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Research and Citation. If you are having trouble locating a specific resource please visit the search page or the Site Map.

Research and Citation

Conducting Research These OWL resources will help you conduct research using primary source methods, such as interviews and observations, and secondary source methods, such as books, journals, and the Internet. This area also includes materials on evaluating research sources. What Is Plagiarism? Please Don't Plagiarize!

What Is Plagiarism?

Show transcriptHide transcript Did you know that copying text from the Internet and posting it somewhere new without saying where you got it is a form of cheating? It's also called stealing. You also steal when you take an image that you find on the Internet and use it without permission. This kind of cheating and stealing is also known as plagiarism. Constructivism in learning. Constructivism is the label given to a set of theories about learning which fall somewhere between cognitive and humanistic views.

Constructivism in learning

If behaviourism treats the organism as a black box, cognitive theory recognises the importance of the mind in making sense of the material with which it is presented. Nevertheless, it still presupposes that the role of the learner is primarily to assimilate whatever the teacher presents. Constructivism — particularly in its "social" forms — suggests that the learner is much more actively involved in a joint enterprise with the teacher of creating ("constructing") new meanings. We can distinguish between. IJILE final online. The 5 Elements Students Should Look For When Evaluating Web Content. March , 2014 In a section in her wonderful book "Understanding The Social Lives of Networked Teens" Danah Boyd talked extensively about the concept of digital natives and argued that this nomenclature does not really capture the essence of what a digitally savvy teenager really means.

The 5 Elements Students Should Look For When Evaluating Web Content

Dana argued that the mere fact of being comfortable with a social media tool does not prove that the user has a digital fluency to allow them to better use it for educational purposes : Just because teens are comfortable using social media to hang out does not mean that they’re fluent in or with technology. Many teens are not nearly as digitally adept as the often-used assumption that they are “digital natives” would suggest. Social Constructivist Theories. For a general intro to constructivism click: Overview of constructivism.

Social Constructivist Theories

Overview of Social Constructivism Another cognitive psychologist, Lev Vygotsky ( shared many of Piaget's ( assumptions about how children learn, but he placed more emphasis on the social context of learning. Piaget's cognitive theories have been used as the foundation for discovery learning ( models in which the teacher plays a limited role. Family/community engagement. Trilingual_primary_education_def.pdf. Index. Writing in the Disciplines: English - The Process of Writing an English Research Paper.

The Process of Writing An English Research Paper (printable version here) 1.

Writing in the Disciplines: English - The Process of Writing an English Research Paper

Research Papers. Summary: This handout provides detailed information about how to write research papers including discussing research papers as a genre, choosing topics, and finding sources.

Research Papers

Contributors:Jack Raymond Baker, Allen BrizeeLast Edited: 2013-02-21 10:38:50 The research paper. Constructivism in learning. Vygotsky Social Constructivism. Academic and Professional Writing: Writing a Research Paper. This page lists some of the stages involved in writing a library-based research paper.

Academic and Professional Writing: Writing a Research Paper

Although this list suggests that there is a simple, linear process to writing such a paper, the actual process of writing a research paper is often a messy and recursive one, so please use this outline as a flexible guide. Discovering, Narrowing, and Focusing a Researchable Topic Try to find a topic that truly interests you Try writing your way to a topic Talk with your course instructor and classmates about your topic Pose your topic as a question to be answered or a problem to be solved. Trilingual_primary_education_def.pdf. 27 Attention-Getters For Quieting A Noisy Classroom. Bloom's Taxonomy. Education study finds in favour of traditional teaching styles. Schools need to put more effort into evaluating what makes effective teaching, and ensure that discredited practices are rooted out from classrooms, according to a new study published by the Sutton Trust and Durham University.

Education study finds in favour of traditional teaching styles

The study suggests that some schools and teachers continue using methods that cause little or no improvement in student progress, and instead rely on anecdotal evidence to back fashionable techniques such as “discovery learning,” where pupils are meant to uncover key ideas for themselves, or “learning styles,” which claims children can be divided into those who learn best through sight, sound or movement. Instead, more traditional styles that reward effort, use class time efficiently and insist on clear rules to manage pupil behaviour, are more likely to succeed, according to the report – touching on a raw nerve within the British teaching profession, which has seen vigorous debates between “progressive” and “traditional” best practice.