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Why IBM Could Be Bigger Than Facebook in Social Media. Fathoming a new product from IBM via a launch event is like trying to understand the ocean by watching a wave. Nonetheless that was my task, swimming through the presentations and ultimately landing an interview with Jeffrey Schick, IBM's VP of Social Software. Drenched in the vision Schick shared for the IBM Customer Experience Suite, it occurred to me that IBM could end up being more important to the business use and monetization of social media than Facebook.

While the comparison between IBM's new social software solutions and Facebook could be considered all wet from the start, the mere fact that I'm discussing both in the same sentence should make you take notice. IBM is not sitting idly on the dock as web and mobile usage transform business interactions. Social software is not a new idea at IBM Long before Mark Zuckerberg aggregated his Harvard friends online, IBM'ers could find their colleagues in a similar manner. Social software for business that is as easy as Facebook. How to use social media to solve critical internal communication issues. Sosiale medier — Frontal Solutions AS. Nytt liv til portalene - Den Norske Dataforening.

Sosiale portaler: Mona Skaret (bildet) trodde portalen var død for seks årsiden. Men nå blomsterer de igjen. Denne gangen er de mer sosiale. (Foto: Steria) Av Mona Skaret, seniorrådgiver i Steria og medlem i Dataforeningen Det er torsdag ettermiddag, og på hjemveien tenker jeg tilbake på den givende diskusjon om kunnskapsdeling jeg nettopp hadde med mellomledere og en HR-sjef i staten. Så slår det meg. Portalene har blitt sosiale De seriøse leverandørene har skjerpet seg. En livbøye i informsjonshavet Informasjonsmen den i virksomhetene vokser dramatisk. Én dør inn til mange ulike systemer For å gjøre jobben vår må vi gjerne gå inn og ut av mange ulike systemer for å arkivere et innkommet brev, oppdatere kunderegisteret, føre en reiseregning, eller starte rapportering.

Selvsagt finnes det også fallgruver. Tross utfordringene, kan vi glede oss over IT-sjefenes stigende interesse for samhandlingsløsninger. Årets teknologitrender – topp 10: Nummeret i parentes er plassering i 2010. 1. Ledelse 2.0, bedre kunnskapsledelse. Sosiale medier presentasjon 2010. Bedrifter og sosiale medier: Klar, ferdig, gå! Eller? | Sermo Consulting. IBM Lotus adds micro-blogging, file sharing to social networking tools. Network World - IBM Tuesday added micro-blogging and file sharing to its Lotus Connections lineup of social networking tools as the company moves to expand its suite of collaboration software. Where IT pros do their social networking20 most useful social networking sites The 2.5 version of Lotus Connections, which was first introduced in 2007, also adds a new wiki service and expands mobile capabilities with support for Apple's iPhone and Nokia S60 devices.

The support provides micro-browser access from those devices to Lotus Connections Profiles, Activities and Blog services. IBM made the announcement at its Center for Social Software Symposium going on this week in Cambridge, Mass., on the one-year anniversary of the opening of IBM's Center for Social Software. The company has been pushing its social networking tools as a way to trump Microsoft, which has been playing from behind in that arena. With 2.5, the major addition is micro-blogging features in Connections's Profiles service. IBM Enterprise Microblogging Debuts - Technology For Change. John Jainschigg | Date: 09-23-09 | 0 Comments Print PDF Technology For Change Lotus Connections now boasts a Twitter-like service that lets employees establish and maintain publish/subscribe dialogues within their organizations. in Share 0 New At its Center for Social Software symposium being held this week in Cambridge, Mass., IBM announced the release of a microblogging and file-sharing facility bolstering the Lotus Connections suite of enterprise social networking tools.

Additional features added to Lotus Connections include support for iPhone and Nokia S60 mobile devices, including microbrowser access to Profiles, Activities and the Lotus Connections blogging tool. It's taken awhile for me to come around to the idea of creating "enterprise versions" of social networking tools. Infoboom: The Social Media Intranet: A Starting Point for Business. The collaborative environment, immediacy of information, and business transparency that social media can bring into the corporate environment are reasons why interest in the social media intranet is booming. It is a natural outgrowth from early forms of corporate collaboration; in fact, a recent Information Week article on IBM's centennial gives a fascinating look at how the company's collaboration tools evolved into social media tools for business.

