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Rare Breed - olavina - Teen Wolf. Cherry pez cold crush rockstar boogie - unreliablenarrator - Teen Wolf. Good Parenting - tzzzz - Teen Wolf. “Thirdly, werewolves are real. Show him, Scott,” Stiles said, arms braced on the kitchen table, like it might actually anchor him to reality in this new low of compulsive lying and familial distrust.

His father had hoped they were over this. “Come on, Stiles, you don’t really expect me to believe--” John Stilinski complained. Uncharacteristically, Scott interrupted him. “Don’t freak out,” he said, actually sounding nervous. And then Scott was gone and in his seat was an animal, his eyes glowing yellow and his face transforming into a half-human visage out of a B-movie, complete with claws. John took a gulp of whiskey then stared at the boys. He should probably be more freaked out, he mused. “Were you always--” “Not until four months ago.” “Ah, so the sudden lacrosse skills--” “Werewolf stuff.” “And Derek--” “Alpha werewolf.” “And the murders--” “Peter Hale, also werewolf.”

“So Kate--” “Werewolf hunter.” “That night in the station--” “Matt controlling a kanima.” “Kanima?” “Jackson?” “Lydia?” “Bisexual. These Four Walls - Chapter 1 - pandabomb - Teen Wolf. The Art of Dying Well - kinneas - Teen Wolf. Patterns of Intention - drunktuesdays - Teen Wolf. Take a step before running - magneticwave - Teen Wolf (TV), Hockey RPF. Unmapped - Jerakeen - Teen Wolf (TV), The Sentinel. Dancing With The Moon - Chapter 1 - starsandgraces - Teen Wolf. Let us Stray 'til Break of Day - Chapter 1 - Loz - Teen Wolf. Total system failure - HalfFizzbin - Teen Wolf. Love Runs Wild - DevilDoll - Teen Wolf. 5 Times They didn't get a Happy Ending and 1 Time They Did - hawthornsybil - Teen Wolf.

1. The Left Side of the Bed Derek dies on a Monday when Stiles is twenty-four. He’d like to say he remembers everything of those last hours, remembers Derek kissing him before going out with the pack, remembers the “I love you” murmured against his lips. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t remember holding Derek’s head in his lap while he died, doesn’t even remember looking down into Derek’s resigned eyes saying, “everything’s going to be okay.” Scott tells him they had to pull Derek’s body from his arms and the Sheriff tells him that Stiles doesn’t talk for weeks. They bury him near Laura’s grave, the one Derek has picked right after the police had given her body back. Most days he feels like Derek will arrive home just as dinner is ready. The left side of the bed is empty, night after night, Stiles wakes up and his eyes focuses on the untouched pillow and the flat covers.

They keep telling him that one day it will hurt less, that he will never forget Derek, that he’ll learn to be happy again. 2. Behind The Wall - LunaCanisLupus_22 - Teen Wolf. Coffee housing - kellifer_fic - Teen Wolf. An alien virus that rewrites human DNA is accidentally unleashed in a series of small towns and eventually larger cities. It kills 90% of those who come into contact with it (referred to as 'drawing the Black Queen'). However, 9% mutate into deformed creatures (known as 'Jokers') and the remaining 1% gain superpowers (known as 'Aces'). A percentage of the Aces are referred to as 'Deuces', acquiring useless or ridiculous powers. The airborne virus eventually spreads all over the world, affecting tens of thousands.

"We're getting another Joker. " Stiles' favorite pastime is to pop out at people from nowhere and scare the hell out of them. "You're full of crap, no way," Scott says, who thwarts Stiles every time by being completely unsurprised by his sudden appearances. "I'm going to figure out how you do that," Stiles says narrowing his eyes. Scott shrugs, unperturbed. "I read his file in Chris' office," Stiles says. "Dude, you shouldn't do that. Stiles pulls a face at the prospect. "Stiles! "

In Word and in Deed - lielabell - Teen Wolf. Invited Inside - blacktofade - Teen Wolf. Ink Drop - misslucid - Teen Wolf. Being a reaper didn't make Stiles fear death any less. If anything, being aware of the process made the mystery of what happened after even more terrifying. He knew the cold pull of the dark, the building suffocation of one's consciousness, the desperate expression the dying made when realizing they were fading into nothing.

