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♥♪♫ The Piano ♪♫♥ Hearts of Glass: Archive. Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men: Archive. Blood bank. Practical Tips from Four Years of Worldwide Travel. As promised in my last post about homesickness and long-term travel, I wanted to publish a follow up about the more practical side of my time on the road. I started out having no idea if I had packed the right things in my bag, worried about losing my passport (I tend to be slightly scatterbrained on the best of days) and curious if I’d last the full year around the world. 4 years later, I’m still moving – though I’m doing so quite a bit differently than when I first started out. I’m travelling much more slowly, opting to spend more time learning and eating.

Where possible, I rent an apartment for a few months to really get a feel for the place and to get work done. Over the years, I’ve found myself disagreeing with my initial packing strategy and also learning a bunch of tips that I keep using as I go. I wanted to share those tips for world travel here. 1. One of the most frequent questions I receive is “are you lonely travelling alone?” 2. 3. Additional notes (Apr 6): 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost.

Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances. How I Can Afford My Life Of Constant Travel. I’m confused. I’m simply confused as to how it’s possible that I have so far failed to properly explain how I’ve managed to travel/live/work abroad nonstop for 12 years straight (and counting).

The questions are still pouring in every single day: How do you do it? How is it possible to travel for so long? Where does the money come from? And while I thoroughly enjoy communicating with readers (I’m being completely serious and encourage you all to continue sending your emails to me as often as you wish), the fact that these very questions are on the minds of so many of you out there has led me to believe that I need to do a better job at providing the answers.

While it’s true that I’ve already written plenty of posts on the matter, clearly all of these posts, even as one collective entity, still fall well short of proving that a life of travel is not some crazy fantasy but a perfectly reasonable and easily attainable lifestyle option instead. So what am I to do? December 25, 1999: March 2000. DOWN AT THE BEECH. Ask me anything . Theme 0 notes (Source: 130 notes (via sea-farer) 1015 notes (Source: thedeathofcool) 2894 notes (Source: omyt, via bakmayadeger) (Source: Spotify) 110416 notes (Source: pornforblindmagazine, via aheartofstone) 16868 notes (Source: sssustenance, via awelltraveledwoman) 68336 notes (Source: softwaring, via northerntendencies) (Source: Spotify) 4281 notes (Source: terrysdiary, via theclassyissue) 10 notes (Source: moneyandsilver) 16391 notes (Source: natgeofound, via awelltraveledwoman) 5597 notes (Source: southern-silver, via northerntendencies) 2248 notes (via woodendreams) 3682 notes (Source: daysrunaway) 126 notes (Source: hawaiiancoconut, via onzedeux) 25797 notes (Source: russneipp, via northerntendencies) 514981 notes (Source: reblololo, via alostsoulx) 35 notes (Source: sea-farer) 1740 notes (Source: revolvver, via awelltraveledwoman) 699 notes (Source: swimmingsong, via soul-surfer) 527 notes (Source: thedeathofcool) 1915 notes (via wolfmanssister) 231 notes 1814 notes 277 notes 241 notes.

40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune. Welcome Stumbled Upon & Delicious Users: You may also want to check out our 180+ Best Money Saving Tools. Traveling doesn't have to break the bank (in fact, you can travel for free), and there are plenty of places that'll help you find the best vacation for your budget. Get discounts and the insider scoop with these great resources. Don't forget to ask for free travel upgrades. (See also: 5 Essential Travel Tools) Cheap Flights and Accommodations Find the best rates for airlines and places to stay, no matter what type of traveler you are. CouchSurfing - Bum a night's sleep on somebody's couch and save hundreds of dollars on hotel costs! Farecast - Farecast gathers data from all over the web so you can find out if airfare for a trip is rising or dropping over the next 7 days, if a hotel rate is the best deal based on past rates, and if there's a better travel offer on another site. Home Exchange - The most comprehensive listing of home listings.

Destination Guides and Travel Communities. Grandmas Dreams: Archive. Ana Rosa: Archive. Archive. A quieter storm: Archive. C'est toi pour moi Moi pour toi dans la vie. Harry Potter Humor! Anonymous: How do i send my hilarious Harry P-pic You can post it on our blog page, right under the logo where it says submit :) … we are >< We’ve just been busy with our baby and family visiting and…forgetting… BUT we are bringing it back! We will still have all the clues up before Halloween and you will still be able to enter the contest for prizes. We’ll just have the numbers up in bunches now until they’re all up. We’re really sorry! Sorry for missing yesterday’s numbers and posting today’s late!

They’ll be up shortly. Anonymous: do lines with no text count as lines? No, we only counted the lines of words. If anyone has questions about whether the words they are getting are right, send us a message that we can respond to privately and we can let you know if you’re doing it right. Good luck everyone :) How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!) Wise Bread Picks For the last five years, I've been traveling the world full-time, and for less money than I've ever spent (and I'd wager less money than most people would spend) to live in one place. My worldly possessions fit into one bag (just larger than carry-on size) and a backpack containing my laptop and computer gear. This small entourage (weighing less than 45 pounds in total) comes with me as I wander around the world, sometimes quickly, but mostly slowly. In 2011 alone, I traversed 13 countries and over 45,360 miles. Sounds pretty expensive, huh?

What if I told you it wasn't? What if I told you that both 2010 (a similarly busy year of travel) and 2011 cost me just over $17,000 (including some major non-travel related purchases)? Believe it. How to Keep Your Travel Costs Low Of course, I could travel for way more than $17,000/year. Here are a few of my secrets. Don't Pay for Accommodations In the entire year of 2011, I paid $173 for accommodation. Work-Trade/Volunteer Travel Slowly. Meet 2011 TED Prize Winner: JR. Brown dress with white dots: Archive. Female Empowerment & Personal Style for Women | Stylish Thought.

50 Lessons Life Taught Me. To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written. When my odometer rolled over to 50, I updated the list. Here it is: Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.When in doubt, just take the next small step.Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.Pay off your credit cards every month.You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.It’s OK to get angry with God. Nostalgasm ® This Is Why You’re My Best Friend.

We’re best friends because you get it. I’m not sure what that means (it’s all so vague) but whatever it is, you have it. I don’t need to explain anything to you or worry if you’ll get the joke. You already got it and are on your way to making the next one. Thanks, babe! You really make socializing a lot easier for me. We’re best friends because you love me even when I’m terrible. It’s easy to love someone when they’re doing well, it’s easy when there’s nothing but happiness and good vibes. We’re best friends because I can take you anywhere and you’ll adapt. We’re best friends because you never make me uncomfortable. We’re best friends because we can go for long stretches of time without talking and it won’t damage the relationship. We’re best friends because you don’t get resentful or jealous if I get into a relationship or land an amazing job.

You’re my best friend because you’re not afraid to call me out on my crap or disagree with me.