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Collection of Work - eTwinning Project: Heroes of the 20th Century - s.y.2019/2020

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Twinspace of the Project. Schools of the Project. Martin Luther King, Jr BrainPOP Jr. MLK Jr. On Education. The Education of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King. Video MLK. The ONE. eTwinning Project: Heroes of 20th Century. Presentation about M L King. Comprehension about M L King. The Education of M L King.

M L King Biography. Kahoot! Quiz about M L King. Kahoot! Quiz 2 about M L King. Nelson Mandela's words of wisdom. Mandela Day. Nelson Mandela: Life and Activity Quiz. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Flashcards. Nelson Mandela Quiz. He Named Me Malala Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Documentary HD. A Comprehehsion activity. A presentation about Malala. A Presentation about Malala Yousafzai by Flaminia B. 3G. Writing Letters Guidelines. Malala Yousafzai. 15th May 2020 Dear Malala I’m writing to you to ask you some questions.

Malala Yousafzai

I’m Isabella, a 14-year-old nice and cheerful girl. I know about you because we studied your life at school. You’ve fought for girls' right to education, and you’ve been shot in the head by Talebans because of that, you can be called a hero from the girls that couldn’t go to school! What about your present life? How do you see your future? If I won the Nobel Peace Prize I would be very happy and proud of what I’ve done. What about your Nobel Peace Prize? My feelings about your fight for education are that you fought and still are fighting for a good cause because education is the only weapon we have to go against bad things, wars and not to be influenced by people for their own interests. What were your feelings when you started your fight? You didn’t inspire me but I still think you’ve done many good and important things for lots of people, especially young girls. I greet you, waiting for your reply.

Isabella 3B. Malala. Nomi, 31st May 2020 Dear Malala, How are you?


My name is Camilla, I'm 13 years old and live in Nomi, in Italy. I'm a sweet, nice and helpful person, I’m very emotional, friendly and shy. I heard your story at home while I was leafing through the English school book and as I read I was very impressed and I was also hurt by some moments you spent. After watching a video about your story, I was able to understand more about what you went through. How's your family? I always wanted to ask you….... what's your dream? Cloze test activity. "The story of" - Free stories online. Create books for kids. "Our Messages to Anne Frank" - Free stories online. Create books for kids. Anne Frank and the Holocaust - Quiz. India and Gandhi. Class 3E-3G: Did you enjoy the activity about India? Did you learn anything new? What do you think about Gandhi activity? - Google Jamboard.

Presentation about Gandhi. Albert Einstein Biography in English. Story for Children. Albert Einstein biography. Einstein's Biography. Einstein's Scientific Discoveries. Einstein presentation. Einstein: Biography presentation. Reading Activity about Einstein. Kahoot quiz about Einstein. A presentation of the Polish Scientist. Watson and Crick Presentation. Jan Palach Presentation. Jan Palach - Cloze Test. My olśniewający timeline. A presentation about Faust Vrančić. Faust Vrančić - Biography. Everyday Heroes.