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Get to terms with "Curation": Pro's and con's and 6 principles. Is it the blessing bestowed on every marketing manager starving for content, or is it a fig leaf parading like thought leadership? Zoom back 4-5 years, and curation was something only art gallery owners did. Now it’s such a hot topic with B2B marketers that you need a guide to choose a curation tool. Content curation’s a funny thing, though. It’s either the greatest thing for content marketers, or horrible malpractice. Or, in fact, it’s both. And here is a handful of reasons why curation’s a miserable art, and the arguments that oppose them. Con Curation: It’s a sorry attempt at looking like a thought leader by doing nothing more than collecting other people’s stories. Pro Curation: It demonstrates that you follow developments in your field, and understand which stories possess great significance.

Con Curation: It’s filling an already hugely noisy marketplace by regurgitating content that was already out there in the wild. Pro Curation: Let’s admit it. 1. 10 Global Trends in ICT and Education | A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education. Social Media Content Curation. Buneman. 150. Defining what digital curators do and what they need to know. International Journal of Digital Curation. 86020038019.