Most days, he tried not to think about it. He carried on the majority of his life without the whole reaper thing getting in the way. The reaping process was unpredictable. When Stiles found the person who was supposed to die, he simply had to touch them. When it was over, the note would disintegrate, crumble into nothing. His life went on like that, and he was just fine with having the burden of being death's middleman so long as he could keep pushing it to the back of his mind without side effects. Then he started dating Derek Hale. "Stiles. "What? " "Are you okay? " Sometimes Stiles thought Derek could tell when he went off to reap. "You can go to sleep. " "Pff! " Ultimatum - Chapter 1 - trilliath - Teen Wolf. Bogarted - HalfFizzbin - Teen Wolf. Just pretending that we're cool - magneticwave - Teen Wolf.

Get Your Kicks - eriizabeto - Teen Wolf. On the right track - HalfFizzbin - Teen Wolf. At 9:55pm, Stiles says “I can’t believe this.” “That’s the seventh time you’ve said that,” Scott points out, leaning back against the subway doors with his eyes closed. “I feel like you should have moved a little closer to acceptance by now.” “The train has been delayed due to a technical issue. We will begin moving momentarily,” says the conductor over the crackling speakers. It’s the same thing he’s been saying for the past half hour. “I was supposed to be Lydia’s plus one,” Stiles says (again, not for the first time, but seriously). “She only invited you to get back at Jackson for not taking her,” Scott reminds him, and thanks, Scott. “I know that,” Stiles says, pouting. “Anything except you actually getting over this crush because it’s embarrassing and pointless,” Scott says gently, taking off his giant sparkly 2013 sunglasses and balancing them on Stiles’ nose.

“Just because you want to date Little Mary Sunshine doesn’t mean the rest of us do,” Stiles snaps. “What?” “Party!” “What.” Lettin' your worries pass you by - HalfFizzbin - Teen Wolf. Never Learned to Go Slow - breenwolf - Teen Wolf. Of Wolves and Doughnuts - Chapter 1 - Hatteress - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text Derek was fifteen and still smelling of ash when he met Stiles. He honestly doesn't know if Stiles remembers. He would've been ten – small and gawky but still ricocheting through life like he'd flailed out of the goddamn womb. Derek remembers watching with a numb sort of interest as Stiles ducked around the counter at the police station, flattening his back to the desk like he was the cat burglar to the doughnut box's fucking Crown Jewels.

The dispatch lady had hidden her smile well but Derek hadn't missed the nudge of the doughnut box towards the hand that snaked over the partition. Nor did he miss the complicated flail of success when Stiles managed to snag the last frosted monstrosity out of the box. He didn't laugh — he couldn't have, not that day — but he must have made some noise because Stiles looked up and startled like a splashed cat. "It's jam," he'd said, voice clear and unnervingly sober. "Share," he'd said, voice cracked.

"We're going to give you a choice... " Possibly I Like The Thrill Of Under Me You - haynnes - Teen Wolf. The List - Survivah - Teen Wolf. The therapist’s office always smells like plastic. Isaac doesn’t know why, there is no more plastic in the small, neutrally decorated office than there is anywhere else. Part of him wants to think that the smell comes from her permanently artificial expression, preserved in a perfect sympathetic smile at all times, but real life doesn’t tend to work out like that. If everyone who is artificial smelled like plastic, Isaac wouldn’t be able to walk around without feeling like he’s being suffocated by a grocery bag whenever he passes somebody on the street. “So. She moves so strangely. “It’s been fine,” Isaac says tonelessly. “That’s very good!” Not that good. “Did you feel any anxiety about the test leading up to it?” Isaac wishes he had never told her that he was prone to nervousness.

Not that Isaac isn’t a nervous person. But he can’t tell the therapist that. He worries about Derek, though. Derek doesn’t direct the brunt of his vices at Isaac. So they were fuckbuddies. “Isaac? “Wh-sorry. College is Stupid, or the Five times Stiles Made a Complete Ass Out of Himself in Front of Derek and the One Time he Didn’t - lizzstomania - Teen Wolf. The worst thing about college, Stiles decides late one evening, is having to do your own laundry. Not that his father did his too often, but occasionally Stiles could toss his dirties in with his dad's and the sheriff would just chuck the clean clothes on his bed when they were finished.

But now he's nineteen and in his second year at UC Santa Cruz and it's two in the morning and he has no clean clothes. Like, he's down to one pair of underwear, bright red shorts that Lydia Martin shoved in his hands when he was underwear shopping at Target two years ago, and all his shirts are dirty. He's just really glad that the latch on the door to the laundry room broke last year and no one bothered to report it.

Hopping up onto an empty washer, Stiles settles in to wait for the dryer to finish. "Well, I'm hot-blooded, check it and see—" What the... "Got a fever of a hundred and three! " The door swings open and a bare back pushes the door open. "So come on baby, do you do more than dance? " "Um... "Oh. " Pack Up; Don't Stray - Chapter 1 - the_deep_magic - Teen Wolf. The Road to Self-Actualization Is Littered with F-Bombs - blue_fjords - Teen Wolf. Here at the End of All Things - Chapter 1 - queenitsy - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text Things were never exactly calm and quiet in Beacon Hills, but they'd finally reached some sort of equilibrium. The lycan movement was still under incredibly intense scrutiny, but no one was actively interfering with them there anymore.

By day, Beacon Hills was the one place where lycans could go about their daily lives without being harassed, where they all gathered to care for the dreaming alphas, where they kept one another safe and had achieved some sort of normal. Of course by night, in basements and garages and sometimes out in the woods, it was where the other branch of the lycan movement met, sharing notes and making plans. Everyone just called them the Network, and they were the part of Beacon Hills that scared people, and that the government -- not to mention the Argents -- wanted to shut down. But first they'd have to find proof, and the lycans were very, very careful. So it was good. He still researched things when they needed him to. Like now. To see Derek. "Ah. " The Cliff - eriizabeto - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text "Where's Stiles? " Scott asks, glancing away. Scott's always glancing away. He talks to Derek, because he pities him, probably, but he glances away.

Whittemore. "He, uh. " Scott looks at Derek, then, his face lit red and then green with the changing colours of the lights at Jackson's party. Derek looks at Scott, surprised by the knowing look on his face. One corner of his mouth pushing up ruefully, Scott nods. Derek cringes, because he knew Stiles' mother died in March, he knew this. Scott says, "He usually avoids me for a while, and then one day he's back to normal and we don't talk about it. " Derek looks at him. "If you asked him to. " "Why me? " Scott looks at him like he feels bad for him. Derek stops monitoring his face because he's thinking this over, turning it over and over in his mind like a stone on the shore. "You're overthinking this," Scott tells Derek. "At the cliff," Derek finishes, because Stiles always goes to the cliff above the town when he's feeling pensive.

Teen Wolf Kink - Prompt Post 02. Beltane - DevilDoll - Teen Wolf. We're catching bullets in our teeth (it's hard to do but they're so sweet) - prettyasadiagram - Teen Wolf. Calling Home - alchemy - Teen Wolf. Spring 1962. “You ready for this?” They’re laid out on their backs atop the Corvette’s cooling hood like school boys, legs too long and booted feet dangling down across the grill. Derek drags his attention from the diamond-encrusted night sky and fixes Stiles in a look both worried and deeply contemplative as he considers the question. The canned PR line about never having been more ready for anything in his life apparently doesn’t apply here.

“Yeah,” he finally says, soft but steady. His gaze wanders down to the pillow of Stiles’ lower lip and then bounces back up again, dark eyebrows drawing together. “Not even remotely,” Stiles ejects on a laugh, but he must look as unconvincing as he feels, because the furrow in Derek’s brow deepens. “It’ll be okay, you know.” “I know, Derek- I- I know better than anyone. Derek shifts closer, bouncing the car gently beneath them, and fits his nose into the notch behind Stiles’ closest earlobe.

“Just make sure you turn off the com first, Major.” “But-” The Arrow Flies Like Time - the_ragnarok - Teen Wolf. I'm in Love with How You Feel (Sixteen Candles) - pterawaters - Teen Wolf. As Though the Air Protects You - the_ragnarok - Teen Wolf. Stiles has been restless all day. His cage, normally spacious, seems suddenly cramped and miserable. Whenever Dr. Deaton comes into view, Stiles mews at him to be let out. Deaton just shakes his head. "I can't let you out, Stiles.

" Stiles huffs and curls up in the corner of his cage, tail flicking like a metronome. Only he knows that it's for the best. Even so, things are dull without Scott. Stiles knows the sheriff. He hasn't come around in a long time, though, and he's different. "Sorry, Sheriff," Deaton says. Stiles has a moment to realize he's hanging off the sheriff's pants and probably clawing him when strong, gentle hands cup around him and lift him up.

"He seems to like you. " John moves to hold Stiles against him. "Like a generator," Deaton agrees. Stiles' dirty look intensifies into an outright glare. John's thumb moves in the soft fur behind Stiles' ear, and he's willing to forgive a lot right now, so long as he's being petted. "Stiles. " "Stiles Stilinski," John muses.

Ms. Ever the Entertainer - pterawaters - Teen Wolf. Must Be This Tall To Ride - alchemy - Teen Wolf. Appreciate the little things - Rena - Teen Wolf. Stiles stares at the ceiling. “Do you think it’s too late to take my life back to God and demand a refund?” He asks no-one in particular. “Because it has seriously reached a level of ridiculousness that I am not willing to deal with.” “Stop whining,” Derek says, but there’s no real heat in his voice although he is wearing his I don’t get paid enough for this shit face.

There’s just the familiar edge of slight irritation, and this time it isn’t even directed at Stiles but at the puppies squirming in his arms, trying to wriggle free of his hold. Stiles does not notice the way the muscles in his stupidly perfect forearms flex as he tightens his grasp. He doesn’t. Stiles sighs. One has to appreciate the little things, these days. Derek shoots him a look of pure disdain and blatant envy. Stiles grins. “Of course you aren’t.” It also looks ridiculously heart-warming. Derek snorts. “Yeah, fuck you very - wait,” Stiles says, running the sentence along in his head again.

Stiles gapes. “Am not.” Three Words - triedunture - Teen Wolf. Call Me Maybe - Rena - Teen Wolf. Allison looks up when he barrels through the door at the eleventh hour, just minutes before their shift starts, and raises her eyebrows. “Am I late?” He asks, out of breath, skidding to a halt next to her and pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Please tell me I’m not late.” “You’re on time,” she says, surreptitiously running her hand across the cheek to wipe away the droplets of water he’s been getting all over her. Anyone else would’ve complained about getting them wet, but Allison, bless her heart, is too polite. Stiles grimaces, shifting on the spot and feeling the way his soaked T-shirt clings to his skin. “I can see that,” she says dryly. “I don’t have anything to dry me off,” Stiles moans, clutching his hair when he catches a look at himself in a nearby mirror.

“I have a towel in my backpack,” Allison says. “You are an angel,” Stiles tells her seriously and takes the towel she holds out, chucking his plaid shirt into his bag. The only real shining light, though, is Allison. “Bilinski!” Happiness Is Not A Horse, You Cannot Harness It - otter - Teen Wolf. Flying Changes - otter - Teen Wolf. Don't Worry Baby - kalpurna - Teen Wolf. Human After All - starsandgraces - Teen Wolf. The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down - Chapter 1 - otter - Teen Wolf. Burn By Night - thebrotherswinchester - Teen Wolf. I Call You Names Because I Love You - tylerfucklin (zimothy) - Teen Wolf.

