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Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign) - So the first cour of Owari no Seraph has ended, and I can say with clear confidence that this show, is without a doubt, an utter piece of generic troupes amalgamated and fused together into one entity.

Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign) -

Was it amazing? No, not even close. And was it horrible? No, it hasn't reached that low of a tier yet, fortunately. The story in a nutshell involves kids, and adults stuck in a post-apocalyptic setting with two sides, the vampires and the humans. Tokyo ghoul. Kono oto mare. Haikyuu. Suki kirai suki. Horimiya. Watemote. Oregairu. Nisekoi.

Lecture en ligne

A commencer. En attente. En cours. Fini.