The use of social tools within a company changes the corporate culture. Social media is interactive: it involves a community where people woo others into joining the conversation. From the intranet standpoint, this means that employees take responsibility: they must not only begin the conversation, but they must also converse relevantly, inform meaningfully, and use the conversation to improve collaboration. IBM Connections or Adobe SocialText offer these tools and more, leading to a rich interactive social media intranet. Europe. Business Collaboration with Enterprise Social Networking | Socialtext. Sosiale medier - et verktøy for økt kunnskapsdeling internt. Det er mye som skjer innen sosiale medier, også internt. En mer transparent verden og et høyere tempo på informasjonsformidlingen gjør at virksomhetene må ha gode systemer for å følge med på hva som skjer rundt oss. Dette får også konsekvenser for valg av kommunikasjonsverktøy internt. Det utvikles nye former for intranett og samhandlingsverktøy som er mer i tråd med måten vi kommuniserer og samhandler på utenfor kontorets fire vegger. Stikkord er dialog, engasjement og delaktighet. er her et godt eksempel. Nettmarkedsplassen har hentet inspirasjon fra sosiale nettsteder til sitt egenutviklede system "FinnOpp", som skal stimulere til ideskaping hos selskapets egne ansatte.

Sparebank1-gruppen ligger også et hestehode foran. For enkelte bedrifter har sosiale medier allerede blitt en ny måte å tenke bedriftskultur og organisasjons-endring på. Riktig brukt kan sosiale medier, som ledd i bedriftens internkommunikasjon, gi mange spennende muligheter. Noen som har flere forslag? Dropper sosiale medier på hjemmebane. Mens nesten tre av fire norske bedrifter har prøvd seg på sosiale medier som Facebook og Twitter, er det bare noen få prosent som bruker sosiale medier innad i organisasjonen. Tvitring. Tilhengere. Blogging.

Digging. Wikier. . - Det blir litt som da internett gjorde sitt inntog på midten av 90-tallet – det tok litt tid før alle skjønte hvor viktig den nye kanalen var. I undersøkelsen sier 69 prosent av respondentene seg enig i at sosiale medier er svært eller ganske viktig for sin bedrift. . - Dette kan ha sammenheng med at sosiale medier som tankegang stadig oftere knyttes opp mot tradisjonelle løsninger som intranett, CRM og andre arbeidsstøtteverktøy, påpeker Heum. Av de bedriftene i undersøkelsen som har gjennomført sosiale medieprosjekter, svarer hele fire av fem at resultatene har vært vellykkede. . - Selv om noen snubler i forsøkene, så ser vi flere eksempler på bedrifter som lykkes. Hvorfor bruke sosiale medier internt? « Eskedal. Her er 10 gode grunner og steg på veien Tidligere i uken kunne vi lese i Kampanje at firmaer dropper sosiale medier på hjemmebane. Veldig få bedrifter bruker eller har tenkt på å bruke sosiale medier internt, skrives det. Etter å ha fulgt diskusjonen litt i etterkant, virket det på meg som mange misforstår dette med å bruke sosiale medier internt.

Det er ikke snakk om å bruke Facebook og Twitter internt i bedriften. Det man snakker om er å ta i bruk egne interne sosiale medier, som er lukket for alle utenfor bedriften. Faren ved å ikke bruke sosiale medier internt eller ved å ikke ha ordentlig føringer for de ansattes bruk av sosiale medier, kan man risikere at de ansatte bruker offentlige sosiale medier til å diskutere ting internt i bedriften på Facebook.

Som Ole Johan Heum i Steria sier; så ligger det et stort potensial i å bruke sosiale medier internt i de aller fleste organisasjoner. Her er 10 steg til å bruke sosiale medier internt Author: Eskedal. De 3 største driverne for bruk av Interne Sosiale medier « Eskedal. Hvordan kan man måle ROI for investeringen av sosiale medier internt. I sin spede barndom har dette vært vanskelig, men nå har Cameron Hetrick fra Socialcast vist hvordan det kan gjøres. Det er 3 store drivere for bruk av sosiale medier internt i en bedrift: Økt engasjement blandt de ansatte Ansatte som bruker interne sosiale medier på arbeidsplassen er mer engasjert enn de som ikke bruker det, dette fordi kunnskapen og arbeidet blir gjennomsiktig og de ansatte får muligheten til å få tilbakemeldinger umiddelbart.Hvorfor er dette viktig: Undersøkelser gjort av Gallup og andre viser at engasjerte ansatte er mer produktiv, lønnsomme og det er mindre sjanse for at de forlater selskapet.

Engasjerte ansatte har en inntjening per andel som er 3,9 ganger høyere enn andre organisasjoner i samme industri.Mindre utskiftning blant de ansatte Ansatte som bruker interne sosiale medier på arbeidsplasse har mindre sannsynlighet for å forlate bedriften enn de som ikke bruker det. Author: Eskedal. How To Calculate the ROI of Enterprise 2.0.

