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Little Fans Down Under, Baby Sweater-Free Crochet Pattern. Little Fans Down Under, Baby Sweater To fit: Newborn to 3 Months Introduction: The body of the sweater is made from top down, and is made in one piece, the sleeves are then added and made in the round, last of all the collar is added.

Little Fans Down Under, Baby Sweater-Free Crochet Pattern

The edges of both sides are made as you make the body and are designed with button hole and button placements in mind. There may be some lengthy explanations in some parts, but that ensures there is no need for guessing games. Pattern stitch: With clever placements of the V stitch and 9 dc’s all in a row, a few sc’s and ch’s thrown in together, gives this pretty little stitch pattern a big tick. Hook size: 4mm, US G/6 Yarn: 8 ply approx 150 to 200 gm’s US DK/Medium.

US crochet terms used. Picot-and-Lace set. Knitting and Crochet Project ideas from Boye at Layettes bébés et leurs grilles gratuites. Newborn Romper. Taken from Marilyn's Bubblesuit, modified by Joanne Holt, 2006 F or G hook; Simply Soft yarn Ch 50...

Newborn Romper

Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in next 5 sts, (dc, ch1,dc) in next St. Dc in next 7 sts (dc,ch1,dc) in next St. Dc in next 16 sts. (Dc,ch1,dc )in next St, dc in next 7 sts, (dc, ch1, dc) in next St. Craft Passions. If you use this blog regularly please take the time to leave me a comment your feedback helps me to look and search for the patterns that are most popular ,it only takes a few seconds of your time and longer for me to find them THANK YOU Also if you want to get the FREE pattern link as soon as they are posted onto this blog because that's where they appear first then you can subscribe to my emailing list where you will be notified straight away as soon as a pattern as been posted, your email is not saved by me and i will not have access to it as this is an automated system THIS BLOG AND THE POSTINGS ON IT TO MY GROUPS ARE DIRECTLY IN SUPPORT OF CANCER RESEARCH ANY EARNINGS OR DONATIONS FROM IT GO 100% TO THE CHARITY IN HONOUR OF THOSE WHO SUFFER DIRECTLY AND IN DIRECTLY ,THE ONES WHO FIGHT THE BATTLE AND WIN AND THOSE LESS FORTUNATE THAT ONE DAY A CURE MAY BE FOUND Size: Infants to 6 months YARN: 4-ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn.

Craft Passions

CROCHET HOOKS: Bone # 4, Steel #2. Knitted Set. Printer-friendly version Send by email PDF version 6 Months Materials Required: AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY "DAWN" NYLON or NYLON POMPADOUR or "DAWN" BABY YARN 5 ozs.

Knitted Set

White or color of your choice. 1 pr. knitting needles No. 1 and No. 2. 1 double pointed needle No. 1. PATTERN: 1st Row. 2nd Row. 3rd Row. 4th Row. 5th Row. 6th Row. Repeat these 6 rows for pattern. BACK: On No. 2 needles cast on 88 stitches (sts) and K 7 rows. SHAPE ARMHOLE: Decrease 1 st at each edge every row 9 times. LEFT FRONT: On No. 2 needles, cast on 52 sts and K 7 rows. Capelines bleues et jaunes avec leurs grilles gratuites. Magnifiques capelines bleues et jaunes pastel , fermées par une lanière à pompons , trouvées dans la Galerie Picasa de " Kalima " , avec ses grilles gratuites .

Capelines bleues et jaunes avec leurs grilles gratuites

Partager cet article. Baby Ensemble - A charming sacque, bonnet and bootie set will warm the wee one in your life.Also includes a baby afghan pattern. Encore des ensembles pour ces chers petits - Tricot, crochet, doudous de Memie Cathy. Voici quelques ensembles que j'ai portés à l'association "Tricoter coeur" lors de l'expo "Aiguille en Fête".Entre nous, c'était très dur d'accéder aux stands.

Encore des ensembles pour ces chers petits - Tricot, crochet, doudous de Memie Cathy

J'ai cependant trouvé quelque nouveautés, mais éreintée. Les modèles présentés ci-dessous sont exécutés de la même manière avec cependant un point différend pour le haut : soit en côtes 2/2, soit en damiers, soit en fausses côtes poins 2/2 fantaisie avec des aiguilles 3 ou 3,5 selon que vous tricoter large ou serré. Les modèles sont pour 1/3mois selon que vous tricotez serré ou lâche et aussi en fonction de la laine employée. le gilet en crochet jaune est un modèle exécuté depuis les explications diffusées sur un blog Les explications des gilets modèles "rose, bleu et blanc" (attention : si vous tricotez serré utiliser des n° d'aiguilles supérieures)

Free crochet baby cardigan pattern. Here is a free pattern for you to try.

Free crochet baby cardigan pattern

I used a size 4 crochet hook and double knit wool for the red and the grey cardigans. Whilst I tried a super soft organic cotton for the white one. All designs have been slightly adapted, so feel free to play around with different combinations. The red one has no button holes and is fastened with a big double satin ribbon. The grey cardigan has button holes (in the picture I have not sewn on the buttons yet … Couldn’t quite decide!)

You can also order bespoke cardigans from my shop. Newborn Romper.