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Christophe Montagne Longue

20+ outils Internet pour être un entrepreneur efficace. Une toujours plus grande partie de l’activité d’un entrepreneur se situe en ligne, ou en tout cas s’appuie sur des applications et outils hébergés sur Internet ou même maintenant dans le creux de sa main directement sur le téléphone.

20+ outils Internet pour être un entrepreneur efficace

Et il faut bien reconnaître qu’en utilisant correctement ces outils, on peut gagner à la fois beaucoup d’argent et de temps, et avoir une connaissance de ses clients bien plus grande. Petit tour d’horizon des outils préférés (et aussi les plus utiles) des entrepreneurs… La plupart étant gratuits, vous n’avez aucune excuse pour ne pas les utiliser dès le démarrage de votre aventure entrepreneuriale ! Se faire connaître et intéragir avec sa communauté Le propre de l’entrepreneur, c’est de parler constamment de son projet, d’essayer de le faire connaître du plus grand nombre.

Cela passe forcément par le fait de construire son image en ligne. Être efficace Communiquer avec ses troupes D’autres services peuvent s’ajouter à ceux-ci : Se changer les idées. Your Product Needs to be 10x Better than the Competition to Win. Here’s Why: Last night I had the great privilege to interview Bill Gross, one of the Internet’s true pioneers.

Your Product Needs to be 10x Better than the Competition to Win. Here’s Why:

To say he has had an impact on the web would be an understatement. His impact has even helped a small country gain admission to the United Nations. All of that are in this week’s episode of This Week in VC. Summary notes, as always, provide below. It was a pleasure to write them myself. Overture ( He invented the category of sponsored search. He created (later renamed Overture) out of a frustration with search. The idea actually came to him from the Yellow Pages business. He was skeptical of spending the money but astounded at what a transformational impact it had on his business.

Bill’s rationale was the more serious your business was, the more you could afford to pay for placement and therefore the more likely it was for consumers. So he launched a company with exclusively paid search. Heresy. Google was clear that they WOULD NOT go into this business. IdeaLab. Getting Your Startup Website Ready, Pre-Launch. Even if you're not quite ready to show the public your product, you can still create a good website and a solid online presence for your startup.

Getting Your Startup Website Ready, Pre-Launch

I want to sidestep the argument about whether or not it's good to be "stealth" or not, and work with the assumption that if you've purchased the domain name, you're going to put up some sort of website. So here are a few of the things you should consider when building your startup's site: 1. Have a nice "look" You don't have to commit to the whole graphical "look and feel" of your brand on day one, but you do want to to make moves in that direction. 2. Be sure to capture the email addresses of those who visit. Add these people to a newsletter. 3. Make sure you have all the various sharing buttons on your site so that people can follow you on Twitter, follow your RSS feeds, like your site, and easily share information with their friends about your sites. 4. Never underestimate the importance of having a blog.

Vidéos Pearltrees
