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Computer Graphics 2013, Lect. 5(2) - Linear and affine transformations. Computer Graphics 2013, Lect. 5(1) - Linear and affine transformations. Architecture - Component based game engine design. Why I switched from component-based game engine architecture to functional reactive programming – Lambdor Devblog by Gerold Meisinger. Components have become pretty popular these days and I’d like to share some issues we had with them in our game projects. I was experimenting with component-based game engine architectures for 2 years and eventually stumbled upon functional reactive programming (FRP) to solve some of the issues of game-object components. I hope to provide some arguments from an objectoriented programming (OOP) viewpoint to why I think FRP helps to write more reusable code.

The argument for component-based game-engines usually starts like this: Game-objects should be represented like objects in reality but as the project progresses however, class hierarchies become more and more complex and thus should be split into small, reusable components. Game developers like abstract and re-usable game-engines after all. The following diagram illustrates such a monolithic class hierarchy (adopted from the book Game Engine Architecture): Sprite Sheet Packer - Home. Box2D mountain-bike. Game dev Helper | 2d game creation tools and tutorials. Mixital: Make your own games, cartoons, and music videos. About | Box2D. Box2D is an open source C++ engine for simulating rigid bodies in 2D.

Box2D is developed by Erin Catto and has the zlib license. While the zlib license does not require acknowledgement, we encourage you to give credit to Box2D in your product. Collision Continuous collision detectionContact callbacks: begin, end, pre-solve, post-solveConvex polyons and circles.Multiple shapes per bodyOne-shot contact manifoldsDynamic tree broadphaseEfficient pair managementFast broadphase AABB queriesCollision groups and categories Physics Continuous physics with time of impact solverPersistent body-joint-contact graphIsland solution and sleep managementContact, friction, and restitutionStable stacking with a linear-time solverRevolute, prismatic, distance, pulley, gear, mouse joint, and other joint typesJoint limits, motors, and frictionMomentum decoupled position correctionFairly accurate reaction forces/impulses System Testbed Documentation User manualDoxygen document with code commentsActive user forum.

Video Game Development from the Deep - Episode 1. Game Development with SDL 2.0. Juan Belon Perez's Blog - How to create 2D Physics Games with Box2D Library. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. If you take a look to the list of the top games in the markets, flash-games portals,etc, what can you see?

, there are a lot of 2D games with an outstanding use of physics and visual arts!. We are here today to study the physics of those games and to understand what are they made of, with Box2D. But, more than the "what", it is much better to know the "how", first of all, let me ask you a question: if you would have to replicate a physics game mechanic or behaviour, will you have the skills and techniques to do so? I have designed 6 dimensions in my game, I'm using the same idea like a process capable of bring to your mind how are made features, so, before you say anything I'm writting near the dimension , the games from which we are replicating its physics, mechanics and art techniques. Liquidfun/liquidfun/Box2D at master · google/liquidfun. ETH Zurich - Computer Science - CGL - CGL TWiki - GameClass. Since the beginning of time, two kingdoms have disputed for naval dominance. With only water between them, they fought their battles amidst the waves with mighty navies and magical powers.

You, a powerful sorcerer that draws energy from nature, must now choose sides and wage war against your foe throughout the seasons. It will be a challenging task but your resolve shall not falter, it is up to you to defeat your enemy once and for all. Download the game Trailer Screenshots Deliverables Part 1: Proposal Chapter Part 2: Prototype Chapter Prototype Chapter Part 3: Interim Release Chapter Interim Chapter Part 4: Alpha Release Chapter Alpha Release Chapter Part 5: Playtest Chapter Playtesting Chapter Part 6: Conclusion Chapter Conclusion Chapter Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese Website wird in älteren Versionen von Netscape ohne graphische Elemente dargestellt.

