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Literary Genres. A Conversation with John Green. Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Podcast Episodes Podcast A Conversation with John Green A Conversation with John Green Though John Green is too humble to say it, he's one of the best authors writing for teens today. After listening to this episode, be sure to print out this list of recommended titles to take to the library or book seller. Recommendations in this episode include Looking for Alaska (Dutton, 2005) An Abundance of Katherines (Dutton, 2006) Paper Towns (Dutton, 2008) A Conversation with Nancy Werlin. Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Podcast Episodes Podcast A Conversation with Nancy Werlin A Conversation with Nancy Werlin If you’re a reader who loves a good page-turner, then you’ll be sure to love the books Nancy Werlin writes.

After listening to this episode, be sure to print out this list of recommended titles to take to the library or book seller. Books featured in this episode include: Are You Alone on Purpose? A Conversation with Coe Booth. Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Podcast Episodes Podcast Episode 46 – A Conversation with Coe Booth Episode 46 – A Conversation with Coe Booth Coe Booth’s novels about teens growing up in the Bronx provide rich and sensitive portraits of their life experiences. As a former social worker and lifelong Bronx resident, Coe writes with respect for her characters and their community. In Tyrell, Kendra, and the recently-released Bronxwood, Coe explores the moral choices that urban teens face as they navigate their lives and their relationships. Tune in to hear how Coe worked through the challenges of writing Bronxwood, how she makes sense of her characters’ actions, and how her books challenge readers to develop critical social consciousness.

After listening to this episode, be sure to print out this list of recommended titles to take to the library or book seller. Podcasting. Remember the good old days of TV and radio? Everyone would gather around to be entertained. Shows were broadcast at specific times and if you weren't there on time, you missed it <boo>. Broadcasts disappeared into the ether. Well, things have changed. Here's the big idea. Thanks to podcasting, show times don't matter. When a new show is created, podcasting gives you a way to capture it and take it with you to watch or listen to later - usually for free. Here are three reasons why podcasting is becoming so popular. The first is that anyone can do it. The second is subscriptions. The third reason is gadgetry.

So, let's look at how Jason uses podcasts. He uses the web everyday, rides the bus to work and loves Japanese culture. Recently he found a podcast by a Western couple living in Tokyo. Podcasting made it happen. The Power of Words. Flocabulary - Five Things (Elements of a Short Story) Teens as Writers. Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Podcast Episodes Podcast Teens as Writers Teens as Writers If you talk with many teens, you'll soon become aware of the remarkable variety of writing they produce in their everyday lives. Whether it's blog entries or a diary, letters or emails, essays or rants, teens today are writing for their own purposes, both in and out of school, in ways that are personally important to them.

In honor of NCTE's National Day on Writing, tune in to hear about the growing number of books featuring teens who write. After listening to this episode, be sure to print out this list of recommended titles to take to the library or book seller. Recommended Books featuring teens as writers Books with teen writers featured in other podcasts Older YA titles featuring teen writers.