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Top Three Masters Degrees in Business to Boost Your Career - MyStudyDestination. The most common dilemma faced by every undergraduate student is to decide whether to go for post-graduation or not?

Top Three Masters Degrees in Business to Boost Your Career - MyStudyDestination

After due considerations by keeping career growth as a top priority, most of the students prefer to go for the Master’s degree. Lacking a Master’s Degree in Business defers the career growth of an individual to multi-times. This post of MyStudyDestination discusses the importance of pursuing a master’s degree and top three highly-paid master’s degrees worldwide. Let us now take a little look at the various benefits associated with studying for a Masters’ degree. · Potential for Higher Earnings World stats show that a student with a Master’s degree is offered higher and better placements over and above its undergraduate counterparts. . · Increase in the Career Opportunities A student with Master’s degree will have more opportunities knocking the door. . · Detailed Understanding of Subject A Master’s degree allows the students to specialize in the subject of their choice.

How to Make your TOEFL Essay Impress the Examiners? - MyStudyDestination. Test of English as a Foreign Language commonly known as TOEFL, is a Language proficiency test necessary for admission in many international universities.

How to Make your TOEFL Essay Impress the Examiners? - MyStudyDestination

There are four sections in TOEFL- reading, writing, speaking and listening. The total duration of the exam is 3 hours. We will be discussing about the writing section. Know the Biometric Requirements for Canadian Visa - MyStudyDestination. Canada is emerging as one of the most preferred destinations for study and jobs.

Know the Biometric Requirements for Canadian Visa - MyStudyDestination

The country has expanded its biometric requirements from past December 2019. If you are applying for a work permit, visitor visa, study visa or even permanent residence, you have to submit biometrics. The students need to submit their biometric information along with the visa application. My Study Destination has compiled the list of biometric requirements in this post exclusively for our readers. Before that, you need to understand What do we mean by biometric requirements? Biometric information comprises of essentially two things. Study Abroad in Canada– Does your Checklist have these Things? - MyStudyDestination. All set with your study abroad preparations?

Study Abroad in Canada– Does your Checklist have these Things? - MyStudyDestination

Living away from home isn’t easy. In fact, the first year is the toughest time you spend on the international surface. You need to complete a lot of formalities before taking a flight to your destination. Every country has its own protocols to follow. The visa agency will help and guide you with every small step related to your international travel.

9 Must-Have Documents Needed for the US and Canadian University Application - MyStudyDestination. Incomplete and incorrect applications are the major reasons for causing a delay in international application processing.

9 Must-Have Documents Needed for the US and Canadian University Application - MyStudyDestination

Yes, the application process can be a bit stressful but things can turn around if you know the procedure properly. Accurate and on-time completion of applications helps in their faster and efficient processing by the overseas Universities. A delayed or incorrect application may cause your candidature to be rejected or disqualified. So, the career coaches at MyStudyDestination have compiled the important application documents needed by the students applying in US and Canadian Universities. Study in Canada: Top Reasons to Study at York University - MyStudyDestination. Canada is increasingly becoming one of the most preferred destinations for Indian students.

Study in Canada: Top Reasons to Study at York University - MyStudyDestination

With incredible career options, great educational facilities and easy visa options, the Canadian market is attracting a lot of international students. York University, Toronto is the third-largest University in Canada well-renowned for public research opportunities. In this post of MyStudyDestination, we’ll dive into the reason why you should choose York University as your dream study destination. Pursue a Career in Agriculture and Forestry: Top International Agricultural Universities - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Agriculture, Forestry and other allied fields, then you must know the right Universities.

Pursue a Career in Agriculture and Forestry: Top International Agricultural Universities - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination

Getting a degree in agriculture from abroad means more exposure, more grooming and knowledge about the latest methodologies. This post of MyStudyDestination is for the students who are interested in making a career in agriculture abroad. Here are the top international agricultural universities in the world. The below-mentioned list is strictly based on the QS World ranking 2019 in the field of agriculture and forestry. The QS world rankings are widely recognized and preferred by international students before making a pick. What are the International Career Options after completing B.Com in India? - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination.

