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Moving Magento To Another Server. The following article will outline the steps and commands involved to successfully transfer Magento from one server to another. This article assumes you have a basic understanding of SSH, and that you have SSH access on both servers. There is brief german Version of Moving Magento to another Server. It is filed under serverumzug. Here is an overview of the steps we’ll take to do this: Make a MySQL dump file of the database Archive the media and theme directories Copy the files to the other server Install a clean version of Magento Import the dump file to a blank database Move our copied data to the correct places The first thing you’ll want to do is login to the server where Magento currently resides. You will need to go to the directory where Magento is installed. /home/username/public_html/ The public_html directory is considered the root directory for your domain, so if we had a file called test.html in there, it would be accessible like so: cd ../../../.. .

Our Magento Git Guide and Work Flow | Sonassi Makes Magento Ecommerce Websites. Introduction We have long been advocates of using SVN – but times have changed and so has the style of the way we work – which is what makes Git such an appealing choice for us. So if you’re coming from SVN too, some things worth knowing are: Repositories are de-centralised – With SVN, you have 1 master repository in a central location and everything is checked in/out of this location; with Git, its different.

Each copy of the project tree (ie. your working copy) has its own repository – the .git sub-directory of the project tree root.Revisions are no longer decimal numbers – With SVN, your revisions are numbered sequentially with an integer. Due to the distributed nature of Git, and its potential to scaling to hundreds of thousands of revisions, the revisions are identified by a SHA1 hash.

NB. Its worth noting – this guide is not to be a fully fledged Git tutorial – there are plenty of those around and we’ve even listed the ones we prefer in the resources section below. Contents Rules. Quicker Dumping of a Magento MySQL Database for Branching | Sonassi Makes Magento Ecommerce Websites. Any experienced Magento developer will certainly have felt the pain of dumping a multi-gigabyte MySQL database for a Magento store.

Which is certainly a tedious process when you want to make a quick branch or rapidly update your staging environment. We’re big advocates of branch often and merge often – but this also means updating the DB relatively frequently too (if there has been DB changes on master/trunk). Usually, its just an excuse to go get a fresh cup of coffee whilst you while away the 2 minutes it will take to dump and however long it then takes to re-import into a new DB. But, unfortunately, there is only so much coffee we should be drinking in the day, so speeding up this process is a must. Typically, a staging or development branch, doesn’t actually required all the data the live site has (sales_quotes, logs, reports, dataflow history), so we gain a big speed advantage by simply ignoring these tables.

Please note. The features Dump a database Restore a database. Magento upgrade from 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 to 1.9 | DUNTUK. NOTE: this upgrade process works the same way for Magento version 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 As many magento users will know, Magento is no fun to work with-- mainly due to poor community support (the developers help paying customers; i.e. Magento Enterprise ... Only payed support there... Great for business but bad for the average or beginning user...) Anyhow... So here's how we do it. You can skip this step all together, however, please make a backup of everything prior to beginning the upgrade. Create a test environment somewhere on your server (preferably away from your production installation) Upgrade Magento to 1.9 1.

Wget tar xvf magento- Or an older version: Direct download of magento patches 2. Mv .htaccess .htaccess-bkp cp magento/.htaccess . cp .htaccess .htaccess-new In your new .htaccess change the Order Allow to (at the bottom of file): 3. 4. E.g. 5. 6. Cp magento/mage . chmod 755 . 7. . Guide du designer Magento en français | Eric Kranich. Source : Version original : Guide du designer Magento en français Attention, ce document est dépassé avec la version actuelle de Magento. Le concept a évolué avec un nouveau niveau de gestion mais le principe reste le même.

Le concept lors de la rédaction de cette page était : Sites Web → Boutiques Actuellement, le concept ressemble à ceci : Sites Web → Boutiques → Vue Boutiques. Le Site Web peut contenir plusieurs boutiques qui elles-mêmes peuvent contenir plusieurs Vues Boutiques qui consistent généralement en des versions de langues différentes. Vous avez entendu parler des fonctionnalités open-source incroyables intégrées dans Magento. . … et maintenant, vous souhaitez faire de cette boutique la vôtre.

Avant de parcourir la documentation, il est crucial que vous ayez une bonne compréhension des termes utilisés pour décrire les aspects du système de Magento. Un Thème est constitué par l’une ou toutes ces choses : Développeur Magento Certifié Freelance Nicolas Verhoye (Lille, Nord) – Validation Javascript des formulaires sur Magento. Magento dispose de sa propre librairie javascript de validation de formulaire. Celle-ci a été développé à l’aide du framework Prototype. Si la curiosité vous pousse à aller voir cette librairie vous la trouverez dans le répertoire « js/prototype/validation.js ».

