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Guitar Hero Didn’t Die A Natural Death, But Was Killed By Myopic Greed. Flickr’d Kudos to Activision for doing exactly what so many people had been predicting for years now. The world’s biggest video game publisher said yesterday that it was going to “disband Activision Publishing’s Guitar Hero business unit,” citing a decline in interest in the music game genre. And what could possibly be the reason for that, hmm? Maybe releasing sequel after sequels after sequel in such a quick succession that you don’t give gamers any room to breathe? Gotta maximize short-term profits! The future? The last game in the series, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, was the sixth “main” game in the series, having been released last September. Perhaps this is why people lost all interest in the franchise: Guitar Hero: November 2005 Guitar Hero II: November 2006 Guitar Hero Encore Rock The 80s: July 2007 Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock: October 2007 Guitar Hero Aerosmith: June 2008 Guitar Hero World Tour: October 2008 Guitar Hero Metallica: March 2009 Guitar Hero Smash Hits: June 2009.

Internet: 13,483,282 Newspaper: 0. A lot of people like to bitch and moan about how in the age of realtime information, the stream moves too quickly and as a result, there’s a decent chance of inaccurate news being spread. There’s no question it’s an issue, but with the situation in Egypt, we’re once again seeing the overwhelming upside of this realtime data spread that makes services like Twitter so powerful. And just look at the flip side. The above image shows the frontpage of a newspaper that was delivered this morning. There are hundreds more like it around the country. Many, many people still get their news this way. This has actually always been an issue — “In related news, DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN! I’m sorry, but there’s simply no role for the newspaper anymore. Today's wine country news: printed on paper, delivered via overhand throw from moving bicycle at 5 am. Sarah Lane (@sarahlane) February 11, 2011.

Would Google or Facebook Pay $10 Billion For Twitter? Twitter, petite modération entre amis. Dans la nuit du vendredi 4 au samedi 5 février 2011, tonnerre dans la twittosphère française: le compte @mixbeat, personnalité honnie du réseau et néanmoins suivie par 9.000 personnes, est suspendu par Twitter. Tous ses tweets disparaissent immédiatement, à la place une page d'erreur: publicité Carl de Canada, 48 ans, alias Mixbeat, est un vieux routier du web. Il s'est fait connaître en 2005 en lançant le site Paris, Potins & Ragots , un forum d'initiés où passaient toutes les pires rumeurs sur les people et le petit milieu de la presse people.

En 2006, il fonde Mixbeat , un site qui existe toujours et dont la véracité des ragots va se réduire au fur et à mesure que Carl de Canada se fâche avec le tout-Paris. Un multi-récidiviste de la provocation Malgré plusieurs procès en diffamation perdus , contre Claire Chazal ou Louise Bourgoin, il continue tranquillement sa petite entreprise. Et puis Carl de Canada a fait le tweet de trop. Pas touche à Eolas Intervention discrète de blogueurs. How to get the most out of CRM in 2011 - Marketing How To Guides. By James Clark, Principal - EU FS Industry Solutions, Pegasystems Competition for consumer share of wallet and loyalty has become increasingly fierce over the past five years. As a result businesses are now looking to change the way they have traditionally interacted with their customers and engage in meaningful, valuable and ultimately profitable interactions. At the centre of these interactions sit customer service operations. However, this requires a fundamental shift in how many businesses view the primary channel for customer interactions - the contact centre - from that of a cost centre to that of a revenue centre.

Based on aggregated learnings from the entire customer base, as well as each individual customer, a centralised customer decision hub can anticipate how a conversation with the customer will develop. However, no one is a social media expert and these conversations require a unique mindset to ensure the company doesn’t get “burned”. Data is your most valuable asset. Why CRM must give way for CRN. By Simon Mansell, TBG Digital Facebook’s announcement that it plans to offer a messaging service created a real stir. Some commentators claimed the move amounted to the first salvo in the ultimate death of email. Others saw it very differently.

Whatever the interpretation, the one thing that cannot be disputed is the growing importance ofFacebook and social networking generally. The interaction is so strong that it has inevitably attracted the interest of companies who are keen to understand the implications that social networking will have on customer relationship management (CRM).

From our perspective the implications are clear; CRM needs to give way to CRN – customer relationship networking, where the onus is on trust and who you know. Impact of Facebook’s announcement The significance of Facebook’s announcement lies in the growing preference for communication services that are part of a social network. Redefining CRM CRM for the Facebook generation The brand is everything. Conclusion. Apple to release smaller, cheaper iPhone. Apple is working on a range of smaller, more easily affordable iPhones as it attempts to deal with increased competition from other smartphone makers. According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Apple is speeding up development of a new line of ‘mini’ iPhones, which will be half the size of a regular iPhone and much more affordable on a monthly contract than the current iPhone 4.

At present there is no confirmation from Apple as to when these mini iPhones will become available. A source who has viewed an early version of the new mini iPhone said that it's lighter than the current version and has an edge-to-edge touch screen and virtual keyboard. Apple is facing increasingly stiff competition from Google in the smartphone market.

While Apple’s mobile operating system works only on its own handsets, Google’s Android platform is compatible with mobile phones made from a wide range of manufacturers including HTC, Samsung and Sony Ericsson. Les 6 atouts majeurs du M-commerce. Les analystes augurent d’un avenir radieux pour le commerce mobile, à mesure que les terminaux se diffusent. Il faut dire que les atouts marketing du M-commerce sont nombreux. EBay, tablait pour 2010 sur un milliard de dollars de ventes effectuées sur mobile. Il a doublé ce chiffre et projette de réaliser 40 % de ses ventes via un terminal mobile . Selon GfK, 60% des téléphones mobiles en France sont connectés à Internet en 2010, même si 17% des Français se connectent réellement. Mais ce chiffre grimpe rapidement et atteindrait 41% en 2014 selon Forrester Research.

D’après l’institut Gartner, les smartphones représenteront 80% des mobiles vendus en 2012. Autant de projections qui laissent présager un développement fort du M-commerce, lequel a des atouts indéniables : La généralisation des nouveaux appareils mobile annonce la dématérialisation des cartes de fidélité. Borne interactive Intel Foursquare fidélise ses utilisateursvia le fameux “check-in” géolocalisé. Buyster sephora. Be the curator of your favorite topic! Les emails sont chronophages : Atos compte les bannir d'ici 3 ans. La société française Atos Origin a trouvé une solution toute simple pour lutter contre le temps perdu par ses employés à consulter leurs centaines d’emails quotidiens : les supprimer totalement. Par suppression, on entend ici l’utilisation d’un autre moyen de communication. Cela signifie donc qu’une telle politique ne pourra être appliquée qu’en interne, Atos ne pouvant pas imposer à ses clients l’abandon des courriels.

"L’e-mail ne sera bientôt plus considérée comme la meilleure manière d’échanger" Quoi qu’il en soit, pour Thierry Breton, le patron d’Atos, les emails appartiendront au passé d’ici 2014 a-t-il affirmé lors de l'inauguration du nouveau siège social de la société à Bezons (95). Le PDG a expliqué son choix par une enquête interne dévoilant qu’un employé perd entre 10 et 20 heures chaque semaine à consulter, trier et répondre à ses courriers électroniques.

. « L'e-mail est à l'origine un outil formidable. Les réseaux sociaux supplantent l'email Nil Sanyas.