Soon you will be completing your final semester of B.Com.

What are the International Career Options after completing B.Com in India? - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination

What’s next? You need to pursue a master’s degree to sustain and thrive in this competitive world. Getting an international degree means mushrooming of your personality, resume and overall knowledge as well. Study in Canada-Best Reasons to Study at Trent University - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. With easy acceptance and seamless visa options, Canada is one of the most loved destinations for international studies.

Study in Canada-Best Reasons to Study at Trent University - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination

Canada is also known as the second home for Indians. The population of Canada welcomes Indian students wholeheartedly and cherish diversity. Canada has been recognized several times by the United Nations as the most liveable countries across the globe. The country is increasingly becoming a popular educational destination for international students. Top 20 International Colleges to Pursue MS Engineering - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination.

Pursuing a career in Engineering at an International University is both challenging and exciting.

Top 20 International Colleges to Pursue MS Engineering - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination

Apart from adding substantially to your knowledge, it grooms your resume as well. Engineering is one such profession that involves continuous learning and contribution to society. So, MyStudyDestination brings to you the top 20 best international colleges/Universities based on QS World University Ranking 2019. Top 5 Canadian Universities to Pursue MS Computer Science - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Computer science is one of the most popular and job oriented courses both in India and abroad. The demand for computer scientists and experts is increasing day by day. Since all the industries are undergoing digitization, the demand is ever-growing. The industry needs computer scientists to develop better and efficient computer systems. International studies have always been a forefront choice for Indian students.

The opportunities and exposure offered in universities in Canada are beyond comparison. Here, Mystudydestination brings top Canadian Universities to pursue MS in computer Science exclusively for its readers. Most Sought After Masters Degrees in the UK - My Study Destination. A master’s degree ensures bright future and a greater amount of success for any graduate in his chosen field of learning. Even if it costs a lot of money, the time and money you spent in pursuing your masters are completely worth it.

Today, the employers are looking at recruiting only specialized individuals. And it is only a master’s degree that paves your path towards specialization in your chosen field. Having talked about the significance of a master’s degree, you are likely to agree with me that the UK is a very popular study destination amongst Indian students. To help you make an informed career decision that best meets your goals and aspirations, our career coach at my study destination has compiled a list of the best and most sought after ‘Masters Programs’ in the UK.

Scroll down to find the list of programs that are recommended by our career coach: Engineering. Realize your dreams by Studying in the Most Modern Bradford University in the UK - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. “Discover impressive, ultra-modern, affordable and internationally recognized academic courses at the University of Bradford.” The University of Bradford was established in 1957 in Bradford, West Yorkshire, North England. Situated amidst the foothills of beautiful mountain ranges, Bradford University is famous amongst international students. It is well renowned for its degree programs like pharmacology, pharmacology, business, development studies, engineering and Research work. Looking for More than Just Qualification- Get Admission in Coventry University - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Do you want impeccable teaching, stupendous student experience and a career that makes your investment-worthy? Then Coventry University is a perfect pick for your study abroad dreams.

The student life at CU is not only attending lectures and making notes; it’s an escapade! After the relaxation announced by the UK government regarding study visas, things have become far easier. Here are the top reasons to study at Coventry University, UK. Certificate in Advanced Management in Babson College- A Gateway to MBA without GMAT - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Studying management in an international college is like a dream for most of the students. However, very few of them are able to turn their dreams into reality.

Most of the students get discouraged if they are unable to clear GMAT, leaving their dreams shattered. Well no more crying now, mystudydestination brings you a great option where you can study management in the USA even without GMAT. Top Reasons to Get Enrolled in Central Queensland University 2020 - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. 6 Tips for a Seamless Transition from High School to an International College/University - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. The University of Buckingham- The Home of Two Year Degree Programs. If you are planning to study in the UK, then the University of Buckingham should be topping your priority list. Study in Europe- Top Reasons to Choose Ukraine for MBBS Studies. Europe is one of the most preferred countries amongst international students to pursue a medical career especially MBBS. The students can get into European Medical Colleges after completing their higher secondary school.

