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Developer Spotlight: The Guardian - Utviklerne av Facebook. Today's developer spotlight is on The Guardian. OverviewThe Guardian built an app on Facebook to bring news, video and audio content to new and existing readers. The app gives each person a personalized experience by surfacing the stories their friends have been enjoying, as well as what’s most popular at any given time. The Guardian's goals are to reach a new audience on Facebook, increase engagement on their site and ultimately grow their base of readers through Open Graph. What The Guardian Did Well The app publishes actions across a range of content: news articles, videos, and even podcasts.

They carefully modeled their data by linking each article to the authors who wrote it, adding object properties for the article's section, subject tags and correctly specifying the publish date, allowing the team to generate more meaningful aggregations. They also created lightweight actions 'agree' and 'disagree' for Opinion articles to enable people to share their sentiment on issues. A Guide to Facebook Timeline for Small Business Brands.

This week, Facebook announced a major change to how brands – including small businesses – can use Facebook to share their stories on the site. Facebook Timeline has been rolled out to individual user profiles, but now, businesses will also have the new look on their pages. As of this week, businesses can turn on Timeline; otherwise the changes will be automatically rolled out to all pages on March 30. But before you turn on Timeline, it’s important to understand all the changes that are coming. So, what does Facebook Timeline for brand pages mean? We tuned into Facebook’s recent live marketing event on what’s new with Facebook for brands, so here’s a rundown of some of the major changes you’ll see. Updated Layout, Experience, & Page Content Types The first thing you’ll notice when visiting a business page using Timeline is the new look and feel, characterized by the use of two images featured prominently at the top of the page. Here’s an overview of these elements.

Welcome to fMC. Likes UP » Blog Archive » Likes UP: Facebook Offers. February 29th, 2012 Posted in Facebook Pages, Likes UP, Marketing & Sales, Recommendations There’s nothing like an offer, coupon or discount to grab the interest of a customer or prospective customer. What caught my eye today on Facebook was an offer. It was from a big brand company, but what grabbed my attention was WHO was attached to the offer. It was the fabulous Jo Barnes, founder of The Social Networking Academy. See her video below on Facebook Timeline Changes. But, first about the offer: It’s a sponsored story highlighting a FRIEND. Here’s the email send by the brand; Must be acted on today! Facebook Offers are a Hot “Certain businesses, brands and organizations can share discounts with their customers by posting an offer on their Facebook Page. Offers are only available on some pages – those with managed accounts (i.e. with big FB ad budgets!)

FB is working on expanding Offers to be available to more businesses. #LikesUP for Jo Barnes. Apps on - Utviklerne av Facebook. To drive more traffic to apps on Facebook, we enable various channels that enable new users to discover your app as well as existing users to re-engage with your app. Each channel is designed to help engage users and our algorithms help surface the best content for each user. The current channels include: News Feed stories The News Feed is shown immediately to users upon logging into Facebook, making it core to the Facebook experience.

By enabling people to share content from your app with their friends, you can drive traffic from News Feed to your Canvas app to improve retention and acquisition. Publishing stories When using your app, people can publish content to their friends' news feeds in several ways, by defining Open Graph custom actions, publishing via the Graph API, or using the Share Dialog. To help you decide on the best fit for your app, take a look at the Sharing guide. Share Dialog in Friend Smash Audience control Adjusting the audience for a specific app Timeline Search App Page.

Seven Startups Leveraging Facebook’s Open Graph | FMM. Submit for Approval - Utviklerne av Facebook. If you request an optional capabilities when submitting your action for approval we will need to be able to reproduce it. Please include all necessary instructions and test user credentials in order to test the specified functionality. Action Tagging There may be scenarios where your users will want to indicate that they took an action with friends.

We call this action tagging and it can be easily accomplished by specifying the tags optional parameter when publishing a story. Requirements For Open Graph actions the action tagging capability can only be used when both users are performing the action together. Action tagging should be used when you are performing the action with the tagged user, e.g. The two stories are rendered differently: action tags append “- with John” to the story text, whereas mention tags place the hyperlinked name inline with the user message. NOTE: To allow your users to mention friends and pages in the message parameter, please see the mention tagging docs Place. Facebook Open Graph Timeline: Get in on the Actions. After four months, Facebook is set to open its timeline actions to developers this week, according to AllThingsD.

The feature is an addition to the Facebook Graph API that allows developers to assign verbs for actions users perform within applications. For example, how users now “like” things, they’ll also be able to “read” articles, “play” games and “listen” to music. I would expect many, many actions to be submitted to Facebook for approval, especially related to game-specific acts. It’s too early to tell how closely the social network will watch its pending list of actions, though there’s a clear approval process. Wildfire's iFrames for Pages på Facebook. How to Install Facebook Timeline on Business Pages. Manchester United. Timeline for bedriftssider på Facebook - Metronet. 01. mars 2012 I går ble Timeline lansert for bedriftssider. Man kan velge å aktivere den nå, eller vente til 30. mars, da vil alle Facebook-sider gå over til det nye designet. Målet med det nye designet er å gjøre sider mer sosiale og engasjerende; «organisations have identities too», Sam Lessin, Timeline Product Manager.

I dette innlegget beskriver jeg endringer, ulemper og restriksjoner med Timeline for bedrifter. Endringene: Det nye designet inneholder flere endringer. Banner-bilde – Legger seg på toppen av siden og setter stemningen. 8. Ulemper med Timeline? Den største ulempen er for sider som benytter seg av tredjepartsapplikasjoner; Facebook har fjernet funksjonen for landingsside.

Restriksjoner på banner-bilde Bredden på banner-bilde bør være minst 851x 315 px bredt og kan ikke inneholde: Andre ting jeg har fundert over er: Hvor har det blitt av recommendations? Hva kan jeg forberede til min Timeline? Legg igjen en kommentar eller send meg en mail på: