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Barton Tutors. All About Spelling - Official Site | Spelling Programs, Teaching Spelling. Homeschooling Success: One Mother's Story * Yale Center For Dyslexia & Creativity. Dr. Shaywitz's book, Overcoming Dyslexia, has been a wonderful resource ever since my son was diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia when he had just turned five years old. He was so severely impacted that the symptoms were evident early on. One SLP (speech and language pathologist) at the time was describing single-, vs. double-deficit dyslexia to me with my son’s scores in front of her. She said, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, "with his phonemic awareness and rapid naming scores in the 1st percentile, plus his working memory challenges and ADD issues, perhaps your son might be considered a quadruple-deficit dyslexic. " My son is a typical homeschooler for our area.

To remediate his dyslexia, I have used private tutors (3-hour round trip commute 4x/wk, $900/month), Barton Reading and Spelling System (the scripted O-G--Orton-Gillingham--program with DVD instruction as well), and last year enrolled in the Neuhaus Education Center’s excellent O-G-based program. Teachers' Professional Development in Reading - Neuhaus Education Center, Houston, TX Neuhaus. Kelly’s Web Page. Syllable Sliders. Students delight in using these colorful syllable sliders. Sliding them over a word highlights possible syllable division spots, making it easier to see and choose the correct division to decode the word. $6.00 per set of four slidersTwo-color see-through manipulative for dividing words into syllablesSliders have different colors just for fun, students can pick their favorite onesEach slider is 2 by 3.5 inches, and comes with a removable protective backingNote that plastic, being a soft product, will show scratches with use.

The scratches aren’t really visible on a book page. Syllable Division Patterns There are 5 basic syllable division patterns in the English language. Students learning to decode words of two or more syllables in length enjoy using this transparent divider to help them experiment with different options.