Amongst the European countries, Ukraine is considered to be one of the most affordable, economical and comfortable places to study MBBS. After the completion of the MBBS degree, the students can practice as a doctor with any reputed organization. The best part of studying in Ukraine is that most of the medical colleges and universities are approved by WHO (World Health Organization) and MCI (Medical Council of India). This means that a student pursuing an education in MBBS from Ukrainian University can work anywhere in the world. Top 7 Reasons to Study in UAE - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Education abroad brings a lot of opportunities and surprises in your journey, and there is every reason to make UAE your preferred destination for foreign studies.

The United Arab Emirates offers dynamic, job-driven and versatile degree programs in its world-class universities and educational institutions. The states of UAE are well known for their economic vitality, religious tolerance and warm hospitality. UAE is one of the much sought after destinations amongst international students as they get to experience the world’s best cuisines, diverse culture, unique lifestyle and an ever-growing business hub. Study Abroad- How to Shortlist International Universities? - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Many articles are floating over the internet regarding top international colleges to prefer or the best schools to join after schooling.

But these articles are written by someone with his/her own viewpoint. The list may be or may not work for every student. It is you who have to research and find the best school, university, country and course of your choice. Rather than considering other’s opinions, it is always better to keep your personal choices and preferences at top. Even if the college/university is holding a good rank, that doesn’t mean that it would be the right choice for you. Here are some tips that will help you find a perfect university and course for you. Study in UK: Why Manchester Should Be on Top of Your List? - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination.

Due to relaxations in the work visa announced by the UK government, there is every reason for international students to aim for the United Kingdom as their preferred place of study. Manchester is one of the most popular, cultural and historical cities of the UK that enlists various top-rated universities and educational institutions.

Study in Ireland- Shaping your Future with Ulster University - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Ulster University is one of the largest and most popular universities in North Ireland. The University is well known for its excellent academic records, impeccable teaching faculty and world-class research opportunities. More than 20k students from 100+ countries are currently pursuing their careers in the multi-campuses of Ulster University. How to Study Abroad if you have a low GPA? - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination. Is your low GPA turning out to be a hindrance to your study abroad dreams?

Don’t worry the counsellors at MyStudyDestination have mentored and counselled many students with low grades and helped them in getting into their dream colleges and universities. Study in US -7 Mistakes to avoid while applying for F-1 Visa. F-1 Visa is the gateway for every foreign student to realize his/her dream of studying in the USA. Study Abroad Scholarships for Indian Students. Ways to Make the Best Out of Your Summer School Journey. Private Institution v/s Public University: Making Your Choice. How to Make the Best of Your Study Abroad Time? How Can Plagiarism Negatively Affect Your Personal Essay or SOP? Most Comprehensive Guide Ever on Admission Essays. How to Start your Career in Bookkeeping and Payroll? Avoid these 7 Common Mistakes while Applying for a Student Visa. Things Not to Do in Europe As a Study Abroad Student.

Top Universities in South Africa for International Students. Dutch Education System: Pros & Cons of Studying in the Netherlands. A Brief Comparison between NCERT and SCERT Math. The Important Differences Between UK and USA English? What You Must Know About the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Best Paying IT Certifications for 2018. Things to Know About Tuition-Free Universities in Europe. Why is it Important for you to Improve your Accent? Opportunities Abound in Singapore for International Students - India’s No. 1 Career Blog - MyStudyDestination.

Reasons for Studying in New Zealand and Useful Resources. Reasons for Studying in New Zealand and Useful Resources. Private Institution v/s Public University: Making Your Choice. Prerequisites for Studying in Canada - My Study Destination- Study Abroad. My Career Coach Archives - My Study Destination- Study Abroad. My Study Destination- Study Abroad - For all your career needs.