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WOOD aka the mysterious penis

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Penis Gym - Get the Penis YOU WANT. Your Penis and Size. It may seem rather obvious to a gay guy to start with your penis, but it's amazing just how little we sometimes truly know about our own bodies. One of the most common misconceptions about our penis is the average size of the male member. Penises come in all different shapes, sizes colour and looks, whether it is uncut with a drooping foreskin or cut tightly with a very hard upward swing.

But whatever the size or shape they all serve the same purpose - or do we serve them? If you read pornography you would think that all men have an eight or nine inch cock, but the truth is substantially different from fiction. There have been many studies done in different parts of the world to try and come up with a definitive measurement. The surveys and studies suggest that the average penis is somewhere between 5 and a half to 6 and a quarter inches in length when erect. The average erect penis is between 5 1/2 inches to 6 1/4 inches Anatomy of Your Penis Source Anatomy of the Penis Uncut Cut Penis Size. Penis Enlargement Length Exercise. Penis enlargement exercises - Penis. Penis Size. Penis Size At some point, most young men will wonder how the size of their penis compares to other guys.

Asking this question is a normal part of development, especially if your body is going through some of the normal changes associated with puberty or if you are considering becoming sexually active. Maybe you first asked how you "measured up" when you showered with your teammates in a locker room or if you saw your older brother naked. Wherever or whenever it was, this guide will help to answer some of the questions most young men are asking themselves about their penis size. Is there a normal penis size? Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes - that's partly what makes each of us special and different from each other. Comparing yourself to other guys may lead you to believe that your penis is different in size. When will my penis start to grow in size? Can I change the size of my penis? What should I do if I think my penis is too small? Additional Resources: Updated: 2/28/2012. Penis Size Worldwide.