Not Like Bond & Moneypenny - WhoNatural - Teen Wolf. He Takes His Coffee Black - breenwolf - Teen Wolf. Living Links - Miya_Morana - Teen Wolf. Bonds of Power - Chapter 1 - Miya_Morana - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text Stiles picks up the jar of mountain ash first, because it’s usually a good base, but he puts it back on the counter after a second thought.

Mountain ash tends to repel supernatural creatures and energies, block them off, and that’s not exactly what he’s going for here. Instead, he takes the jar of labradorite dust, smiling a little at the dog-like name, and pours a good handful of it in the bowl in front of him. He adds in a little bit of rosemary, some powdered juniper berries, and a fair dose of basswood bark. Then, a fingertip pressed against his lips, he cocks his head to the side, thinking. “Do you think it’ll work?” “Well,” says Dr. The veterinarian smiles, then opens the wooden box containing a single Indian aconite flower, dissipating the protective spells over it with a brush of his hand. Scott watches nervously as Dr. “Okay,” Stiles says, determined. He kneels in front of the werewolf, pouring the rest of the mixed powder in his right hand.

“Yes!” “Yes. It’s Peter. Tutor!Verse - eriizabeto - Teen Wolf. The One with the Napping - Captain_Loki - Teen Wolf. An awful curse - leah k (blinkiesays) - Teen Wolf. All You Need to Know - Dira Sudis (dsudis) - Teen Wolf. Happy Ending Yoga - blacktofade - Teen Wolf. Practice Makes Perfect - blacktofade - Teen Wolf. We're All Freaks Here - pandacowhipster - Teen Wolf.

I'm Hunting on the Night (We're Playing for the Fights) - SonOfALich - Teen Wolf. Time to Begin - triedunture - Teen Wolf. Muérdago - starbolin - Teen Wolf. A slight apocalypse - 8611 - Teen Wolf. This Is How We Go - skoosiepants - Teen Wolf. On The Job Training - Chapter 1 - suzvoy - Teen Wolf. That Unfortunate Situation - Chapter 1 - 74days - Teen Wolf. Sashay (Stay) - triedunture - Teen Wolf. Outrun Your Ghosts - LolaFeist - Teen Wolf. In quiet, a favor - Helenish - Teen Wolf. Hide Of A Life War - Etharei - Teen Wolf. Famous Last Words - JenNova - Teen Wolf. Help Wanted - Jebiwonkenobi - Teen Wolf. Actual Puppy Derek Hale - tylerfucklin (zimothy) - Teen Wolf. Absence Makes the Dick Grow Fonder - tylerfucklin (zimothy) - Teen Wolf. I Wish That I Could See You Soon - talktowater - Teen Wolf. You wardens of the sky - 8611 - Teen Wolf (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types. My kanima, mine. Last Lovesong of a Dying Lemon - wldnst - Teen Wolf.

12 Days of Hale Publishing - relenafanel - Teen Wolf. Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways - hologramophone - Teen Wolf. Hazelnut, strawberry, and mint - Donatello - Teen Wolf. The Great Pretender - Chapter 1 - talktowater - Teen Wolf. Come Fly With Me (Or Don't) - haynnes - Teen Wolf. And Down We Fell - ali_inthejungle - Teen Wolf. The truth about butts and wolves - verity - Teen Wolf. (Never) Let Me Go - Jerakeen - Teen Wolf. A Couple of Dicks - grangerinvestigations - Teen Wolf. I Had It All Planned Out - entanglednow - Teen Wolf. Wish I Was the Moon Tonight - BewareTheIdes15 - Teen Wolf. Whatever you want (but you're gonna have to ask me) - HalfFizzbin - Teen Wolf. Wake me with the morning light - rufflefeather - Teen Wolf.

Goosebumps pebble - thatfire - Teen Wolf. Hold The Wheel And Drive - GotTheSilver - Teen Wolf. The Creepy Cave - LolaFeist - Teen Wolf. He Gets Me High - talktowater - Teen Wolf.