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MultiCall is the leading group calling app that gives you high-quality audio conferencing with scheduling options to connects people all over the globe.

Pros and Cons of Remote Teams. Pros and Cons of Remote Teams March 29, 2021 As we wrap up the first quarter of the new year, managers are deliberating whether to opt for a fully-on-site workforce for the future, or implement a hybrid office model.

Pros and Cons of Remote Teams

A sense of direction currently is on the rise toward a post COVID-19 era. Consequently, the productivity of employees, along with the challenges of remote work are dependent on the nature of one’s activity. The success of a remote team also depends on the nature of the tasks and type of work that employees need to execute on a regular basis. Benefits of remote teams Increased employee happiness and satisfaction Studies showed that remote employees displayed higher levels of perceived happiness (57%) as opposed to their co-workers who were in-office (50%). Working remotely provides a spectra of advantages that employees may not get as flexibly when working from office.

From a company standpoint, sticking to the remote work format is what employees now demand. The 80-20 Rule to Improve Communication. The 80-20 Rule to Improve Communication March 22, 2021 In both our personal and professional lives, we strive to be more communicative.

The 80-20 Rule to Improve Communication

But then, if we were communicative 100% of the time, wouldn’t life be easy? Reality is, our communications come and go like waves. This is more so considering how aspects such as perceived alienation plague employees as one of many issues in a WFH scenario. A 3-Part Approach To Healthy Debates In A Workplace. A 3-Part Approach To Healthy Debates In A Workplace March 15, 2021 Succeeding in an economy today comes down not just to USPs of products in a given sector, but also the optimum expertise and thinking from around the globe.

A 3-Part Approach To Healthy Debates In A Workplace

Like a Swiss army knife, multiple people are brought together from myriad cultures, work experiences, purposes and perspectives on the challenges that the company faces. In the process, companies end up creating strong management teams that passionately discuss and debate options, challenge one another’s thinking, and find the optimal measures to be accounted for in the zone of probable agreement between both sides of the issues. Ensuring such debates in the workplace remain healthy and not dysfunctional comes down to the trust, emotional intelligence, and courage involved.

Healthy debates are those that focus on the central issue or the behaviours surrounding it ; not the people themselves. Benefits of Team Connectivity. Benefits of Team Connectivity March 9, 2021 It’s not farfetched to say that teams which are connected stand as a powerhouse; a cutting-edge impetus any business can have.

Benefits of Team Connectivity

It does require regular work and clear allocation of tasks and resources, but is not difficult to achieve. But its quintessence comes down to primarily understanding how workers (employers, employees, superiors, subordinates, you name it!). By connecting with one another, managers can help form team connectivity that thrives and lasts. Disengaged Employees And How To Coach Them. Disengaged Employees And How To Coach Them March 1, 2021 Per a global survey by ADP Research Institute, engagement at work ranks highest among employees in India than in other countries.

Disengaged Employees And How To Coach Them

The survey additionally revealed that between 2015 and 2018, India had shown a five per cent increase in the number of employees who were fully engaged. For the record, that’s the highest shown in the world! Ways To Break The Ice With Your Remote Team. Ways To Break The Ice With Your Remote Team February 22, 2021 Probably the first ice breaker we ever remember doing would be in school.

Ways To Break The Ice With Your Remote Team

A teacher would have as stand, have us say our name, possibly play “Two Truths and a Lie”. Out of curiosity, did you even remember your name under that pressure? On a more serious note, though, icebreakers are capable of fostering team closeness, and enhancing employee engagement as well. One of the major WFH problems faced is how remote workers would feel alienated or unsupported. Managing a Crisis in 6 Steps. Managing a Crisis in 6 Steps February 15, 2021 No organization is impregnable to a crisis.

Managing a Crisis in 6 Steps

This day and age of the pandemic has certainly proven that. But besides this, companies are also always vulnerable to other forms of emergencies, be it a product’s server outage, cyber hacking, and so on. Hoping the problem goes away is not much of a solution. VoIP vs PSTN Call. VoIP vs PSTN Call February 8, 2021 The evolution of voice conferencing has evolved radically since the invention of the phone toward the end of the 19th century.