Torque2D/ at master · GarageGames/Torque2D. UFO RUN Multiplayer Race - Open Source game | Hub. Hub UFO RUN Multiplayer Race - Open Source game Name:UFO RUN Multiplayer Race - Open Source game Author:shaimagz Code Repository: Last Update:2015-04-06 Compatible with:iOS, Android Platform:IOS, Android API Language:C++ Company: Nextpeer Brief UFO RUN - An Open source, Online, real-time, cross-platform (iOS & Android), multiplayer game for smartphones and tablets Description UFO RUN for iOS, Android and Amazon is a complete, open source, multiplayer game we developed in-house for demonstration purposes.

You can reskin the game to create your own version of it. Try the game: Comments. V-Play: Cross-Platform Development in Days for Games & Apps. Making a Game Engine: Transformations - Math and Physics. See Also:Making a Game Engine: Core Design Principles Moving objects around in a scene is not hard to do. You simply draw objects at different locations each frame. Adding rotation, and resizing on top of that makes the code a little trickier but still not hard to manage. But then start trying to move objects relative to another such as putting a sword in a character's hand and things can get really tricky. The sword should stay in the character's hand regardless of what direction they rotate or where they move. This is where using matrices to represent these transformations is extremely valuable.

Coordinate Systems In order for a coordinate to have any meaning there needs to be a point of reference to base that coordinate off of. The ball itself also has a location but its location is measured in world coordinates. Matrices have a lot of useful properties that lend themselves to solving many complex problems. Basic Transformations Translation Rotation Rotates points around the origin. Daniel Cook: Game Design Theory I Wish I had Known When I Started. Open Source Tools for Game Development. Pro Android Graphics - Apress IT eBooks & Books. Pro Android Graphics is a comprehensive goldmine of knowledge and techniques that will help you design, create, and optimize 2D graphics for use in your Android Jelly Bean applications. Android application developer and expert multimedia producer Wallace Jackson of Mind Taffy Design shows you how to leverage Android's powerful graphics APIs in conjunction with professional open source graphics design tools such as GIMP 2.8.6 and more.

You’ll learn about: The foundational graphics concepts behind the three core new media areas (digital imaging, digital video, and 2D animation) which relate to graphics design, and how to optimize these new media assets for your Android applications across iTVs, tablets, eReaders, game consoles, and smartphones. Digital imaging techniques for Android apps design, including graphics design layouts and graphical user interface elements, and how to use image compositing techniques to take your digital imaging to far higher levels.

What you’ll learn. Object Pool · Optimization Patterns · Game Programming Patterns. Blog. Phew! I’m done writing the Tome of SpriteBuilder. There’s only edits and reviews left, page proofing and then it goes out to print. Meanwhile, I’m cleaning up and extending the Bouncy Beast project for its App Store release. Time to share some insights as I haven’t been able to slice some time off to write about the process as I originally intended to. What’s in the book? In the Learn SpriteBuilder book you will learn SpriteBuilder step-by-step while building the Bouncy Beast game. The book will guide you through the creation of a physics-driven, parallax-scrolling game with the help of SpriteBuilder, Cocos2D (cocos2d-swift) and Objective-C.

As your guide I will walk you through the individual steps necessary to create the game project. At the end you’ll have a complete game reminiscent of games like Badland. The Bouncy Beast project’s source code will be available. Bouncy Beast Demo Video Here’s a video demonstrating the game. Continue reading » Brace Yourselves Android Developers, A New Android Compiler Is Coming | Toptal. Fragmentation has been a source of frustration for Android developers and consumers for years; now it seems things will get worse before they get better.

A new Android compiler is coming, again, and there are some noteworthy developments on the hardware front, which could affect developers. With Dalvik out of the picture, many people expected Google’s new 64-bit capable ART runtime to stick around for years, which it probably will, but it will get a major overhaul in the near future. In addition to offering support for 64-bit hardware, ART also introduced ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, while Dalvik was a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The new Optimized compiler will unlock even more possibilities. As for hardware developments, there are some new trends and some new and old players in the smartphone System-on-Chip industry, but I will get to that later. First, let’s take a look at Google’s runtime plans. Dalvik, ART, ART with new Android Compiler So what is Google going to do next?

