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Brigitte Gabriel - Israel, IDF and childhood in Lebanon 1of2. Palestine Think Tank » Analysis Biography Hasbara Deconstruction Site Internet and Communication Israel Palestine Zionism » Jeff Blankfort – Chomsky and Palestine: Asset or Liability? Jeffrey Blankfort: Why Israel Always Prevails. A Crisis in U.S. / Israeli Relations? Sure. But ... If the State Department had issued travel advisory warnings to US government officials about to travel to Israel, Vice President Joe Biden would have no doubt ignored them. A better friend to Israel could not have been found in the 36 years that Biden represented Delaware in the US Senate and there was speculation that his popularity among Jewish voters and major Jewish donors was the primary reason he was added to the Democratic ticket.

According to all reports, Biden’s trip was to mend fences with the Israeli officials and with the Israeli Jewish public which had become disenchanted with the Obama administration where the president’s popularity is measured in the low single digits. Indeed, even a day after having been blind-sided by the announcement that Israel would build 1600 new and exclusively Jewish housing units in East Jerusalem, Biden was still trying. In other words, in the view of Gen. In April 2002, after Pres. Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups | World news. Since the earliest days of the worldwide web, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has seen its rhetorical counterpart fought out on the talkboards and chatrooms of the internet.

Now two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing" for Wikipedia, the online reference site. Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My I srael) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site.

"We don't want to change Wikipedia or turn it into a propaganda arm," says Naftali Bennett, director of the Yesha Council. "We just want to show the other side. Wikipedia is one of the world's most popular websites, and its 16m entries are open for anyone to edit, rewrite or even erase. And on Wikipedia, they believe that there is much work to do. Middle East | Israeli law limits Arab citizenship. The Israeli parliament passed a law preventing Palestinians married to Israelis from gaining Israeli citizenship. Human rights groups have condemned the law as racist but supporters say it is necessary for security reasons and to maintain the Jewish character of the state of Israel. The law will prevent Palestinians from the occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza from marrying Arab-Israelis, who make up about 20% of the population of Israel.

A total of 53 deputies voted for the measure and 25 against, while there was one abstention, according to a spokesman. Until now, the Israeli interior minister has had the final say on whether Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens can receive citizenship and make a home in Israel. Interior Minister Avraham Poraz said he welcomed the proposed bill - reluctantly. "I wish we didn't need this law, I'm not thrilled with it, but there was a government decision and I must follow it," he said. Controversy. Pro-Israel Lobby Has Strong Voice ( Palestinian dance at 2010 Surrey Fusion Festival.