Comment ajouter dès règles de validation sur un formulaire ? Voici un exemple de formulaire sur lequel nous avons ajouté quelques règles de validation. Il faut dans un premier temps donner un identifiant à notre formulaire (sur la balise form), puis dans la partie javascript il faut instancier un nouvel objet VarienForm en passant en paramètre l’identifiant du formulaire, comme suit : Il ne nous reste plus qu’a placer quelques classes sur les champs de notre formulaire : Dans notre cas nous avons utilisé deux classes CSS qui ont chacune leur utilité: – required-entry : qui signifie que le champs est obligatoire. – validate-email : qui signifie que le champs doit être composé d’un email valide.

Et c’est tout! Formation magento EN LIGNE ou en PRÉSENTIEL | Pierre FAY. Vous souhaitez vous former à magento ou faire former vos équipes de développements ? La formation « Développeur Magento » permet à un développeur PHP d’apprendre les bases nécessaires pouvoir s’intégrer rapidement dans une équipe de développement magento. A la fin de cette formation, il aura les bases nécessaire pour développer sur magento et être autonome sur des sujets simples. Ses connaissances lui permettrons par la suite d’aller chercher les bonnes informations pour devenir autonome sur des sujets plus complexes. Cette formation est très accessible pour un développeur ayant les bases en PHP et maitrisant l’orienté objet.

L’accent est particulièrement mis sur la pratique afin de vous permettre de maîtriser les concepts de base du développement magento et en les mettant en œuvre via un cas pratique qui sera notre « fil rouge » tout au long de cette formation. Dans ce blog, vous pouvez accéder à la FORMATION EN LIGNE via la suite de tutoriaux suivants. Leçon 2 – Créez votre Controller. Magento – Category tree view listing in drop-down | Tech Bandhu. It took bit time to complete this task. After a big fight with the code, finally I am done with the category drop-down with subcategories parent and child tree view. Here is the code, You can just create bellow function under the block or helper with your module. Now its time for design, bellow is the code which will give you the category drop down.

<select id="categorylist" name="categorylist"><option value="">Select Category</option><? Php $categoriesTreeView = getCategoriesTreeView(); foreach($categoriesTreeView as $value) { $catName = $value['label']; $catId = $value['value']; $catLevel = $value['level']; $space = '&nbsp;'; for($i=1; $i<$catLevel; $i++){ $space = $space. "&nbsp;"; } $catName = $space. $catName; ? With the same code you can create category switcher / category changer. Like this: Like Loading... Magento Custom Shipping Method Deveolopment. Magento Create Custom Payment Method. In this blog post, we are going to see the basics of how to create a new payment method.

We will first see a very basic version of the payment method i.e it won’t have any payment gateway integration (e.g Cash on Delivery). Next, we will see how to create a little advanced version where we will see how to show a form for the payment method and save the values to database. Basic Payment Method Here is a screenshot of how the payment method will look like Custom Payment Method As you can see its the most basic version, where only title of payment method show up.

The important thing to notice here is The xml path is required for all payment method i.e it needs to be inside the <payment> tag and <pay> here is our payment method’s code. Config.xml Next in our module config.xml file we need to put in default values for the fields created in system.xml. This is all that is required to create a simple payment method.

Payment Method with Form Fields Magento Custom Payment Method Like this: Magento-import-categories/import_categories.php at master · jreinke/magento-import-categories. Quick script to batch create Magento categories | Sonassi Makes Magento Ecommerce Websites. A site we administer with a reasonable amount of SKUs (far in excess of 100,000), needed some quick category manipulation for a series of new data to be dropped in. The new information had a desired category tree that had to be built up quick, but with over 600 categories to be created, human effort wouldn’t be suitable. So, using the Magento category ID export script to help manipulate the CSV – we were able to quickly make a script to batch create our categories. First off, create your CSV with 2 columns, the parent ID for the category and the category name – you could easily add more columns for extra options, but it wasn’t necessary for us.

The CSV file should be something like this: Then it should be saved in . Then save the following in . Then it is just a matter of visiting the link in your browser to create the categories – customise to your hearts content, any further expansion should be very easy (such as product association etc.) Uh oh – I’m getting errors after the first record!

Magento. UPDATE: The issue described in the following text has been taken care of in Magento EE 1.14 / CE 1.9 Recently, a pretty strange issue occurred on one of our projects. Our client reported that when trying to assign products to a category, only a thousand of products got saved while the other ones were ignored. To deal with this issue, I decided to jump to the category save action and check for any problems with the code that may cause this behaviour. Read more Magento EAV (Entity Attribute Value) data model is used to get flexibility for your data, but it brings more complexity than relation table model. If you need data model that will have flexible attributes which can be dynamically added, for example from Magento admin panel, then EAV is the best solution for you.

