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How Stiles gets cockblocked by the universe - Chapter 1 - peet4paint - Teen Wolf. Supernormal - zosofi - Teen Wolf. Good love, good night - Chapter 1 - hito - Teen Wolf. Part Of My Melody - Chapter 3 - hayesgeneration - Teen Wolf. The Woebegone Kid - ahab2692 - Teen Wolf. Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways - hologramophone - Teen Wolf. “But, Mr. Hale, sir…I don’t understand!” Derek hesitated, glancing surreptitiously down at the name on Peter’s memo. “…Mr. Greenberg, Hale Industries’ internship program was instated to seek out the best and brightest minds for our entry-level positions. Unfortunately, your performance in the past few months has fallen significantly behind those of your colleagues, so we have no choice but to let you go.”

The kid, Greenberg, stood red-faced and gaping in the middle of the bullpen of cubicles, the other still-employed interns hunched over their keyboards pretending not to listen. “B-but I need this job! Derek resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose as his ex-employee wheezed on the office floor. Greenberg’s was the last name on the list, thank God - It was already nearing six in the evening. Wild things - dress without sleeves (ohladybegood), ofgeography (ohladybegood), ohladybegood - Teen Wolf.

Killer Smile - Black_Calliope - Teen Wolf. How Our Bodies Even Got Here - discreetmath - Teen Wolf. The bavarian citrus sled. Fight or Flight (or Freeze) - TamIsMyFather - Teen Wolf. The first time it happens is during an argument.

Fight or Flight (or Freeze) - TamIsMyFather - Teen Wolf

The fact that it occurs while they're having an argument isn't actually all that surprising, to be completely honest. No, what really short circuits Stiles's brain is the fact that it happens at all. They're in the lobby of Deaton's clinic, well past midnight. Scott is passed out in the back, being tended to by the put-upon looking veterinarian, who is grumbling under his breath about inconsiderate werewolves who can't stick to a 9-5 schedule like normal human beings.

Lydia and Jackson are God knows where, probably making out in a tree or something, and Stiles is definitely not bitter about that. “A freaking alpha pack?” Derek glares in the general direction of the door, away from Stiles. “Really? “You didn't need to know,” Derek grits out. “Oh, you're right, how silly of me,” Stiles says. “I didn't know about that either!” “Right, because Scott loves talking to me so much.” Stiles tries to scoff, but it comes out as a gulp. Stiles freezes.

Anything, anything - drunktuesdays - Teen Wolf. Who knew werewolves would ruin my life? Like We Both Don't Need This - deadpool - Teen Wolf. Threaded through a needle, tied into a knot - queerly_it_is - Teen Wolf. Capricorn - melfice - Teen Wolf. Catch a Falling Star - tsukinofaerii - Marvel Ultimates. You Feel Like Home - thestreetballet - Teen Wolf (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling. Stiles wakes up alone in the infirmary, wincing as he feels a twinge in his right lower abdomen, a stark reminder of recent events.

You Feel Like Home - thestreetballet - Teen Wolf (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling

He covers his eyes with his hands, groaning in embarrassment as the memories return, after days of being in a potion-induced haze. Being the first wizard to been emergency-apparated to St. Mungo's due to a ruptured appendix wasn't quite what he had in mind when he wanted to make his mark at Hogwarts. He tosses around, one hand gingerly patting the bandages he can feel on his abdomen when he realises that he's alone in the infirmary with his bed next to a window, moonlight streaming onto his bedsheets. Stiles takes a deep breath as he tries to quell the overwhelming panic that is sweeps over him as he takes in more of his surroundings.

He closes his eyes against the sight, fingers scrabbling futilely across the heavy bedsheets as he tries to throw them off, nobody around to help him. "Huh? " "What's with the evil eye? " "Mr Stilinski? " "Not leaving, Derek? " Tip the Scales - fojee - Teen Wolf. In quiet, a favor - Helenish - Teen Wolf.

Bless Me Father - Kawaiicoyote - Teen Wolf. Hypothetically: Wolfsbane - JenNova - Teen Wolf. Are we all just stumbling along until we get this right? - Leafontehwind - Teen Wolf. Patchouli - the_ragnarok - Teen Wolf. It's Bad Enough We Get Along - FireEverything, MarieLikesToDraw (MarieLikeToDraw) - Teen Wolf. Fix Me Up Good - zeph317 - Teen Wolf. Beacon Hills Mysteries - miss_aphelion - Teen Wolf. And You Say You're Alone - taelynhawker - Teen Wolf. Je t'aime - Chapter 1 - CookieNoNuts - Teen Wolf. Archive of Our Own » list works » Kink Bingo 2012 (Round Five) Brothers - Chapter 1 - myrandomnesslife - Teen Wolf. Trouble - pterawaters - Teen Wolf. Actual Wolf Derek Hale - Chapter 1 - lovelornwolf - Teen Wolf. Vast Nothingness - Chapter 1 - moodwriter - Teen Wolf.

Wolf Whistle - ashinan - Teen Wolf. Shot Through The Heart - LunaCanisLupus_22 - Teen Wolf. For Lack of a Better Name - Chapter 2 - Nanoochka - Teen Wolf. Remembering Me, Remembering You - derekstilinski - Teen Wolf. Right Where You Need It - Green - Teen Wolf. Main Content <p id="javascript-warning"> While we&#x27;ve done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

Right Where You Need It - Green - Teen Wolf

Please consider turning it on! </p> Archive of Our Own beta Log In Site Navigation This work could have adult content. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Footer Close. Marked, Maimed, Claimed - Chapter 1 - thegirlgrey - Teen Wolf. And All the Time He's Mumbling Truth - shakespearesque - Teen Wolf. Life is the thing - rispacooper - Teen Wolf. We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) - notthequiettype - Teen Wolf. Hopeless Wanderer - blacktofade - Teen Wolf. Three Beautiful Words (Please Help Me) - triedunture - Teen Wolf. According to Plans - Chapter 1 - eldee - Teen Wolf. Any Way You Slice It - Chapter 1 - thebodyeclectic - Teen Wolf.

The Alexandrian Solution - Bexless - Teen Wolf. On The Job Training - Chapter 1 - suzvoy - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text It's summer and Stiles is happy.

On The Job Training - Chapter 1 - suzvoy - Teen Wolf

Not just because there's no school - although that's definitely a plus - but because he gets to spend every day with the pack. Yeah. That's his thing now. Running with a pack of werewolves. He'd never seen this coming after that night he told Scott about half a body being found in the woods near the old Hale house. Stiles is on his front on the sofa, one of his favourite places to be. Also, that Stiles is totally never asking him where he got the sofa from. The Tasks We're Given - Chapter 1 - shutupbolinski (zimothy) - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text “Be brave,” his father urged again, eyes pained.

The Tasks We're Given - Chapter 1 - shutupbolinski (zimothy) - Teen Wolf

Stiles wanted to tell his dad a hundred different things, from begging him to do something, to promising he would be braver than he'd ever been before. All of those wordsd escaped him when two of Hale's betas finally managed to drag him away. He'd taken too long to say his goodbyes. Stilesswallowed convulsively, wanting to break away from the hands gripping him and run straight back to his father--to Scott and Lydia and everyone else. “I’m sorry, dad,” Stiles croaked, because he was sorry. The meaning (and making) of pack - kleinefee92 - Teen Wolf. Birds in flight (earth to heaven after rain) - hito - Teen Wolf. Stiles is eating lunch out on the stretch of lawn at the back of the school when Derek shows up.

birds in flight (earth to heaven after rain) - hito - Teen Wolf

“Hey—Derek,” he says, looking around, but Scott has already headed back in. Eve Jeffries is throwing him a weird look, possibly because Derek Hale, once a convicted-in-the-court-of-public-opinion murderer, now just any old guy in his twenties—which Stiles is not saying is old, okay, but it’s definitely old enough to mark him as a bit of a sleaze in the minds of right-thinking educational authorities, parents, and possibly Eve—has come to the local highschool at lunchtime to track Stiles down and loom over him in front of God and all his classmates. A couple of the girls are giggling in excitement, but Eve tries to flag down a teacher. “Stiles,” Derek rumbles. “That’s me!” “Yes,” Derek says, which is not helpful to Stiles in the slightest.

“Did you want something?” “Yes,” Derek says, “I did.” He doesn’t, though. “Dude!” “Yes,” Derek interrupts. Cupboard Love - Chapter 1 - mklutz - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text It’s Scott who convinces Stiles to put the ad in the paper.