With enterprise social software platforms still in their infancy, ROI measurements are just now becoming possible with early adopter communities. While I don’t expect that we will need to continuously re-justify these tools in the workplace, I do believe that measurements are going to be required to help bring about a more successful transition and wider adoption. At the Enterprise 2.0 conference last month, I spoke on a panel about measuring the ROI of E2.0 from an HR perspective. After listening to questions from the audience, I realized that community mangers are looking for more detailed guide of how to measure the benefits of E2.0 software. Calculating ROI can be a daunting and overwhelming task, but given advanced analytics it is definitely possible.

I would suggest starting small, selecting one area to focus on and then building upon that. Perhaps the best place to start is by picking an area that most closely resonates with your company’s current pain point. How to Use Internal Collaboration and Social Networking Technology. These days you can find a lot of advice about how to use public social media—such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter—for marketing your company to prospective customers, partners, and employees. However, small- to midsize businesses can also take a cue from larger companies and gain solid benefits from using social and collaboration tools for internal purposes.

A small company might not need its own internal version of Facebook, but with the trend towards more geographically-dispersed teams, staff telecommuting, and ad-hoc partnerships, a growing number of companies need a way to better connect workers digitally. My own firm has 14 employees spread across eight cities in three countries. We depend on collaboration tools to get our work done every day. Fortunately many collaboration and social networking vendors target the SMB marketplace. But before you start looking at suppliers, you'll want to get a general sense for usefulness of different types of tools. • File Sharing. . • Blogs. Internal Social Media: Addressing The Fears » Culture » Internal Social Media. This is the second post in the four-part Internal Social Media series. If you’ve enjoyed this series or others you’ve read here, consider subscribing for free! Much like with external social media programs, some companies have consistent hangups and fears that prevent them from even getting started.

Some risks are very real and necessary to consider: regulatory issues, compliance, and disclosure stuff. But most companies’ fears stem from a few key places, all of which are addressable with some patience, process, and open discussion. Negative Comments “But what if something says something…bad?” For many businesses, the fear of having something say something negative about them is one of the most compelling reasons to stay far away from social media.

Internally, the fear is that employees will trash their bosses, badmouth the company, or even share confidential information where they shouldn’t. The truth: criticism is happening anyway, even if you aren’t listening for it now. Resources. Internal Social Media: Building A Plan » Culture » Internal Social Media. This is the third post in the four part Internal Social Media series. If you’ve enjoyed this series or others you’ve read here, consider subscribing for free! Building a plan to deploy internal social media has a lot of the same elements and considerations as building an external plan. But there are some nuances, and your discussion and presentation may need to be in smaller, more methodical steps if this is a new idea for your organization. Goals This is always the very first place you need to start. When talking about internal social media, bring together the people that have interest in helping shape the plan, as well as the critics and those people that it will directly impact if deployed.

Ask yourselves: What things can internal social media help us with, either existing business goals or new ones? There are plenty more questions to ask, but knowing what you want out of internal social media and articulating it alongside definitions for accountability is key to long term success. Driving Social Media From Behind the Firewall » Community » Guest Posts » Internal Social Media » Marketing and Advertising.

This is a guest post from Michael Brito, and the fourth and final installment in the Internal Social Media series. Michael is here to share with us some of his actual, real-life experiences with implementing social media inside organizations. Special thanks to Michael for sharing his experiences from the trenches. You can follow Michael on Twitter or check out his social media blog. Most of my professional career, I have been fortunate enough to work for some fantastic global brands; Hewlett Packard, Yahoo! Here are some things I have learned a long that way that I hope you can start thinking about within your organizations or small business: Measuring Social ROI A few years ago, it was the standard to measure growth rates in Twitter followers, Facebook fans and RSS subscribers.

The question we need to start asking ourselves is “how do we go about quantifying these numbers to show how they drive true business value and/or revenue?” Research Top-Down Organizational Support Your Turn… 0buffer. The Most Undervalued (Or Overlooked) Part of Your Social Strategy » change management » Communication » Internal Social Media » Management & Leadership » Social Business. Companies are starting to spend a lot of time, energy, and thought on developing comprehensive social media strategies. The good news is that many of them understand the potential for social to have many integration points throughout their organizations, and are starting to consider more than just marketing or PR as applications for what the entire breadth of social – from listening to engagement to measurement – can do for their business.

But inevitably what follows is a complex discussion about just how to get there, from resource to staffing to organizational design and things like social media guidelines or engagement standards and scorecards. All of that is incredibly valuable, and critical. There’s one pivotal area, however, that tends to get overlooked in many of these discussions. And *this* is the distinctive thing that makes Dell’s social media so powerful and such an incredible case study, aside from just the stuff you see with their community content and engagement. 68buffer. Social Media University « Social Media Monitoring and Engagement – Radian6. Program Plan: Developing a Social Media Learning Program at Your Company. Internal Social Media: Building A Case » Culture » Internal Social Media.