Read more How many Magento Certified Solution Specialists are there? Read more In this article I’ll present 6 possible ways to prepare your Magento storefront for the upcoming holiday season. Read more Read more Read more Read more. Magento : Manipuler les collections de produits. Voici un petit aide mémoire sur la manipulation des collections de produits : filtres, limites, tris... Méthodes que l'on utilise régulièrement lors du développement d'un site e-commerce Magento... Usage Récupérer une collection de produits Collection de produits $products = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection');/* ou */ $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection(); Les attributs exploitables par défaut sont : entity_id, entity_type_id, type_id, sku, has_options, required_options, created_at, updated_at, is_salable, stock_item Sélection d'un attribut spécifique addAttributeToSelect $products = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection') ->addAttributeToSelect('name') ->addAttributeToSelect('weight'); Sélection de tous les attributs $products = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection') ->addAttributeToSelect('*'); Filtres sur les attributs de produits addAttributeToFilter Filtres sur les catégories de produits addCategoryFilter setPageSize Reports.

Collection - How can I write this sql query following the Magento Way? - Magento Stack Exchange. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Magento beta Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Magento Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of the Magento e-Commerce platform. How can I write this sql query following the Magento Way? 2 Answers active oldest votes Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

Not the answer you're looking for? Blog Podcast #61 – The “What Jay’s Done Wrong” Podcast Get the weekly newsletter! Top questions and answers Important announcements Unanswered questions see an example newsletter By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Related How to make SQL query with Magento How can I use UNION for 2 collections ? Grid joinTable alias problem in order by Complex SQL query to Magento. Displaying New Products in Magento With Pagination. Just recently we ran into an issue where we wanted to display all new products added to a specific category in our Magento site, with pagination.

To make things more complicated, we wanted to display this by using a CMS page. The default functionality that Magento provides for new products just didn’t cut it in our case. We had to come up with something different and I am documenting it here for everyone’s benefit. This method will allow you to add new products to a Magento CMS page and pull up new products for any category you choose, or for the entire site. Whether you want to add new products to your CMS page by category or for the entire site, it’s up to you. Adding New Products with Built in Magento Tools First, let’s set the record straight. {{block type="catalog/product_new" column_count="6" products_count="400" name="" alias="product_homepage" template="catalog/product/new.phtml"}} The above code will bring up your 400 newest products in 6 columns. Design magento. Vous avez un profil designer le graphisme sous magento vous intéresse, vous voulez comprendre comment sont structurées les pages de magento ?

Cette partie du blog contient des tutoriels sur le design et le graphisme de magento. Vous trouverez aussi des tutoriels sur l'amélioration de pages précises ou l'ajout d'élément visant a améliorer le graphisme (flash, slideshow, ..) bon design ;) Si vous débuter avec magento lisez les tutoriels suivant, qui vous permettront de comprendre comment magento structure les pages : L'ensemble de ces tutoriels vous permettront de comprendre comment fonctionne la partie graphique de magento. Vous pouvez également vous référer au designer guide de magento. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés laissez un commentaire Vous pouvez également vous référer à la partie création de site magento du blog. Tutoriels pour la categorie Design Intégrateur magento payé au ko décembre 13, 2013 Le poids d’une page html en 2013 ?

Design Ajouter le bouton vote google plus sur magento. Magento Forms: Prototype Javascript Validation | Magento Tutorials. Gérer les frais de port dans Magento. Liste des articles, tutoriels et extensions - Page 6. Ajouter une nouvelle méthode de livraison Magento, le guide complet. Creating Custom Shipping Method in Magento - The Tutorial. Magento new products are not showing in homepage.

-afficher-les-nouveautes-en-page-d-accueil | 38274-Probleme-widgets- 36996-changement-de-nom-de-domaine | Problemes-d-installation. Creating Custom Shipping Methods In Magento. Disable Recurring Profiles (beta) completely?? Or at least remove it from Dashboard? 55509-Ententes-de-facturation-et-Profils-recurrents. Remove My Application Link from Customer Account Page - Zone-Connect Magento Development UK.

How to filter Magento product collection using 2 or more category filters? Catalog - Site Management. Modifier Nom De Domaine. Client denied by server configuration (local.xml) - Knowledgebase - M.D.G. IT Pty Ltd. How to install Magento on Ubuntu - Installing Magento Via SSH.