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Anim'Motion. Dans l'art du temps. QRcode. FlashVillage. Koyote Soft. SCENARIOS. 5 Twitter tools. There’s eleventy-billion Twitter apps, tools and services all vying for your attention. Some of them are pretty, some tell you some type of score (as if Twitter was some kind of competition) and some, well, some just seem to be side-projects for bored programmers… :-p But the following five Twitter tools are those that I find genuinely useful. They add value to my little social networking world. 1. Mr Tweet ( There’s plenty of services that will help you find people to follow, but I find Mr Tweet usually gets things spot on. 2.

. ( You can configure in many ways, but I’ve got it set up so that anything I ‘favorite’ on Twitter automatically gets added to my Delicious links. 3. . ( You don’t always need industrial-strength encryption to share something. 4. . ( If a picture paints a thousand words, a short video must paint a million! 5. . ( Web Design. Outils Web.

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