Video Game Physics Tutorial - Part I: Rigid Body Dynamics | Toptal. This is Part I of our three-part series on video game physics. For the rest of this series, see: Part II: Collision Detection for Solid ObjectsPart III: Constrained Rigid Body Simulation Physics simulation is a field within computer science that aims to reproduce physical phenomena using a computer. In general, these simulations apply numerical methods to existing theories to obtain results that are as close as possible to what we observe in the real world.

The range of applications of physics simulations is enormous. Simulating physics in video games is very common, since most games are inspired by things we have in the real world. In any game, only certain physical effects are of interest. In this video game physics tutorial series, rigid body simulation will be explored, starting with simple rigid body motion in this article, and then covering interactions among bodies through collisions and constraints in the following installments. Rigid Body Dynamics Vectors Particle Simulation Length. Game Physics: Collision Detection – GJK | Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou. This post is part of my Game Physics Series. As mentioned earlier, all collision detection algorithms are essentially determining if the CSO of two shapes contains the origin.

The collision detection I am going to introduce to you here, the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm, is no different. GJK is one of the most popular collision detection algorithms, because it is very efficient and intuitive (once you get it, of course). It basically attempts to find a subset, or a “simplex” to be precise, of the CSO that contains the origin. Here’s GJK in its entirety: Initialze simplex to empty set (-1D simplex, technically).Use an initial direction to find a support point of the CSO.Add that support point to simplex (now the simplex has a single vertex).Find the closest point in the simplex to the origin.If the closest point is the origin, then the CSO contains the origin and the two objects are colliding. Visual Example in 2D A picture is worth a thousand words.

End of GJK. Itled. The following zip files contain the source code and project files for Visual Studio 2012. If you want everything, use the first link. If that fails for some reason (such as your ISP limiting your download size), use the chapter-by-chapter links following. In order to use this code you must purchase and install Visual Studio 2012, and download and install the free DirectX SDK, June 2010 from Microsoft. Complete: All Source Code (73.5MB) Chapter 3: Pool End Game (13.6MB) Chapter 4: Ball and Spring Toy (13.4MB) Chapter 5: Box2D Getting Started (14.9MB) Chapter 7: Cannon Game (15.6MB) Chapter 8: Cannon Game with Stars (15.8MB) The following documentation was generated from the source code using Doxygen. Chapter 3: Pool End Game Chapter 4: Ball and Spring Toy Chapter 5: Box2D Getting Started Chapter 7: Cannon Game Chapter 8: Cannon Game with Stars For Advanced Readers: Game Engine.

The Nature of Code. “Trigonometry is a sine of the times.” — Anonymous In Chapters 1 and 2, we carefully worked out an object-oriented structure to make something move on the screen, using the concept of a vector to represent location, velocity, and acceleration driven by forces in the environment.

We could move straight from here into topics such as particle systems, steering forces, group behaviors, etc. If we did that, however, we’d skip an important area of mathematics that we’re going to need: trigonometry, or the mathematics of triangles, specifically right triangles. Trigonometry is going to give us a lot of tools. So this chapter is a bit of a mishmash. 3.1 Angles OK.

The first order of business is to cover radians and degrees. Figure 3.1 It’s fairly intuitive for us to think of angles in terms of degrees. Figure 3.3 Processing, however, requires angles to be specified in radians. The formula to convert from degrees to radians is: radians = 2 * PI * (degrees / 360) Show Raw What is PI? Exercise 3.1 OK.

If. Bodies - Box2D tutorials - iforce2d. Last edited: July 14 2013 Chinese version -> 中文 Bodies Bodies are the fundamental objects in the physics scene, but they are not what you actually see bouncing around and colliding with each other. Sound confusing? Hold on, I'll explain. You can think of a body as the properties of an object that you cannot see (draw) or touch (collide with). Mass - how heavy it is velocity - how fast and which direction it's moving rotational inertia - how much effort it takes to start or stop spinning angular velocity - how fast and which way it's rotating location - where it is angle - which way it is facing Even if you know all of these characteristics of an object, you still don't know what it looks like or how it will react when it collides with another object.