VoIP vs PSTN Call

Evolving from the manual exchange to electromechanical automatic exchanges, it further developed to analogue electronic exchanges and presently to digital exchanges. Multiple features have come in toward smoother and efficient calls, at different performances, purposes and prices. But in a business context, knowing how to make a choice from the variety comes down to knowing the tech, what it entails and what therein works best for you.

These acronyms summarily refer to myriad telephony systems that not just make one’s business more effective, but also more secure as well. If you make or receive a call on a landline phone, you are utilizing the telephony system known as Public Switched Telephone Network. By such operations, infrastructure and services needed for public telecommunication are effectively provided for. Tips To Conduct Your Review Calls Efficiently. Tips To Conduct Your Review Calls Efficiently February 1, 2021 Personally or professionally, regular follow-ups are a way of life, and essential to everyone’s development.

Tips To Conduct Your Review Calls Efficiently

With phone calls lately being an integral part of business communication, and the inability to meet in person, the way review calls are handled can make or break your relationship with your employees. 6 Steps To Manage Your Weekly Review. 6 Steps To Manage Your Weekly Review January 25, 2021 Stop and Think.

6 Steps To Manage Your Weekly Review

We often tend to forget this in the corporate scenario. Not stopping for a weekly review call can lead teams to lose track of tasks (completed or pending) and the performances relevant to them. Lose sleep, and you build up a sleep debt. Set a clear day and time each week Having a review call allows you to have an objective view on your week’s outputs, and even incentivizes you to be proactive with future tasks and their planning, in the manner above. 7 Reasons Why Collaboration Is Important. 7 Reasons Why Collaboration Is Important January 18, 2021 With rapid expansion of information and technology in this day and age, people’s skill sets are on the rise with more and more specializations.

With this in mind, collaboration as a practice has become more important than ever. But here’s the tricky part: what does that mean? What exactly is collaboration? But it’s also a skill to be learnt. Top 5 Sales Tools Needed in 2021. Top 5 Sales Tools Needed in 2021 January 11, 2021 Regardless of whichever department one may be in, the team’s ability to perform up to their maximum potential is only as good as having the right tools to properly deploy their skills. With new trends to watch for in 2021 as remote working persists, it’s crucial to be aware of key sales tools to have in 2021 (or even later!). Let’s take a look! Remote Communication Tool Organizations have increasingly relied upon connectivity as employees worked remotely.

Bearing this in mind , MultiCall is a calling app that allows group collaboration remotely. 7 Telecom Trends to Watch Out for in 2021. 7 Telecom Trends to Watch Out for in 2021 January 4, 2021 With every year that passes, the leaps forward that the telecom industry makes are dynamic, and rapidly rising, evolving radically since the invention of the phone toward the end of the 19th century.

From the manual exchange to electromechanical automatic exchanges, it further developed to analogue electronic exchanges and presently to digital exchanges. Even with voice conferences, multiple features have come in toward smoother and efficient calls, at different performances and purposes. Of course, the sector has been put to the test in dealing with COVID-19, as it became integral to communication needs in the course of prolonged social isolations.

How To Make Presentations Over The Phone More Effective. How to Make Presentations Over The Phone More Effective December 28, 2020 Even in a time like this, businesses grow and your client base continues to expand. Compounded by social distancing, it probably will be challenging to interact with everyone face-to-face. As a result, a challenge rises, in maintaining the same level and continuity of service in a world that is becoming more and more virtual. Presenting over the phone is an appropriate way to do this. With no face-to-face interaction, a greater degree of flawlessness is expected as well, particularly with meeting skills. 5 Benefits for Which MultiCall is Useful for HR Managers. 5 Benefits for which MultiCall is useful for HR Managers December 21, 2020 Among the many aspects that have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic, Human Resource Managers find themselves at the helm of a unique balancing act.

On one hand they have to manage remote teams of employees, and ensure the continuity of planning and recruitment of resources in the other. When it comes to acquiring, training and developing Human Resources, a hiring protocol must predict the performance and capabilities of the candidate. Needless to say, this requires high degrees of communication, and thus requires an appropriate tool with features to help fulfil the needs as such.

