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Dog Patiently Waits for Kid to Stop Jumping in Puddle. Funny-dogs-8.gif (434×291) 25 Epic Fail GIFs. » 10 Funny Animated Gifs for 10/17. Fc48d24ae5c123b6c02afacd2d806d8ef8725724.gifa (280×160) Chain Reaction. 64852243.gif (425×352) The Dangers of Planking. You'll Love This. Clipmark. 2_.gif (328×136) The Funniest Bill Cosby GIFs from Bill Cosby GIFs. Bill Cosby. Sitcom star. Comedy legend. GIF GOD. It was just a matter of time before Cosby dominated the internet. Many of these come from the Tumblr, GIFake, which is worth checking out. And as a bonus, here's Rudy eating pizza because life doesn't get much better than this. Anigif_anagram-tells-the-truth-5429-1271965845-59.gif (279×279) YTMND - Arnold shares his deepest feelings. 319539_o.gif (320×180) Humor-044.gif (500×223)