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White House to open source as open government data platform. As 2011 comes to an end, there are 28 international open data platforms in the open government community.

White House to open source as open government data platform

By the end of 2012, code from new “” may help many more countries to stand up their own platforms. A partnership between the United States and India on open government has borne fruit: progress on making the open data platform open source. In a post this morning at the blog, federal CIO Steven VanRoekel (@StevenVDC) and federal CTO Aneesh Chopra (@AneeshChopra) explained more about how is going global: As part of a joint effort by the United States and India to build an open government platform, the U.S. team has deposited open source code — an important benchmark in developing the Open Government Platform that will enable governments around the world to stand up their own open government data sites.

The U.S. What’s next for open government data in the United States has yet to be written. Drupal as an open government platform? Related: ChurchInfo open source church database created with PHP & MySQL! - ChurchInfo open source church database created with PHP & MySQL! - Open Source Observatory and Repository — What is a community? - Open Source Observatory and Repository —

A community is a dedicated area in the platform for a group of users who share a common interest in a particular topic. The members of a community have the authorization use the community’s communication and collaboration tools to share and obtain information. Interoperability solutions hosted on the platform have their own community of users and developers – these developer/user communities are called projects. What is the difference between community "member" and community "facilitator"? A community member is a user registered on the platform who has the role ‘Member’ in the context a particular Community. What is displayed on this page? On a community’s page, you can find the following: A list of the 5 latest activities in this community; a list of the 3 latest news items published or highlighted in this community; a list of the 3 latest e-library items published or highlighted in this community.

Join a community Who can join a community? Open data : l’Europe veut concevoir son propre portail. La Commission européenne vient de publier son appel d’offres officiel pour la création de son propre portail open data.

Open data : l’Europe veut concevoir son propre portail

Il devra héberger les données partagées publiquement par la Commission et, par extension, tous les corps et institutions européens. Pour l’emporter, les candidats devront aussi aider la Commission à définir et implémenter des procédures de publication, et intéresser les utilisateurs finaux dans l’exploitation de ces données. L’exécutif européen est prêt à investir jusqu’à 800 000 euros dans ce projet. Un portail test développé par les équipes internes de la Commission devra servir de base au nouveau site. La livraison d’une première version du portail serait attendue en mars 2012. Il est basé sur LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Drupal et CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network). Une autre des conditions du contrat : le code développé devra être rendu open source et publié sur, ou tout autre référentiel de projets open source.