Cupboard Love - Chapter 1 - mklutz - Teen Wolf

Stiles is doing a combined five year bachelors and masters, so his class schedule doesn’t exactly fit in around most of the part time jobs he could get on campus and to be fair, he’s pretty crap at making coffee anyway. He’s gotten pretty good at cooking, though, since his mom passed away. Plus, Stiles needs the money for all that coffee he’s so bad at making. He’s got a cheap french press under the sink with his garbage bags that he tried to use exactly twice before he had to give up and just start giving all his spare cash to the hipster place around the corner. All of that is to say, though, that Stiles has been debating for a week about taking out a line of credit to fund his meagre student lifestyle when he gets the phone call. “I need a week’s worth of meals I can heat up and I don’t like spicy food,” says the man on the other end instead of hello. “Yes,” His mystery client grits out, sounding frustrated. Stiles. The Life of Stiles - rispacooper - Teen Wolf.

Multiplied by seven - Chapter 1 - 1001cranes - Teen Wolf. Shelter - five_ht - Teen Wolf. Show You What All That Howl Is For - skoosiepants - Teen Wolf (TV), Stargate Atlantis. Stiles can’t be the only one who thinks that letting the grumpy alien dude join their off-world team is a bad idea.

Show You What All That Howl Is For - skoosiepants - Teen Wolf (TV), Stargate Atlantis

Sure, he saved them all from the slavering dog-beast of PX-302, but all the glowering and growling is really sort of off-putting. Besides, Stiles thinks the whole saving them thing had been a total accident; he’d seemed a little too eager to hop into the puddlejumper and leave Planet Rabid Dog behind him, if you ask Stiles. Then again: Planet Rabid Dog. Stiles would probably be eager, too. But that, and the fact that Lieutenant Danny totally wants to bone him, is no reason to trust him enough to, like, watch their backs while they explore the unexplored. “Seriously, can’t you just slobber all over him in the gym or something?” The Strong Scent of Evergreen - rubykatewriting - Teen Wolf. Wayward and Down - Chapter 1 - affectingly - Teen Wolf.

Pack Dynamics For Dummies - Chapter 1 - SpiritsFlame - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text As it turns out, carpentry is not among Stiles’ many skills.

Pack Dynamics For Dummies - Chapter 1 - SpiritsFlame - Teen Wolf

The third time he hits his finger rather than the plank of wood he was aiming for, he backs off and leaves that sort of thing to the people with supernatural healing abilities. Instead, he goes to help Allison and tries not to feel too much like his man card just got revoked. Project ‘Make the Hale House Look Less Like it’s On The Brink Of Being Condemned And Make It Look Like A Real Wolf Den’ is well underway. Perchance to Dream - Chapter 1 - Crimson1 - Teen Wolf.

Permanent Fixture - Chapter 1 - linksofmemories - Teen Wolf. Up to You & Down to Me - Chapter 1 - lemyh - Teen Wolf. Tricksters Make This World - wldnst - Teen Wolf. Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills during a new moon in the spring, when cool, moisture-laden air is coming in off the Pacific Ocean and everything smells more like itself.

Tricksters Make This World - wldnst - Teen Wolf

Stiles though--Stiles doesn’t smell like himself. The base notes of his scent remain the same, they’ve been overwritten with the scents of new places, new people. Scott’s scent is distant now, and the smell of high school locker room’s been eliminated entirely. The Sheriff’s scent is still there, less present than it once was, but there, when the pack’s scent--the pack’s scent is gone. Of course it is. Derek sees him--smells him--at the IGA on Center Street. Stiles is near the butcher’s counter, looking at the depressing cuts of meat in their styrofoam trays. “Do you know how long those were on ice?” Will to follow through - Chapter 1 - owlpostagain - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text you can’t hold on to the thrill so I hope you find your will to follow through (what we invented I am now ending) Watching Lydia sink to the filthy concrete floor, cradling Jackson like the dirt and the blood and the slick sweat don’t mean anything, like there’s nothing that can stop her from sharing those last few breaths with him – it does something to Stiles.

Does something to his ribs, maybe, makes them brittle and sharp, curling in a little tighter and pinching his lungs, his heart. Later he’ll feel a little selfish about it; Lydia and Jackson are playing out their Satine and Christian horror story and Gerard’s mostly-dead, completely-disgusting body is gone, Peter’s apparently risen from the dead and Derek’s got this look on his face like he’s finally realizing he lost whatever tentative control he had. All Stiles cares about is that whatever fleeting chance he might have thought he had with Lydia has quite literally been given the kiss of death. Well. Danny shrugs.