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Social PR: 10 Ways to Do PR Better with Social Media - Search Engine Watch (SEW) Will the new public relations please stand up? Hello, social PR! In a time of social media evolution and revolution, public relations professionals have a unique opportunity to reinvent themselves to ultimately deliver better results. The strategy: using social media-flavored PR to influence the search marketing ecosystem. First, let's look at today's journalist, one of the PR professional's primary targets. According to a recent survey by TEKGROUP International: More than 77 percent of journalists think it's important to be able to access a company's social media networks from its online newsroom. 45 percent of reporters say they use a corporate blog when researching a story. 25 percent of journalists visit a company's Facebook Page (up 10 percent from a year ago). 40 percent are looking to receive news or updates via Twitter.

Here are 10 ways a business can capitalize on the social PR opportunity right now. 1. 2. 3. Keyword research is necessary when writing for PR and social media. Management Degree » Leaders of the People’s Media: The Top 50 Social Media Blogs. The internet is filled with endless possibilities when it comes to getting your name, company, brand, logo, or Facebook status out there. For this, we have condensed this realm of thought in the idea of social media. With these many outlets (from blogging to Twitter), some people have hit a wall when it comes to properly marketing themselves (or company) to the ideal audience.

These Top 50 Social Media Bloggers have certainly done their research, and have received countless awards based on their marketing, PR, web design, and technologically savvy skills. From CEOs to PR Agents to Moms, these bloggers have successfully displayed that they are at the top of the game when it comes to marketing and social media. Branding: Branding blogs specialize in promoting a certain name or brand, creative a buzz that will get people to remember your brand. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dataviz, democratized: Google opens Public Data Explorer.

Two years ago, Google acquired Gapminder, the Swedish graphics-display company whose Trendalyzer software specializes in representing data over time. (You may recall the company from this awesome and much-circulated TED talk from 2006.) Since the acquisition, Google has built out the Trendalyzer software to create its Public Data Explorer, a tool that makes large datasets easy to visualize — and, for consumers, to play with. The Explorer has created interactive and dynamic data visualizations of information about traditionally hard-to-grasp concepts like unemployment figures, income statistics, world development indicators, and more. It’s a future-of-context dream. “It’s about not just looking at data, but really understanding and exploring it visually,” Benjamin Yolken, Google Public Data’s product manager, told me. The big catch, though, as far as journalism goes, has been that users haven’t been able to do much with the tool besides look at it.

Citi Adding Technology to Tweak Twitter. Twitter can help banks reach a wider audience than other channels, but at its heart it is a microblogging tool, not a customer service one — so any bank that aims to use Twitter for customer service must patch its many inadequacies. To bring Twitter up to speed with mature channels such as the branch and the call center, Citigroup Inc. has begun deploying and developing new technology to organize the potential tidal wave of communication. The ultimate goal is to "build rapport with customers, and they come back to you just as they would in a branch," said Frank Eliason, Citi's senior vice president of social media. Citi uses a platform called CoTweet, a workflow management tool specially designed for use with social media.

It can help banks create an audit trail, keep track of conversations, manage marketing campaigns and provide better customer service. Other companies using it include the Coca-Cola Co. and Delta Air Lines Inc. A Guide to The Contextual Web. New Social Business Network Launches: The Future or Facemash 2.0 for the Chamber Crowd? News, Marketing, SEO, Social Media & More. IM faceplate - brand yourself! Create your own faceplate in less than 5 minutes! Instantly add your videos, tweetsTM, articles, product spotlights & more! IM faceplate is about community. The second you login, you will be connected with thousands of like-minded business oriented people! Brand yourself, your ideas and your products with this powerful social network by sharing content, discussing topics and helping others.

A powerful and unique social network designed to help you market yourself, your ideas and your products. A personal web presence and a hub for your social media and interactions with other members A platform to gain exposure and knowledge by integrating into a community of business oriented and success driven individuals. "IM faceplate is one of the best, if not the best, Social Networking site I have had the pleasure to participate in. " - GT Bulmer, member "I posted a shout message in IMFaceplate and it went to the top of Google and Yahoo that same day. . - James, member - Soroya Ravencrest, member. Google chief Eric Schmidt on social media threat. Community curation of the programming slashtags. Merchants of Culture: A Meditation on the Future of Publishing. By Maria Popova What Gogol, Seth Godin and TED have to do with the fate of the written word.

The year has barely begun and already it’s been a tremendously disruptive month for the publishing industry, with a number of noteworthy developments that bespeak a collective blend of optimism, fear and utter confusion about what the future holds for the written word as its purveyors try to make sense — and use — of digital platforms. Here are just a handful of important, potentially game-changing, events in the publishing world that took place in the past month alone: So what is all of this momentum building up to? Hovering between a serious academic text and an Entourage for the publishing business, full of high-rolling agents and drama-ridden deals, Merchants of Culture is as much a how-to for the everyman author as it is a what-now for the digitally paralyzed publisher, as well as an all-around treat for anyone interested in the future of the written word.

Share on Tumblr. Social Media Management Software for Businesses: Sendible. Contextual Web. The Explosion of Micro-Crowdsourcing Services - A Computer Scientist in a Business School. Picard på BI: Om nye forretningsmodeller og hvorfor mediene sliter med endring | Netthoder. Designing Websites with Personality. We all have personalities, and no one is exactly like another. Our relationships and memories are built on our interaction with other people. Like every person, web designers have unique and intriguing personalities. But even with the clearly obvious level of impact our personality has in our lives and our work, there is still a noticeable lack of individuality in the web designs we see on the web.

For example, why do the Chicago Tribune and New York Times have websites with such similar personalities even when these newspapers are unique in their own right? So often, we find ourselves getting caught up in typography, keeping up with the latest design trends, information architecture, content readability and the like that we forget or neglect to consider those who are going to be living through the experiences we’re building. We need not be afraid of showing some personality with designs we make. Made by People for People What do people really love about the internet? Making It Last. Welcome to Namesake. 2011 Global CEO Survey Report: Insights from PwC and the World Economic Forum.