There are three types of body available: static, dynamic and kinematic. Creating a body Bodies are made by first setting up a definition, and then using this to create the body object itself. Setting body properties Static bodies Cleaning up. GLSL reusable/shared functions, shared constants (OpenGL ES 2.0)? WebGL - Orthographic 3D. This post is a continuation of a series of posts about WebGL. The first started with fundamentals and the previous was about 2D matrices. If you haven't read those please view them first. In the last post we went over how 2D matrices worked. We talked about how translation, rotation, scaling, and even projecting from pixels into clip space can all be done by 1 matrix and some magic matrix math. To do 3D is only a small step from there. In our previous 2D examples we had 2D points (x, y) that we multiplied by a 3x3 matrix. Let's take our last example and change it to 3D.

The first thing we need to do is change the vertex shader to handle 3D. <script id="2d-vertex-shader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">attribute vec2 a_position;uniform mat3 u_matrix;void main() { // Multiply the position by the matrix. gl_Position = vec4((u_matrix * vec3(a_position, 1)).xy, 0, 1);}</script> And here's the new one It got even simpler! Then we need to provide 3D data. And here are the updated 3D versions.

Z rotation. Box2D mountain-bike. RenderE/src/core/render_e at master · mortennobel/RenderE. How To Create Cool Effects with Custom Shaders in OpenGL ES 2.0 and Cocos2D 2.X. 3D Graphics with OpenGL - The Basic Theory. Roxlu. Books on OpenGL and Graphics Programming. Studio. Shaders \ Efficient parallax scrolling background using GLSL shaders | NotNowLewis - Games from Nicky Heald. Shadertoy BETA. GLSL Sandbox Gallery. OpenGL ES Pixel Shaders Tutorial. Tutorial 5 : A Textured Cube. Texture atlases, wrapping and mip mapping | 0 FPS. Modern OpenGL 03 - Matrices, Depth Buffering, Animation — Tom Dalling. Secret Maryo Chronicles download. How to build a racing game - curves. Platform Masters - In-depth development history, screenshots 41-50. Chapter 12. Tile-Based Texture Mapping. Make a Neon Vector Shooter for iOS: First Steps.

Game Programming. Amazon. Android Programming Blog | A real OpenGL ES 2.0 2D tutorial part 7 – Texture Atlas. Lazy Foo' Productions - Repeating Textures. Math for Game Programmers 05 – Vector Cheat Sheet | Higher-Order Fun. Higher-Order Fun. Math for Game Programmers 05 – Vector Cheat Sheet | Higher-Order Fun. DeWiTTERS Game Loop – Koonsolo Games. OpenGL Batch Rendering - OpenGL. Programming Game AI by Example. Multithreaded Renderloop – 1 | Slapware. SOIL. Image Libraries - Thoughts on multi-threaded 2D game development in directx9. Multicore and GPU Programming: An Integrated Approach - Gerassimos Barlas. Oxygine / oxygine-framework. Fixed-Time-Step Implementation | L. Spiro Engine. How I ran AMD CodeAnalyst on an Intel CPU. Badland Editor - Overview (7.9) How to use texture, and color also in WebGL? Flexible Particle System - Summary. How To Build a Monkey Jump Game Using Cocos2d 2.X, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker – Part 1.

How To Build a Monkey Jump Game Using Cocos2d 2.X, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker – Part 2. TexturePacker - Create Sprite Sheets for your game! Sprite Renderer. Motive Animation System: Motive Version 1.1.0. Cocos2d-x - World's #1 Open-Source Game Development Platform. Torque2D/engine/source/2d/sceneobject at master · GarageGames/Torque2D. Bullet3/btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp at master · bulletphysics/bullet3. 2D - Complete Kit. Why GPUs don’t like to share - a guide to improve your renderer on PowerVR-based platforms. V-Play Engine Examples and Demos | V-Play 2.8 | V-Play Engine. Component Based Engine Design | Randy Gaul's Game Programming Blog.

Game Design Deep Dives. Home. OpenGL ES From the Ground Up, Part 6: Textures and Texture Mapping. MakingGamesWithBen. Math Primer Series: Vectors II: Vector Operations | Reza Nourai's Game Development Ramblings. Examples.