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How to Make Healthy Habits Stick in the New Year. Every New Years, people make countless resolutions – to earn a pay raise, to lose 10 pounds or to quit smoking – and every year, many of those resolutions fall through. So how do you change resolutions from something you say you’ll do, to something you stick to? A doctor gives his advice. “The problem with resolutions, especially New Years, is that they are sudden changes in lifestyle that are different from what we normally do and easy to sabotage,” said Dr.

Michael Monaco, an MDVIP-affiliated primary care physician. “If you have a bad week, you may overdo it at a party on the weekend, or if you get busy at work, you may not exercise and get out of the routine for a few days.”


Career. Health. Relaxation. Weight Loss. Diary. How to Ace Your Finals Without Studying & Scott H Young. I’ve never been that keen on studying before an exam.

How to Ace Your Finals Without Studying & Scott H Young

I rarely study for more than a half hour, even for big final exams worth more than half my grade. When I do study, I usually just skim over the material and do a few practice questions. For some of my math classes I have yet to do a single practice question for homework. Most people study by cramming in as much information before walking into the test room, whereas I consider studying to be no more than a light stretch before running.

Self Improvement