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Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes video tutorial - Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes - Learn: webdevelopment, python, beginners, application, programming, basics, running, time, little, pages, create, wiki, learn, library, tutorials, http, Django for non-programmers. In the 48 hours since I launched the new version of this site, I’ve been inundated with questions about Django, the Python-based web application framework I used to build it. I’ve pointed many people at the official Django website, which is loaded with great information. However, most of it is aimed at programmers — and rightfully so. Django is, after all, a platform for programming web applications. I wanted to take a moment or two while I still have your attention to tell you why I think Django is a great tool for those of us who really aren’t programmers, as well. I consider myself a web designer. I don’t dabble too deeply into programming.

Enter Django. What is Django? According to the official site, “Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.” Now, if you’re used to building sites using a blogging app (Wordpress, TXP, etc.) as a CMS, you’re used to getting all that for free. How do you build a program with Django? Models. Writing your first Django app, part 1. Let’s learn by example. Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of a basic poll application. It’ll consist of two parts: A public site that lets people view polls and vote in them.An admin site that lets you add, change and delete polls.

We’ll assume you have Django installed already. You can tell Django is installed by running the Python interactive interpreter and typing import django. If that command runs successfully, with no errors, Django is installed. Where to get help: If you’re having trouble going through this tutorial, please post a message to django-users or drop by #django on to chat with other Django users who might be able to help. Creating a project If this is your first time using Django, you’ll have to take care of some initial setup. From the command line, cd into a directory where you’d like to store your code, then run the command startproject mysite. Script name may differ in distribution packages Mac OS X permissions. BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers. Python for Non-Programmers If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience.

If you have programming experience, also check out the BeginnersGuide/Programmers page. Books Each of these books can be purchased online but is also available as free textual, website, or video content. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical Programming for Total Beginners by Al Sweigart is "written for office workers, students, administrators, and anyone who uses a computer to learn how to code small, practical programs to automate tasks on their computer.

" ||website ||print version || How To Think Like a Computer Scientist is a classic open-source book by Allen Downey with contributions from Jeffrey Elkner and Chris Meyers. You can find many free Python books online. Interactive Courses These sites give you instant feedback on programming problems that you can solve in your browser.

Resources for Younger Learners. Learn to Program using Python: Lesson 1, Getting Started — Preface Prerequisites Why Use Python Let's Write a Program Where Do We Go From Here? Review Preface What you will learn This is the first in a series of online tutorial lessons designed to teach you how to program using the Python scripting language. There is something for just about everyone here. Beginners If you don't know anything about programming, these lessons will take you from ground zero to the outer-space habitat of the modern object-oriented computer programmer. Programmers If you already know how to program, these lessons will teach you how to program using the Python scripting language.

Python programmers If you already know how to program using Python, these lessons will teach you how to use the Python scripting language to take advantage of the ever expanding Java programming environment, without the requirement to learn how to program in Java. Java programmers Overall Prerequisites There are only two prerequisites: Knowledge of how to use a computer on the web. Why Use Python? 1. Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY. Solving the third and last layer of the Rubik's cube. Intro | 1st layer | 2nd layer | 3rd layer | Tricks | The other methods To solve the last layer, turn again the cube upside down with the uncompleted face on the top: We are going to make a blue cross, without worrying about the order of the cubes that form the cross. One algorithm and its reverse are necessary: If you have no blue cubes on the top (except the center piece), then you'll have to do firstly one of the algorithms (it doesn't matter the one you choose).

The following algorithm has this effect : The front cube of the cross doesn't move and the other 3 switch round clockwise. If you want the 3 cubes to turn counter-clockwise, apply 2 times the algorithm or apply the reverse algorithm (R U R' U R U² R'). The purpose of this step is to place each corner-cube in its final place, but without worrying about its orientation for the moment. If you want the corners to switch counter-clockwise, apply the algorithm 2 times or apply the reverse algorithm (U R U' L' U R' U L').

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