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Effective learning

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Learning. Learning and Memory: How it Works and When it Fails. The 9 Habits of Highly Effective Polyglots. Which will you rely on when learning a language? “Habit” (built by repetition) or “Will power” (depends on your feelings) ? I will pick a solid habit any day. So I asked 9 highly effective polyglots the following question: “What is your most effective habit that pays the most dividend when you are learning a language?” Enter the polyglots. 1. “Make at least two hundred mistakes a day.” -Benny Lewis, I failed learning Spanish for months because of perfectionism, but embracing a “screw it, I want to actually use this language, mistakes or not” approach allowed me to communicate and ultimately make friends. I go out of my way to use the language to the max, and effectively “get the mistakes out of my system”, rather than study them out.

I’ve been doing this in a decade in real situations, and it seems like I have somehow survived 2. -Luca Lampariello, By doing so, I make sure that I learn steadily in a cumulative way and avoid burning out. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart. Note_110514_182137_1.