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Recovery is a Process: Learn Ways to Cope After Rehabilitation. Addiction is a relapsing disease and thus recovery from it is a long-term process.

Recovery is a Process: Learn Ways to Cope After Rehabilitation

There are multiple hurdles you will have to face head-on through your rehab journey, and there are no known shortcuts so far. Even if you have successfully overcome the nasty symptoms of withdrawal and have completed the challenging detox process, it does not end there. In fact, it’s only just begun. You must deal with relapses, which are natural obstacles on the often long and winding road to addiction recovery and sobriety. Fret not, however, for relapses can be prevented, managed and overcome with a little help from friends, family and rehab experts.

Assess Yourself and Your Living Environment Once you get out of rehab and have become completely sober for the duration of the program, you will now face the next step in the recovery process – transitioning from living a restrictive lifestyle inside rehab to going back to the mainstream on your own. Choose Your Association Wisely Keep the Discipline.

What Alcohol Detox Looks Like For Loved Ones - Fall For DiscoveryFall For Discovery. Learning to Live with Dual Diagnosis – Vitamins Diet. It is not uncommon for a drug dependent person to live with a co-occurring mental disorder.

Learning to Live with Dual Diagnosis – Vitamins Diet

Most often, a problem with addiction can be perpetuated by the symptoms of a psychiatric problem as a way to cope with the complexities. It can also run the other way and a mental disorder is an effect of addiction. In so many ways, both exist because they are connected with each other. 5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness – Vitamins. Dual diagnosis is a common case in inpatient mental health treatment centers.

5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness – Vitamins

To give you an idea of how frequent it is, half of the patients who are dealing with mental illness also experience substance abuse. On the flip side, 1 in 3 people who have been abusing drugs for a long time also experiences some form of mental illness. Historical data shows that soldiers who suffered intense trauma in war conditions, those belonging to the lower strata of society and people who have prior mental illnesses are more prone to having a dual diagnosis.

How to Spot Mental Illness The good news is people who suffer from mental illness exhibit some red flags. Withdrawing from contact. 5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness – Vitamins. Drug addiction 5 ways to change your life this year at a treatment … The Evolution of an Alcoholic. Just as there are stages of grief, there are stages of alcoholism.

The Evolution of an Alcoholic

And just like with grief, the amount of time spent in each stage varies from person to person. While being in the first stage of alcoholism doesn’t mean you are any less of an alcoholic than someone further along, it does mean that treatment will vary. If you have alcohol addiction or are trying to help someone who does, it can be useful to understand how alcoholism presents itself through each of the stages. Stage #1: Adaptive Stage An estimated 6.5 million children and young adults between the ages of 12 and 20 indulged in binge drinking episodes in 2010. The first stage of alcoholism may be challenging to detect. Sunshine May Play Larger Role in Mental Health Than We Once Thought. “When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.” – Wilma Rudolph With all of the recommendations about sun exposure, it may seem that vampires are the intended audience: Avoid the sun at all costs or face an untimely death.

Sunshine May Play Larger Role in Mental Health Than We Once Thought

Recently, there’s been some resistance to such conventional wisdom. In a recent study, researchers found that the risks of avoiding sun exposure are the same as or greater than the risks of smokers who bath in the sunlight. While the rate of skin cancer increased for those with high sun exposure, the life span of those who avoided the sun was two years less than the smokers who spent significant time in sunlight.

8 Ways to Support Your Loved One Through Drug Addiction Treatment. One of the most important factors that can help ensure the success of drug addiction treatment is having a solid and committed support group.

8 Ways to Support Your Loved One Through Drug Addiction Treatment

If you have a loved one who is going through a rehabilitation program for substance abuse, know that your role is critical in the patient’s recovery journey. While providing moral support is helpful, backing up your caring thoughts with concrete actions is much more effective. Here are eight specific ways to show your support and help your loved one get through a drug addiction treatment program successfully: Hit the books and get moving.

Learn the facts about drug addiction – what is it about, treatment, complications, etc. Control your loved one’s environment. Your loved one needs a place that will help him stay sober. Be involved in your loved one’s regular activities. How to Choose the Right Alcohol Rehab Center for You. Apart from admitting that you have an addiction problem, seeking professional treatment is the wisest decision you can make with regard to your recovery journey.

How to Choose the Right Alcohol Rehab Center for You

It is important to remember, however, that not all alcohol rehabs can help in your alcohol abuse problem. This is the reason why you should select the most suitable treatment center for your needs. Here are some pointers that you may consider in choosing the right alcohol rehab facility for you: Identify your needs, wants, and expectations. 6 Things to Expect from Mental Health Treatment Centers. According to the records of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), millions of Americans are suffering from mental health problems yearly.

6 Things to Expect from Mental Health Treatment Centers

To be specific, 1 out of 5 adults in the U.S. or approximately 43.8 million are affected by mental health related issues every year. Unfortunately, not all of them seek professional help in mental health treatment centers. What to Look for in a Luxury Alcohol Detox Center? Pop quiz: what is the most difficult and dangerous time of any alcohol recovery?

What to Look for in a Luxury Alcohol Detox Center?

Don’t sweat it. Here’s the answer: the detoxification process. Many times, this is also the most important part of recovery. What is Natural Drug Detox and Can It Work for You? Step one in any addiction recovery process is to choose recovery.

What is Natural Drug Detox and Can It Work for You?

