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IGM Financial Inc. Banque Nationale du Canada : services aux particuliers et aux entreprises. Financière Manuvie – Canada : vous offre des produits d’assurance collective, d’épargne collective, de courtage, d’assurance, de placements ainsi que des produits bancaires répondant à vos besoins (Financière Manuvie – Canada) ACFC - Pour les consommateurs - Foire aux questions (FAQ) Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada. ING DIRECT Canada: Save Your Money! Canada Mortgage and Housing | Société canadienne dhypothèques et de logement. Desjardins, c'est plus qu'une banque - More than a bank... TD Bank Financial Group. Acuity Funds. Standard Life. Magellan Financial Group Australia | Boutique Investment Funds (Global Fund, Infrastructure Fund & Flagship Fund) Management. Mackenzie | Home. Fidelity Canada- Public homepage. Acuity Funds. The Elliott & Page Growth Opportunities Fund.

The Elliott & Page Growth Opportunities Fund Canadian small-cap companies represent some of the best potential for growth in the country and have been enjoying strong returns over the last few years. They are not only poised for growth but are more responsive to change. Small-caps represent the smaller companies in the Canadian economy and typically have a market capitalization of less than one billion dollars.

Many Canadians who invest in Canadian equity funds tend to be overexposed to widely held large-cap Canadian companies. As small-cap stocks perform differently from large-cap stocks, their inclusion in your portfolio is a good way to diversify your holdings and lower overall portfolio risk. Small-caps tend to perform well in times of economic recovery. As part of a diversified portfolio, small-caps are no more risky than other investments. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing / Ministère des affaires municipales et du logement.

Personal Banking. Home Page, Canada's Gas Station.