead of on this blog (which will remain focused on writing and game design). If something amazingly awesome happens I might crosspost but generally if you care … Over on Empire Avenue veteran player William Pitcher has triggered a lot of interest in Kiva, which is, in their own words: …a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty… William is encouraging players to join his team on kiva. So I’ve come to recognize that I wear many hats.

As many of you know I am a design consultant with Empire Avenue. General Zod's Manifesto. (e)JOSH's Empire Ave. Tips & Twits - Welcome to the most endorsed blog & most accurate tips on Empire Avenue from EA's perennial wealth leader, me… (e)JOSH. Look, all i'm saying is that all this stuff has worked for me, maybe it will for you too? :) When i started on EAv, one of the first ads i ran was: “The great thing about Empire Ave is that i finally know what i am worth as a human being!”.

It was a joke of course… but it set the stage for what i would come to realize which is that the real lesson i have learned on Empire Avenue is about the worth and good nature of strangers. It’s been some time since i posted to the JT&T blog. In fact, pretty much since i retired from blogging in the post below. So i wanted to drop in with a post to discuss what i’ve been up to on Empire Ave since then. Since we last spoke the site has grown and the community has matured. With this growth has come some changing of the guard. I continue to enjoy my front row seat for what the EAv team is building but enough about that… let’s talk eavs!

My goals on Empire Ave started quite modest. A few weeks back i noticed that i was gaining about .4 per day on average, due primarily to the purchases of others. MIMI OKMMH @SMOODLE and (e)STACYN. Game Mechanics - Empire Avenue, for a start. The Influencier | On Empire Avenue - Influence is Everything. Workrate's Empire. Empire Avenue Addict. Empire Avenue : The My Stats Tab: Analyzing Social Media Value. SOCIAL EMPIRE – Page 1. Ten Achievements to Success on Empire Avenue. The Empire Avenue Royal Blog.