Then, after that, you move on to step two: detox. Drug detoxification is an essential beginning to recovery; before beginning to stop putting toxins in your body, you must first make sure that there are no toxins in your body, to begin with. However, this process of detoxification often comes accompanied with more medication. What Is a Residential Detox Program? Drug detoxification is a scary step to start with. Drug detox programs can often seem terrifying, what with the way they are all so closely monitored, and the way people talk about it being so dangerous. Now, it is a dangerous process, there is no getting around that fact. There is also no getting around the fact that it is an uncomfortable process. Those are just facts. Drug Use and Mental Illness.

Talking about drugs has become complicated in recent times. Even though certain medical properties have been proven for drugs such as marijuana, in general terms, drug use is not something positive. Yes, under strict control, with definite doses and professional supervision, there are ways in which drugs can help people with certain diseases or medical conditions. Drug Abuse What might seem like a recreational activity that anyone can do, or even one that you should try because everyone else does it and speaks wonders of it, can turn into something really dangerous. Trying drugs one time might not seem so terrible, but the effects they provoke on people will easily make them come back for more, and here is where the trouble lies.

Mental Illnesses and Drugs. Do You Know The Dangers Of Synthetic Drugs? Synthetic drugs are dangerous man-made substances that have a chemically changed structure rather than the natural ingredients common drugs are made of. Similar to the drug they mimic, synthetic drugs have the same effect as those of controlled substances. Synthetics are the most destructive drugs available in the market today. Anxiety and Drug Abuse: What You Need to Know. There’s an existing correlation between anxiety and drug abuse, which can only be addressed through dual diagnosis treatment programs. Although it’s not often that hardcore addicts are able to beat their addiction on their own, there are cases of it happening. However, when you take into consideration anxiety disorder in addition to drug abuse, then close supervision by a medical doctor or a licensed therapist is necessary. A Vicious Circle. Did You Receive a DUI? What to Do Next.

Drink-and-drive accidents account for an estimated 10,265 deaths back in the year 2015. A 2016 report reveals that about 28 lives are lost daily because of DUI (Driving under the Influence) crashes. Whether it’s your first offense or not, these disturbing figures are harsh eye-openers to what awaits you if you continue to drink and drive. So you don’t end up as a mere figure in these disconcerting statistics or become responsible for adding to them, here are some valuable tips on what you should do after being arrested for a DUI offense.

First Things First, Get a Lawyer. Find Out What Your Insurance Covers for Addiction Recovery. The prospect of getting rid of addiction seems to be impossible for anyone whose life has been implicated by constant drug use. 6 Ways Inpatient Treatment for Anxiety Can Help You. Feeling anxious is but a natural part of daily life. How Does Group Therapy Help With Mental Health? – Site Title. While the concept of group therapy may seem intimidating to some individuals, such activity has been proven to be highly useful and rewarding for many. In mental health treatment centers, groups typically meet at least once or twice a week and follow a 90-minute or 2-hour schedule for their therapy. Although the range and depth of information revealed by patients will vary individually, there remains confidentiality that what has been discussed in the group will be kept private. Group therapy carried out in mental health inpatient treatment centers, for instance, has been found to bring on numerous benefits for patients.

First, groups are known to provide ample support. 5 Ways a Drug Treatment Program Helps You Get Your Life Back. What Alcohol Detox Looks Like For Loved Ones - Fall For Discovery. Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol. 3-tips-to-keep-in-mind-when-living-with-mental-illness (GIF Image) What is NTR and How Can It Help? The Five Most Abused Over-the-Counter Drugs. 5 Healthy Living Tips During Alcohol Detox.

Recovery is a Process: Learn Ways to Cope After Rehabilitation – New Ways of Detoxing in Alcohol Rehab Centers - Social Work Helper. Alcohol has always been an accepted substance that has been constantly abused over time. When consumed inappropriately it leads to a chronic disease called alcoholism. Much like any other chronic illness, when left untreated, it can lead to dangerous and life-threatening conditions.

Alcoholism, though, can be effectively treated with the help of alcohol rehab centers, who can provide you with coping strategies and medically assist you during the withdrawal phase of your recovery. Benefits of Natural Detox Over Medical Detox - Healthy Moms Magazine. 5 Benefits of Luxury Rehab and Natural Detox. 10 Myths About Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Find the Right Luxury Addiction Treatment Center for You. The Truth About Prescription Drug Addiction. Learning To Live With a Dual Diagnosis. Natural Drug Detox and Can It Work for You. New Heroin Recovery Options. Tips to Keep in Mind When Living With Mental Illness. 7 Options for Natural Drug Detox. Helping Your Kids Avoid Addiction. Listen to Your Liver Just a Little Bit.

Get Your Life Back with Addiction Recovery Centers. Go More Upscale and Why it’s a Healthy Move. Ways to Respond When Someone Asks You Why You're Not Drinking. Opioids May Block Parenting Instincts. How Can Rehabilitation Help You - My Recovery Hotline. The Real Impact of That Sweet Tooth During Recovery. Five Mental Health Symptoms You Must Never Ignore.

My Wish is to Save My Brother’s Life from an Overdose. The Drinking Problem Nobody Talks About. No More Users In Your Living Room. Trending Now… Alcohol-Free For Life. How​ ​to​ ​Tackle​ ​Your​ ​Drug​ ​and​ ​Alcohol Addiction. Your addiction free life begins here. Getting Smart about Cocaine. Which Service Is Right For You? Drug Addiction is Not a Choice.