With the ability to call many like calling one, it proves useful to HR Managers in the present position for the following ways: 4 Ways MultiCall is Useful for Sales Managers - MultiCall. How to Overcome The Seven Barriers to Effective Communications - MultiCall. How to Overcome The Seven Barriers to Effective Communications December 7, 2020 Communication between two individuals should be simple. Keeping it simple keeps it successful in getting your point across to the person you're communicating with. It's essential to know that there are differences between talking and communicating. When we talk, we tend to build or establish barriers that hinder our ability to communicate.

Physical Barriers Physical barriers include everything from your personal space to your office desk; essentially any part of your immediate environment in which you wouldn’t allow strangers into. 5 Benefits of International Group Calling - MultiCall. 5 Steps in Building a Good Remote Team Culture - MultiCall. 5 Steps in Building a Good Remote Team Culture November 23, 2020 Managers prioritize efficient and effective tools and processes, given multiple remote teams at this time of the pandemic. Why Teamwork and Collaboration are Key to Productivity - MultiCall. Why Teamwork and Collaboration are Key to Productivity November 16, 2020 It’s of little doubt by now that the future of work is relaxed.

With technology standing by, and paradigm shifts in the dynamics of a workplace, it is clear that the concept of virtually permanent Work from Home is one that’s here for good. 5 Benefits of Call Recording - MultiCall. 5 Benefits of Call Recording November 9, 2020 Over the years and years of its evolution, telephone conferencing (or teleconferencing in short) has become the most preferred tool of collaboration utilized by businesses globally in order to communicate and coordinate their activities. Plan for a Perfect Networking Call in 8 Steps - MultiCall. Mistakes to Avoid When Managing a Remote Team - MultiCall. Mistakes to Avoid When Managing a Remote Team October 27, 2020 Remote Team Management is no easy task. How MultiCall is a Useful Tool for all Creative Professionals - MultiCall.

4 Steps to Resolve Conflicts Within Remote Teams - MultiCall. Top 5 Apps for Group Calling - MultiCall. Why MultiCall is an Essential Tool for Managers. 6 Ways To Have A Mindset of Growth in Crisis - MultiCall. 5 Tips to Completing Projects on Time - MultiCall. A Pilot’s Guide to Effective Communication - MultiCall. 5 WFH Issues During COVID and Tackling Them - MultiCall. 6 Tips To Build Trust With Your Team Over Call - MultiCall. 5 Tips Toward Motivating Employees on Call - MultiCall. 9 Tips to Better Task Allocation - MultiCall. Using MultiCall - Everything You Need To Know - MultiCall. Call Scheduling & When To Use It - MultiCall. Call Monitoring – A Useful Feature of MultiCall - MultiCall. 5 Key Drivers of The Telecommunications Industry - MultiCall. MultiCall for Individuals – The Best One for You? - MultiCall.

MultiCall for Business Price Plans – The Best One for Your Business? - MultiCall. 8 Tips for being a Better Manager - MultiCall. 10 Communication Tools for Business - MultiCall. Top 5 Brainstorming Techniques - MultiCall. 5 Communication Elements of an Efficient & Effective Leader - MultiCall. MultiCall – The Next Gen Conferencing App - MultiCall. 5 Issues With VoIP Calls MultiCall Can Solve. 10 Tips To Being an Effective Communicator Over Phone - MultiCall.

What Have We Learnt From CoViD-19? MultiCall for Business: A Tour - MultiCall. 5 Ways to Improve Productivity of a Business - MultiCall. Types of One to Many Voice Calling Solution. 10 Tips To Better Team Communication - MultiCall. 5 Stages in the Evolution of Voice Conferencing - MultiCall. 5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs MultiCall. 5 Impacts of CoViD-19 on Telecommunications - MultiCall. Delivering Sales Pitch Over A Conference Call - MultiCall. 7 Features A Group Calling App Should Have - MultiCall. Why a Voice Call is better than Video Call for Group Communication - MultiCall.

Why a Voice Call is better than Video Call for Group Communication

5 Reasons Teleconferencing is the Future of Work. 5 Tips to Make Work-from-Home Productive. 10 Tips for Effective MultiCalling. Group Call & Conference Calling App for iOS. Group Call & Conference Calling App for Android. Group Call & Conference Calling App.